No More Carrying Groceries Home!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
"A new mobile shopping experience is coming to major cities around China with a subway network, and is currently being tested in Shanghai and Beijing.

The idea is simple -- and it's basically a rip-off of what Tesco Homeplus has done in South Korea, where mobile penetration rates are among the highest in the world.

Subway stations have been converted into virtual supermarkets. All you'll need to do is to scan the QR codes of the products you want, and once you're done with your purchase, the goods are delivered to your doorstep when you get home. Shopping done!

So successful and game-changing is this technology that Tesco has become the top online supermarket in South Korea and a "very close second" offline."

Subway supermarket shopping comes to Shanghai - Shanghaiist

[ame=]Virtual QR Code Supermarket in Korean Subway - Tesco - YouTube[/ame]
So cool.

In my hometown, the market delivered groceries to your door. On Sundays we'd call for eggs, milk, bacon, bread, and not have to leave home or get out of our was great.

They also allowed you to charge to your account...also great. I miss that.
In Tokyo, almost every subway stop there are a plethora of shops and small places to get stuff to eat. Some of the best Yakitori and Noodles I ever ate was at a Subway stop in Tokyo.
Does anyone actually go grocery shopping any more? I order on line and have them delivered.

well, when it comes to vegetables, fruits etc. I like to pick by hand ;) fish too, actually I go to a real butcher shop to get our meat and fish, but for the standard fair, paper products, canned goods etc, yea I can see this as doable in an urban environment.
Does anyone actually go grocery shopping any more? I order on line and have them delivered.

I've never had that option, where do you live? Cuz I still have to go shopping, and if I could avoid it I would.

I might even consider relocating for such a luxury!
Does anyone actually go grocery shopping any more? I order on line and have them delivered.

well, when it comes to vegetables, fruits etc. I like to pick by hand ;) fish too, actually I go to a real butcher shop to get our meat and fish, but for the standard fair, paper products, canned goods etc, yea I can see this as doable in an urban environment.

I buy from a local farm store for a lot. But standard household stuff, that I use the net for.
I'd miss all the social excitement of actually seeing and chatting with REAL PEOPLE in person for a change. Going grocery shopping keeps me sane.. (great alternative to on-line dating. you should try it)

But it's cool.. And 3bucks to handle it is just about a pizza delivery tip anyway.
Does anyone still cook?

Like, you know...recipies...aromas...quick tastes before it goes into the oven...a sip of wine while you watch the timer count down...

Mc'Donalds will not inherit the earth.
Does anyone actually go grocery shopping any more? I order on line and have them delivered.

I still do. The local food delivery place is rather overpriced. I would love to order online but find that I won't do so unless the prices are comparable.

They charge? :eek: Not here. I log on, and all the items I usually purchase are in my 'favorites', I check what I want, add any extras, hit 'check out', click 'paypal', check a delivery time and date and I'm done.

My local farm store will also deliver, and I sometimes do that but I kinda like to go there and check out what's nice... and they have a really nice coffee shop attached with homemade cake and stuff.
Does anyone still cook?

Like, you know...recipies...aromas...quick tastes before it goes into the oven...a sip of wine while you watch the timer count down...

Mc'Donalds will not inherit the earth.

Of course. Why would I order from a grocery story if I wanted fast food.

But the grocery shopping is part of the whole thing.

The smell of fresh clove and cilantro...the sight of pure orange mandarines....

It is part of the experience.
Does anyone still cook?

Like, you know...recipies...aromas...quick tastes before it goes into the oven...a sip of wine while you watch the timer count down...

Mc'Donalds will not inherit the earth.

We're talking about groceries, not ordering fast food.
For a price.

I think there's a charge for about two pounds...and free after fifteen pounds...

Of course, your local supermarket probably has lower prices...

Oh...I forgot...this might mean the end of your job as greeter at Wal-Marts!

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[ame=]Jeff Dunham and Walter (Welcome to Walmart) - YouTube[/ame]
Does anyone actually go grocery shopping any more? I order on line and have them delivered.
My sister who lives in SoCal used to do that (maybe 10 years ago?)but she didn't like the fact thatmshe couldn't be choosey with the produce and it was a little mor expensivethan she liked. My wife and I have never done it.

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