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Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
Let me ask you one question, do you really think they were going to allow "the first black President" to be in for one term?

W Bush:

Bush was selected as President because our left-wing internationalist leaders thought it would be funny to have a conservative that sounds like an idiot no matter what he says. Just like Scalia sounds like a vampire, and Boehner is a big crybaby. They knew they were going to have problems in the Middle East so they needed a Republican President to declare war, so they could keep up their "peaceful Democrat" act , even though 99% of elected Democrats would approve every war effort.

Especially Bush's second term, America is watching as two guys are on stage giving each other the secret Skull and Bones hand shake, thinking there will be a political debate. The only thing Kerry had to say was he would end the war, many conservatives probably would have voted for him. What does he say? "I would run the war better"


To help raise votes for a Democrat President, the media played news of the deaths of soldiers in the Middle East. Americans have been falsely told that the Democrats are the party of peace. If fact, the socialists are the largest mass-murders in world history. The news of deaths disappeared after Obama was elected, as well as talk about the national debt, and the Democrat's efforts to change Constitutional law to allow people who weren't born here to be President. The Obama-McCain election was symbolic, the first serious black nominee vs. McCain who is from a slave owning family. 150 years after the end of the Civil War there is a black President and confederate flags are ordered to be removed, There's nothing democratic about it. Another 'advantage' of Obama being selected is he has the name Hussein, as we're bombing the sht out of the middle east, by placing a Hussein as President, our loony leaders prove to themselves they are not racist.

No way in hell was Obama going to lose his second term. "The first black President" being kicked out after one term? wasn't going to happen. Wouldn't look good in the history book chief. The media allowed all the Republicans to go on TV and BS all they wanted, none of them had a chance.


They're talking about nothing other than "Obama's legacy", and what that means is there needs to be another Democrat President, because they're worried a Republican might over-turn something.

You're going to see a lot of hopeless Republicans babbling again.

In my opinion , I think it's unlikely Hillary, who couldn't handle being secretary of state, will be promoted to President.

Now that the left-wing has officially declared the Republicans "need Hispanic votes to win", suddenly we get candidates with Hispanic names out of nowhere. How do Republicans to take them seriously? Why , they're more radical , more Tea Party, then most ...that's how. Marc Rubio is a fraud, they guy will tell you anything you want to hear to get your vote.

Now that the left-wing has officially declared the Republicans "need Hispanic votes to win", suddenly we get Trump , who has been around forever, saying he wants to be President and making all kinds of remarks about kicking out immigrants. All these years went by, all these millions of people have been invited to ransack America , and now, after the left-wing announces Republicans NEED Hispanic votes, we get a guy saying he's going to kick them out.

You don't find anything suspicious about that?

The Spanish TV stations, who already spend most of their time talking about border patrol, and going to broadcast everything Trump says and attach that to the whole Republican party. The Democrats, with the help of Trump, are creating the pro-Democrat Hispanic landslide that normally doesn't happen.
The Democrats, with the help of Trump, are creating the pro-Democrat Hispanic landslide that normally doesn't happen.
One of my neighbors is of Mexican origin living in the US for decades. Hard working individual raising pigs, trading cattle and such. We talked a while back and I do not know how or what brought him to say: "these fucking Mexicans…" I wonder who he will vote for… Next time I see him I will ask.

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