No agenda, huh! Kavanaugh Accuser Signed Letter Fighting Trump Border Enforcement

Conservatives have no problem with rape

The more we look into this WHORE, the more we find out about HER AGENDA!...How can the DemonRATS be this stupid?

The woman accusing President Trump’s United States Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of a “rape attempt” when the two were in high school previously signed a letter fighting Trump’s “Zero Tolerance” policy at the U.S.-Mexico border.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)—an open borders advocacy organization—letter was written and sent to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and Attorney General Jeff Sessions in June.

Christine Blasey Ford, a psychology professor, signed the ACLU letter as “Christine Blasey Ph.D. Psychologist,” signing off on statements that accused Trump of using southern border enforcement to “traumatize children” and claimed the Zero Tolerance policy was “violating fundamental human rights.”

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Miss Ford has an agenda but only the Devil knows. I would rather be a scab on the belly of a whore than a below deck sailor on a Man-o-War.
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The more we look into this WHORE, the more we find out about HER AGENDA!...How can the DemonRATS be this stupid?

The woman accusing President Trump’s United States Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of a “rape attempt” when the two were in high school previously signed a letter fighting Trump’s “Zero Tolerance” policy at the U.S.-Mexico border.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)—an open borders advocacy organization—letter was written and sent to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and Attorney General Jeff Sessions in June.

Christine Blasey Ford, a psychology professor, signed the ACLU letter as “Christine Blasey Ph.D. Psychologist,” signing off on statements that accused Trump of using southern border enforcement to “traumatize children” and claimed the Zero Tolerance policy was “violating fundamental human rights.”

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There is absolutely nothing to suggest that Dr. Ford was ever paid for anything; neither for sex nor signing this letter. Isn't she entitled to exercise her political rights as an American to sign this letter? As a psychologist, this letter would be within the expertise of her profession. I notice that you love, love, love Roy Moore, accused by about ten people or harassing teenagers, when he was one of Alabama's greatest whores.
The more we look into this WHORE, the more we find out about HER AGENDA!...How can the DemonRATS be this stupid?

The woman accusing President Trump’s United States Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of a “rape attempt” when the two were in high school previously signed a letter fighting Trump’s “Zero Tolerance” policy at the U.S.-Mexico border.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)—an open borders advocacy organization—letter was written and sent to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and Attorney General Jeff Sessions in June.

Christine Blasey Ford, a psychology professor, signed the ACLU letter as “Christine Blasey Ph.D. Psychologist,” signing off on statements that accused Trump of using southern border enforcement to “traumatize children” and claimed the Zero Tolerance policy was “violating fundamental human rights.”

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There is absolutely nothing to suggest that Dr. Ford was ever paid for anything; neither for sex nor signing this letter. Isn't she entitled to exercise her political rights as an American to sign this letter? As a psychologist, this letter would be within the expertise of her profession. I notice that you love, love, love Roy Moore, accused by about ten people or harassing teenagers, when he was one of Alabama's greatest whores.

I did not know that Miss Ford is a Doctor. Assuming she is not a medical doctor, what field of science is her PHD?
The more we look into this WHORE, the more we find out about HER AGENDA!...How can the DemonRATS be this stupid?

The woman accusing President Trump’s United States Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of a “rape attempt” when the two were in high school previously signed a letter fighting Trump’s “Zero Tolerance” policy at the U.S.-Mexico border.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)—an open borders advocacy organization—letter was written and sent to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and Attorney General Jeff Sessions in June.

Christine Blasey Ford, a psychology professor, signed the ACLU letter as “Christine Blasey Ph.D. Psychologist,” signing off on statements that accused Trump of using southern border enforcement to “traumatize children” and claimed the Zero Tolerance policy was “violating fundamental human rights.”

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WHORE? That killed your thread credibility right there.

What do you call a bimbo that gets paid to lie...a whore....simple....and you?

Who paid her? Credible proof?

Liar? Credible proof?
Check out the squaw all of a sudden concerned about credible evidence. Demented fucking liberals believe anything.
Miss Ford is rabid is my prognosis and recommend a total lobotomy.
The more we look into this WHORE, the more we find out about HER AGENDA!...How can the DemonRATS be this stupid?

The woman accusing President Trump’s United States Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of a “rape attempt” when the two were in high school previously signed a letter fighting Trump’s “Zero Tolerance” policy at the U.S.-Mexico border.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)—an open borders advocacy organization—letter was written and sent to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and Attorney General Jeff Sessions in June.

