NO KIDDING!! -Obama says gas prices will go down when economy collapses"..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
President Obama on gas prices at the debate:
"Think about what the Governor just said. He said when I took office, the price of gasoline was $1.80, $1.86, why is that? Because the economy was on the verge of collapse."
Obama: Gas Prices Were Low Because Economy Was On Verge Of Collapse | RealClearPolitics

WOW...! What a novel solution to high gas prices!
Just have more people unemployed!
Have a lower GDP!

Is that the way Obama sees the economy? The more the economy gets worse the LOWER gas prices will go???
AND you notice Obama DID NOT answer the question from Phillip Tricolla.

QUESTION: Your energy secretary, Steven Chu, has now been on record three times stating it’s not policy of his department to help lower gas prices. Do you agree with Secretary Chu that this is not the job of the Energy Department?

NO ANSWER from Obama as to Chu's comment.

It should be noted that Chu WANTED gas prices to go higher and I quote:

“Somehow,” Chu said, “we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”

Read more: Steven Chu's Europe gas quote haunts President Obama - Bob King -
Where's your outrage post highlighting that Romney ignored the question about which loopholes and deductions he would specifically eliminate?
Where's your outrage post highlighting that Romney ignored the question about which loopholes and deductions he would specifically eliminate?

Off topic, yes? :eusa_whistle:

Let me check.....

Nope. I responded to the 2nd post in the thread.

Thanks for asking though.

I guess your right, Obama really is haunted by Chu's comments on increasing gas prices to European levels. Doesn't bode well for Obama. I stand corrected.
Questions either answered with a new and different question/topic....that's how it's done. Politicians are masters at this tactic.
President Obama on gas prices at the debate:
"Think about what the Governor just said. He said when I took office, the price of gasoline was $1.80, $1.86, why is that? Because the economy was on the verge of collapse."
Obama: Gas Prices Were Low Because Economy Was On Verge Of Collapse | RealClearPolitics

WOW...! What a novel solution to high gas prices!
Just have more people unemployed!
Have a lower GDP!

Is that the way Obama sees the economy? The more the economy gets worse the LOWER gas prices will go???

Gas prices are determined by supply and demand. We will pay no less than whatever China and the rest of the world are willing to pay.
Gas prices are determined by supply and demand.

Gas prices are determined by the Saudi's - you stupid son of a bitch.

That's why Romney wants to drill in CONUS and be independent.

Put your mouth back on Obama's ass and suck some natural gas.
Where's your outrage post highlighting that Romney ignored the question about which loopholes and deductions he would specifically eliminate?

Because Romney has already explained if you payed close attention!

First of all do you have ANY idea as to the amounts and types of loopholes and deductions?

I do but I'm not wasting my time because YOU obviously don't comprehend what a "Loophole" IS!

Here is one just a clue for you!
Let's USE OBAMA's tax return because HE is so fond of being his "brother's keeper"!!!
OBAMA??? As you know he keeps telling us we are our "brother's keepers" all the while his brother lives in $12 a year hut! YET Obama donated LESS in % 14.18% of gross income in
Obama Taxes
$1,728,096 Obama's adjusted gross income
245,075 14.18% of his income as donations to charities
49,945 home mortgage interest
122,527 Long term capital loss CARRYOVER!!! 7% sheltered income!!
Obama's 2010 Tax Returns

Romney proposes limitations on deductions that Millionaires like Obama can take!
In the above case Obama made $1.7 million and DEDUCTED from his taxes the above $417,547 in mortgage,donations, long term loss carry over!

So as Romney suggests being over $250,000 in taxable income Obama would have a maximum of $50,000 in deductions... from any one or three of
the deductions... As a result Obama's adjusted taxable income would be $2,095,643 THEN instead of a tax bracket of 35% Romney drops to 25%.

That means instead of Obama paying ONLY $416,734, roughly 23% of their total income Obama would pay $107,176 more in taxes!

But of course again this goes WAY over your head doesn't it? Math makes your head spin right???
Well maybe you should leave it up to the adults to work out what you should pay OK???
to bad the price of gas during bushs term was an average around 2$ it was lower the entire time not just at the recession, at the end of his term.
President Obama on gas prices at the debate:
"Think about what the Governor just said. He said when I took office, the price of gasoline was $1.80, $1.86, why is that? Because the economy was on the verge of collapse."
Obama: Gas Prices Were Low Because Economy Was On Verge Of Collapse | RealClearPolitics

WOW...! What a novel solution to high gas prices!
Just have more people unemployed!
Have a lower GDP!

Is that the way Obama sees the economy? The more the economy gets worse the LOWER gas prices will go???

Of course that is how he thinks.

My guess is they are going to spend a few days walking that one back.
Is that the way Obama sees the economy? The more the economy gets worse the LOWER gas prices will go???

Yeah, that's exactly what he meant

Never mind that Romney has been using that line of attack taken out of context -- not mentioning the fact that just before the financial collapse, gas prices were as high as they are now.

I guess Obama was just supposed to roll over and take it.
President Obama on gas prices at the debate:
"Think about what the Governor just said. He said when I took office, the price of gasoline was $1.80, $1.86, why is that? Because the economy was on the verge of collapse."
Obama: Gas Prices Were Low Because Economy Was On Verge Of Collapse | RealClearPolitics

WOW...! What a novel solution to high gas prices!
Just have more people unemployed!
Have a lower GDP!

Is that the way Obama sees the economy? The more the economy gets worse the LOWER gas prices will go???

Let see on 10/19/2008 gas priced at 3.4990 per gallon.

11/04/2008 it was 2.2390

By 12/29/2008 it had dropped to 1.5890

Of course history shows that gas prices throughout 2008 were well above 3.00 per gallon, untill the colaspe happened.

So he was right, the way he sees it, if Mittems is elected we might have another horrible downturn and prices will fall.........
President Obama on gas prices at the debate:
"Think about what the Governor just said. He said when I took office, the price of gasoline was $1.80, $1.86, why is that? Because the economy was on the verge of collapse."
Obama: Gas Prices Were Low Because Economy Was On Verge Of Collapse | RealClearPolitics

WOW...! What a novel solution to high gas prices!
Just have more people unemployed!
Have a lower GDP!

Is that the way Obama sees the economy? The more the economy gets worse the LOWER gas prices will go???

The President's remark about gas prices demonstrates a profound ignorance about economics on many levels. He has revealed a shocking shallowness in the understanding he has not only of the economy, but of the nature of the crash.

The price of oil dropped because when investors realized the housing bubble was over, they rushed into commodities, creating a commodities bubble. And then that, too, popped. Regardless of the derivatives bubble crash, the commodities bubble was going to pop even in a boom economy.

And $1.86 was not some new low, either. So he doesn't even know the history of gas prices!

It is a good thing for Obama he has someone else managing his investments for him. He'd be broke in six minutes if he was managing it himself.


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The price of oil dropped because when investors realized the housing bubble was over, they rushed into commodities, creating a commodities bubble. And then that, too, popped. Regardless of the derivatives bubble crash, the commodities bubble was going to pop even in a boom economy.

Have anything to support this hypothesis?
The price of oil dropped because when investors realized the housing bubble was over, they rushed into commodities, creating a commodities bubble. And then that, too, popped. Regardless of the derivatives bubble crash, the commodities bubble was going to pop even in a boom economy.

Have anything to support this hypothesis?

The fall of crude from $140 to $30 in an 8 month span should give you a hint.

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