NK, Russian or Chinese special forces command vs KSK/Navy seals


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Special Forces were always the face of armies, showed their preparation to fight enemies.
In comparison to NK,Russia or Chinese special forces both ones of USA or Germany are wellness areas .


Don't see vidoes of NK, Russia or China if you have weak hearts.


I just gonna to remember you claimed NATO will demolish Russia and China within few hours.

every one of those guys can be killed like the rest of us....

I guess you were never by military.
Such forces can show clearly the moral and discipline of troops.
In no one western 'armies' such commandos are possible.
Western 'armies' have no chance to win a battle against Russians or Chinese in direct combat because most of troops became pussies, gays or drug addicted morons




I guess you were never by military.
Such forces can show clearly the moral and discipline of troops.
In no one western 'armies' such commandos are possible.
Western 'armies' have no chance to win a battle against Russians or Chinese in direct combat because most of troops became pussies, gays or drug addicted morons




perhaps you never were either....or are you now doing military horror stories to go along with your vax ones......
I guess you were never by military.
Such forces can show clearly the moral and discipline of troops.
In no one western 'armies' such commandos are possible.
Western 'armies' have no chance to win a battle against Russians or Chinese in direct combat because most of troops became pussies, gays or drug addicted morons





Got to agree with that. ^^^

Woke Military in America is shit Military in America.

And with traitors like this scum at the helm ......what can be expected?

Special Forces were always the face of armies, showed their preparation to fight enemies.
In comparison to NK,Russia or Chinese special forces both ones of USA or Germany are wellness areas .


Don't see vidoes of NK, Russia or China if you have weak hearts.


I just gonna to remember you claimed NATO will demolish Russia and China within few hours.

We spent the last several decades teaching our military how to fight impoverished nomads living in worthless wastelands without access to technology or education. This is much smarter than Russia or China. American exceptionalism at work.
A woke Military is a weak Military. :dunno:

What did USA twenty years in Afghanistan?
Where are all those $$$ trillions siphoned in.
Anything had been broken, even before the last US troop leaved the country
Special Forces were always the face of armies, showed their preparation to fight enemies.
In comparison to NK,Russia or Chinese special forces both ones of USA or Germany are wellness areas .


Don't see vidoes of NK, Russia or China if you have weak hearts.


I just gonna to remember you claimed NATO will demolish Russia and China within few hours.

Pure comedy gold! In the real world however, they won't be fighting trees and bricks. Here's a possible outcome...

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