Christine Blasey Ford, a psychology professor, signed the ACLU letter as “Christine Blasey Ph.D. Psychologist,” signing off on statements that accused Trump of using southern border enforcement to “traumatize children” and claimed the Zero Tolerance policy was “violating fundamental human rights.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


There is absolutely nothing to suggest that Dr. Ford was ever paid for anything; neither for sex nor signing this letter. Isn't she entitled to exercise her political rights as an American to sign this letter? As a psychologist, this letter would be within the expertise of her profession. I notice that you love, love, love Roy Moore, accused by about ten people or harassing teenagers, when he was one of Alabama's greatest whores.

I did not know that Miss Ford is a Doctor. Assuming she is not a medical doctor, what field of science is her PHD?

Which begs the question even more severely: Why is this lady only coming out with this accusation now? Why not when he was nominated? Why not when he was being considered for the appeals court? This is clearly a desperate, last-gasp smear attempt.
65 women who have known Kavanaugh since high school says the bitch is off her rocker.

This is the kind of dishonesty we see from the filthy Democrats all the time.

They found a Libtard Moon Bat asshole kunt that went to high school with him to fabricate a bullshit story in order to get one or two RINOs to vote against him.

Liberals are the most despicable shitheads in this country.
How can anyone trust a bat shit crazy Liberal college professor from Kommie Kalifornia? Well know lying bitches, aren't they?
The more we look into this WHORE, the more we find out about HER AGENDA!...How can the DemonRATS be this stupid?

The woman accusing President Trump’s United States Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of a “rape attempt” when the two were in high school previously signed a letter fighting Trump’s “Zero Tolerance” policy at the U.S.-Mexico border.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)—an open borders advocacy organization—letter was written and sent to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and Attorney General Jeff Sessions in June.

Christine Blasey Ford, a psychology professor, signed the ACLU letter as “Christine Blasey Ph.D. Psychologist,” signing off on statements that accused Trump of using southern border enforcement to “traumatize children” and claimed the Zero Tolerance policy was “violating fundamental human rights.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


WHORE? That killed your thread credibility right there.

What do you call a bimbo that gets paid to lie...a whore....simple....and you?

Who paid her? Credible proof?

Liar? Credible proof?
Check out the squaw all of a sudden concerned about credible evidence. Demented fucking liberals believe anything.

I understand that the word "squaw" is a term meant to dehumanize and degrade female people who are members of the First Nations, the equivalent of the "N-word." Your disrespect of your fellow humans is evident for all to see on USMB. Furthermore, Lakhota's profile lists him as a male person who is 71-years-old. Your profile says that you are a 49-year-old from Florida. I take it that you are a white male who actually believes whatever shit breitbart spits out. Who is more credible? Hands down, it's Lakhota. Please learn how to be ashamed of your actions.
After Democrats all but lose the prospect of derailing the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, suddenly a new accuser with a 35-year-old charge of groping abuse comes out of the woodwork. Problem is, she doesn't want to tell us everything.

Christine Blasey Ford's accusation started with a letter – an anonymous accusatory letter of bad behavior dating from high school. A letter we were supposed to believe, a guy's career we were supposed to ruin, yet we were to take only on faith that there was any merit to it.

Well, that fell apart, so the accuser came forward. She had psychologist's notes dating from 2012. She says she passed a polygraph. And the picture she painted was imaginable, as witness stories are – there were holes in the story (she had no idea where she was or how she got home, she didn't want to say anything to anyone so as to avoid getting in trouble), and her charges – groping, clothes grabbed at, but no rape – were not over the top.


Most tellingly, before she came out as the accuser, she spent what must have been days scrubbing her social media accounts of all the lefty activities and statements she must have been involved in. That's the detail that stands out to me.

Why did she do that?

Just because someone is a lefty does not mean he can't be a victim of a high school groper. Left-wingers would be the very first to point this out. Why did she scrub it?

Obviously, because it was to conceal her political agenda and make her case stronger as that of a random objective woman telling the truth, not a lefty activist desperate to make a difference for the Democrats.

"it seems to me that when Kavauagh attempted to deny a 17 year old immigrant an abortion, he believed the decisions you make as a minor ought to have lifelong consquences. let's treat him the same way" - Unhinged Lauren Duca
"it seems to me that when Kavauagh attempted to deny a 17 year old immigrant an abortion, he believed the decisions you make as a minor ought to have lifelong consquences. let's treat him the same way" - Unhinged Lauren Duca

So was kavauagh the tried for attempted assault?