No Charges for Clinton


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
I mean did anyone actually believe that?

Get ready for the stupid meat puppets to laugh when the FBI director says there will be NO INDICTMENT.

Trust me, they are going to act as though they were right all along as if any of us actually believed there would be.

Just another sign of this world movement towards one world socialist new world order government marching on.
As I have been saying since at least's those indictments coming?
You tell us puppet. How must it be to be on the politically correct side of every issue. What a simple little joyful world you live in.
I never thought they would, seldom are people indicted for being incompetent and downright stupid. Thankfully.
I mean did anyone actually believe that?
People have been saying it repeatedly. Why would they, if they didn't believe it? Are you saying we should ignore what the wingnuts say? I've been cool with that ever since the "President Romney is a lock" scam. :laugh2:
I never thought they would, seldom are people indicted for being incompetent and downright stupid. Thankfully.
Well, the emails were not about being incompetent. Far more than that.

But whatever.

It will be funny watching the dumb morons celebrate.
I never thought they would, seldom are people indicted for being incompetent and downright stupid. Thankfully.
Well, the emails were not about being incompetent. Far more than that.

But whatever.

It will be funny watching the dumb morons celebrate.

Well if she was guilty then try her, if not then her only defense is that she is incompetent and stupid.
I never thought they would, seldom are people indicted for being incompetent and downright stupid. Thankfully.
Well, the emails were not about being incompetent. Far more than that.

But whatever.

It will be funny watching the dumb morons celebrate.

Well if she was guilty then try her, if not then her only defense is that she is incompetent and stupid.
The fix is in and it is true. They can retrieve the 30,000 deleted emails. Not all that hard.

There has been crime after crime, and there will be NO indictment. Make no mistake, the fix is in. Period.

Like I said, it is more than incompetence with this witch. She will get away with it, and the pathetic will laugh and giggle.
It's not a matter about her being indicated, it's about her and her husband lying to the public and denying they did wrong and exposing them. He denied the affair, then reneged, so what other allegations is he covering up like his wife. Hillary had five questionable controversial accusations facing her; White water, a child rape case, Benghazi, and emails, as well as the establishments support.

The Clintons are a foul smelling, rotten to the core crime syndicate that would sell America in exchange for power.
The elite can openly violate law without fear of any consequences. We are now just another Banana Republic.
Lady Justice has had her blindfold ripped off.


Bye bye Donald:

FBI Director: No Charges Appropriate in Clinton Email Investigation"

FBI Director James Comey said Tuesday "no charges are appropriate in" the investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server as secretary of state.

He said the FBI finished its investigation and is deferring the matter to the DOJ for prosecutorial decision.

FBI Director: No Charges Appropriate in Clinton Email Investigation

My opinion.....this issue will be dead in 3-4 days....Hillary skates and likely will be the next POTUS. TOO BAD!
Bye bye Donald:

FBI Director: No Charges Appropriate in Clinton Email Investigation"
FBI Director James Comey said Tuesday "no charges are appropriate in" the investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server as secretary of state.

He said the FBI finished its investigation and is deferring the matter to the DOJ for prosecutorial decision.

FBI Director: No Charges Appropriate in Clinton Email Investigation

You do realize that this is fodder for Trump's "The government is unresponsive to normal people" attacks, right?

"She did something wrong, but she should get away with it because ???????"
I heard it on TV from the horses mouth in the FBI.

Essentially, he admitted that what Hillary did was breaking the rules and negligent, but added that since he could find no evidence that such negligence was intentional, no charges should be brought against her. And even though there is evidence that very sensitive top secret information was given to enemies of the US abroad, it was not found that such activity was intentional.

The speech ended by saying that if other people were found to have done something similar, then they would be dealt with on a case by case basis and their fate would be determined by other departments. However, as far as the FBI is concerned, Hillary is ready to be the next POTUS.

Now where can Hillary hide until November 4?
I have worked with classified information/documents for more than 25 years and what Hilalry Clinton did putting classified documents ona personal server is ILLEGAL and had I or anyone else done that even once we would have gone to prison.

But not the sacred protected members of the Political Class that are entwined with the Multinational Corporate Networks. These bastards can do ANYTHING and they will walk away unscathed.

I am so disgusted with the FBI I could scream!

Shame on them! SHAME SHAME SHAME!

They sould be scrapped and rebuilt as a subsidiary to the BATFE.

For fucking Christs sake, they are not dependable and entirely political creatures.

Had the US Marshalls Service is one of the few remaining entities not corrupted by the Obama slime bags.

Comey, you will be remember decades from now as the FBI Director who did not have the courage to stand up for law and order.

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