No Free Speech For Whites in Obamanation

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
WAFB Channel 9, Baton Rouge, LA |David Duke denied use of Memphis hotels

You may not like David Duke, but just think of the reaction if Al Sharpton were treated the same way.

MEMPHIS, TN (WAFB) - Former KKK grand wizard, David Duke, is making headlines again. The former Louisiana state representative is hosting a conference in north Mississippi this weekend, but he's not getting a lot of support from the locals just south of Memphis.

Duke has some strong words for our nation as it elects its first black president. However, he won't be able to share those words in several places in Tennessee. Two areas near Memphis dismissed Duke and his group.

He wanted to stage his white civil rights group conference at the Whispering Woods Hotel and Conference Center, but after receiving some criticism, it canceled Duke's plans at the location. Duke was not happy with the move and says they are playing with his rights. "And certainly, we have the right to express them in Memphis, Tennessee, New Orleans or Chicago, or anywhere else in this country," he says.
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WAFB Channel 9, Baton Rouge, LA |David Duke denied use of Memphis hotels

You may not like David Duke, but just think of the reaction if Al Sharpton were treated the same way.

MEMPHIS, TN (WAFB) - Former KKK grand wizard, David Duke, is making headlines again. The former Louisiana state representative is hosting a conference in north Mississippi this weekend, but he's not getting a lot of support from the locals just south of Memphis.

Duke has some strong words for our nation as it elects its first black president. However, he won't be able to share those words in several places in Tennessee. Two areas near Memphis dismissed Duke and his group.

He wanted to stage his white civil rights group conference at the Whispering Woods Hotel and Conference Center, but after receiving some criticism, it canceled Duke's plans at the location. Duke was not happy with the move and says they are playing with his rights. "And certainly, we have the right to express them in Memphis, Tennessee, New Orleans or Chicago, or anywhere else in this country," he says.
Dont you know man thats reversed racism you cant win for losing?!?!?!?and it will get worse mark it down, the dumbed down liberal leftist will be the last to finally realize it but much much to late........
WAFB Channel 9, Baton Rouge, LA |David Duke denied use of Memphis hotels

You may not like David Duke, but just think of the reaction if Al Sharpton were treated the same way.

MEMPHIS, TN (WAFB) - Former KKK grand wizard, David Duke, is making headlines again. The former Louisiana state representative is hosting a conference in north Mississippi this weekend, but he's not getting a lot of support from the locals just south of Memphis.

Duke has some strong words for our nation as it elects its first black president. However, he won't be able to share those words in several places in Tennessee. Two areas near Memphis dismissed Duke and his group.

He wanted to stage his white civil rights group conference at the Whispering Woods Hotel and Conference Center, but after receiving some criticism, it canceled Duke's plans at the location. Duke was not happy with the move and says they are playing with his rights. "And certainly, we have the right to express them in Memphis, Tennessee, New Orleans or Chicago, or anywhere else in this country," he says.

I'm curious. Was David Duke actually the Grand Wizard of the KKK?

Spare me the stupid answers folks. Legit question. If he was, I'd like to see some evidence.
Whether or not you agree with a man's politics....what happened to freedom of speech? As far as I know, Revered Wright is still out there giving sermons. David Duke deserves the same respect.
Amazing how so many people STILL don't understand the concept of freedom of speech.

And yes, Gunny, he was very active in the Klan, I believe he was a GW...he started a chapter at LSU while in school.
Historically, private places of business could cancel someone's 'event' if they wanted to. No more. If the speaker is black, you must allow them to speak otherwise you will be labeled a racist and law enforcement will come after you. Obviously, the same doesn't hold true for whites.
And yes, Gunny, he was very active in the Klan, I believe he was a GW...he started a chapter at LSU while in school.

Yes, it's true.

David Duke

David Duke is probably America's most famous unapologetic racist and anti-Semite. "Our clear goal," he has said, "must be the advancement of the white race and separation of the white and black races. This goal must include freeing of the American media and government from subservient Jewish interests." He opposes integration, calls himself a "white nationalist", and his political perspectives are colored almost entirely by race.

