NKorea sentences 2 US journalists to 12 years jail


Aug 10, 2008
The Associated Press
Monday, June 8, 2009; 12:31 AM

SEOUL, South Korea -- North Korea's top court has convicted two U.S. journalists, and sentenced them to 12 years in labor prison, the country's state news agency reported Monday.
The Central Court tried American TV reporters Laura Ling and Euna Lee and confirmed their unspecified "grave crime" against the nation, and of illegally crossing into North Korea, the Korean Central News Agency said.
It said the court - which tried the women from June 4 to 8 - "sentenced each of them to 12 years of reform through labor." The report gave no other details.
The U.S. Embassy in Seoul said it had no immediate comment.


wow, they really think this will fly?
Most believe it is a political ploy to trade them for softer treatment by the west. Also No one is sure that the North Koreans did not cross into China to seize them to begin with. And of course the Chinese are not talking.
Well, the word on the tube is that the N. Koreans snatched them from China. Obviously, it is a political ploy to ease tensions about the Nuke program the North is hurriedly putting together, but that doesn't ease the hardship placed on these two young ladies who were not doing anything illegal.
I think it's time to kick some North Korean ass, personally.

Of course were we to do that, then we'd be on the hook to put that nation back to together, wouldn't we?

And since there's not much in it for us to control that place, we'll continue to use NK as another international boogieman to justify a bloated military budget.
I think it's time to kick some North Korean ass, personally.

Of course were we to do that, then we'd be on the hook to put that nation back to together, wouldn't we?

And since there's not much in it for us to control that place, we'll continue to use NK as another international boogieman to justify a bloated military budget.

Bloated? We don't spend ENOUGH.
I am God dam sick of Killer Kim Jung Wang Chung Mentally Ill.

Here is the fucking solution, we tell China get rid of this rotton cabbage or we HAVE to re-arm Japan. China fears Japan for obvious reasons, Japan fears North Korea for obvious reasons.

Lets dance.
I am God dam sick of Killer Kim Jung Wang Chung Mentally Ill.

Here is the fucking solution, we tell China get rid of this rotton cabbage or we HAVE to re-arm Japan. China fears Japan for obvious reasons, Japan fears North Korea for obvious reasons.

Lets dance.

Ya Obama is gonna do that. Obama will do nothing but whine and tap dance. And then give in. He can not make friends if he threatens anyone. Maybe he can ask France and Germany what we should do?
wow, they really think this will fly?

Depends, if they were really in North Korea illegally when the were arrested and did indeed violate North Korean laws, then on what grounds would anybody have to protest? If foreign journalists came into the U.S. and violated our laws (even if the rest of the world felt said laws and punishment were unjust) what would happen?

Given the North Korean governments history, there is likely some underlying agenda but on the other hand if these journalists are actually guilty of what they are being accussed of, they pretty much got what was coming to them.
Most believe it is a political ploy to trade them for softer treatment by the west. Also No one is sure that the North Koreans did not cross into China to seize them to begin with. And of course the Chinese are not talking.

N. Korea should torture them and find out why they were really there.

It might save 100,000 N. Korean lives.

And what will we have to say?
wow, they really think this will fly?

Depends, if they were really in North Korea illegally when the were arrested and did indeed violate North Korean laws, then on what grounds would anybody have to protest? If foreign journalists came into the U.S. and violated our laws (even if the rest of the world felt said laws and punishment were unjust) what would happen?

Given the North Korean governments history, there is likely some underlying agenda but on the other hand if these journalists are actually guilty of what they are being accussed of, they pretty much got what was coming to them.

You may want to actually read the stories. It is pretty much a done deal that the North Koreans kidnapped the women from inside China while China did nothing.
I think it is time to punish North Korea. We should rescue the 2 girls and shoot up the prison. We should then say good bye to their nuke program with conventional weapons and then leave.
I think it is time to punish North Korea. We should rescue the 2 girls and shoot up the prison. We should then say good bye to their nuke program with conventional weapons and then leave.

God forgive me, but I actually think you might be right.

That vile regime of totalitarian nitwits needs a wake up call, that's for damned sure.
This is a hostage crisis. Obama needs to call this a hostage crisis and the press needs to call this a hostage crisis and I think we will see those girls home unless the N. Korean leader is totally insane(which he may be)
I read in a News paper today, that the Communist North Koreans have sentenced Current
T.V. reporter. Laura Ling to 12 years in a Communist North Korean ,hard labour, and political re-education Prison.

"They feel that she can be used as a barganing chip", said the news paper report, with the
UN, and with the united states. "With regards to getting certain sanctions lifted , that are
currently imposed on North Korea".threads merged

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