His father was an engineer for Shell Oil, his mother was an alcoholic, and his family employed a black maid Duke called Pinky, who was always careful to use the toilet in the utility room, not the home's main toilet. Growing up in Louisiana, he rooted for the South in every Civil War movie, and came to believe that the South had been right. At 13, he was reading racist material from the New Orleans office of the White Citizens Council, and at 17 he joined the Ku Klux Klan (KKK).

At Louisiana State University he founded the White Youth Alliance. He was active in the school's ROTC program, winning the Outstanding Cadet Award before being booted from the group for his racist activism. He was known on campus as the guy who wore his Nazi uniform while handing out hate literature.

He was elected Grand Wizard of the KKK, and held that office from 1974-78. He was something of a moderate for the Klan, referring to himself as the group's "National Director" instead of Grand Wizard, wearing a suit and tie instead of the traditional white robes, and urging members to mainstream the group by getting "out of the cow pasture and into hotel meeting rooms." He established the National Association for the Advancement of White People in 1980.

In 1988 he ran in several Democratic Presidential campaigns, winning no primaries and gaining substantial votes only in the South, but the campaign was given widespread media coverage, which made Duke famous. In 1989 he switched parties and was elected to the Louisiana House as a Republican. In 1990 he ran for the US Senate, receiving 44% of the vote against the Democratic incumbent, J. Bennett Johnston. In his 1991 campaign for Louisiana Governor, he received 39% of the vote, losing to Edwin Edwards. In 1996, when Johnson retired from the Senate, Duke ran in a crowded field, garnering about 11.5% as Democrat Mary Landrieu was elected. In 1999 he ran for US Congress, getting 19% of the vote as Republican David Vitter defeated fellow Republican and former Governor David C. Treen.

David Duke's View Of An Obama Presidency
David Duke's View Of An Obama Presidency : NPR
He was elected Grand Wizard of the KKK, and held that office from 1974-78. He was something of a moderate for the Klan, referring to himself as the group's "National Director" instead of Grand Wizard, wearing a suit and tie instead of the traditional white robes, and urging members to mainstream the group by getting "out of the cow pasture and into hotel meeting rooms." He established the National Association for the Advancement of White People in 1980.

Yes, the kinder, gentler KKK.................:eusa_whistle:
Historically, private places of business could cancel someone's 'event' if they wanted to. No more. If the speaker is black, you must allow them to speak otherwise you will be labeled a racist and law enforcement will come after you. Obviously, the same doesn't hold true for whites.
Still incorrect. The hotel is free to turn away anyone's business. And it has absolutely nothing to do with freedom of speech.
Yes, then I saw this at the NPR link...not exactly an issue of "free speech"!

Former Skinhead On Alleged Plot To Kill Obama

Former Skinhead On Alleged Plot To Kill Obama : NPR

Obama's Candidacy Angers, Excites Hate Groups

Former Skinhead On Alleged Plot To Kill Obama : NPR

Catalyst For A Race War

Tim Zaal, a former white supremacist from Los Angeles, says the split Obama has created is almost generational — between old-school Ku Klux Klan types who are viscerally against a black man running for president and a new wave of haters.

"You have the more — kind-of strange to say it — progressive white attitude: The worse it gets, the better," said Zaal.

Zaal says the new generation is particularly focused on what they see as the coming race war. They have been trying to spark one for years. Some think, even hope, that an Obama presidency will do just that.

Zaal says some will actually vote for Obama to send the country into a tailspin. "The faster this country falls, the sooner white revolution will arise," he said.

That mindset is all over the neo-Nazi Web sites. On one, a man with the pen name "LastOfMyKind" wrote, "Could it be that the nomination of Obama finally sparks a sense of unity in white voters? I would propose that this threat of black rule may very well be the thing that finally scares some sense back into complacent whites."

This is what worries the police and the FBI.

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