Ninth Undercover Planned Parenthood Video Features Graphic Abortion Details.....


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!! ^ | Sep. 1, 2015 | Billy Hallowell
FULL TITLE: Ninth Undercover Planned Parenthood Video Features Graphic Abortion Details and Claim About the ‘Really Weird Thing’ Surrounding Fetal Tissue Research A pro-life, medical ethics group has released the ninth video in its ongoing undercover series purporting to show the sale of aborted fetal body parts, with one secretly recorded subject seemingly alleging that some clinic staff in the past were potentially compensated for exclusive access to tissue procurement. Cate Dyer, founder of StemExpress, once worked at Advanced Bioscience Resources, a research group that is reported to have long ties to Planned Parenthood, told actors posing as fetal tissue...

This was Gosnell's preferred method also ,, I guess natural childbirth IS safer than abortion ,, you just kill the child afterwards so you’re not poking around in the blind with cutting and tearing instruments. Gosnell also kept feet as souvenirs ,, perhaps he was selling to outfits like StemExpress and they didn’t want feet?

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Bbbut it's "heavily edited"....or some nonsense

The problem is we don't have any #BlackLivesMatter PAID PROTESTERS to go out there and continue to make HEADLINES with the abortion issue.... Where is the RIGHTS George Soros to FUND hundreds of people to do this as the Communists have?...Hey supposed right wing KOCH BROTHERS, think you could do SOMETHING USEFUL by FUNDING right protestors as your counterpart in Communism does?...Just a LOUD SUGGESTION!!!!!
If blacklivesmatter really cared about black lives they would be on the front lines against Murder Inc. They kill more black babies in a year than cops have in the last 100
So does it bother you kooks that nobody pays attention to your fraud any more?

Let me rephrase that, as it clearly does bother you, a lot.

Is there a possibility you might do harm to yourselves because nobody pays attention to your fraud any more?
So does it bother you kooks that nobody pays attention to your fraud any more?

Let me rephrase that, as it clearly does bother you, a lot.

Is there a possibility you might do harm to yourselves because nobody pays attention to your fraud any more?

^Idiot alert
So does it bother you kooks that nobody pays attention to your fraud any more?

Let me rephrase that, as it clearly does bother you, a lot.

Is there a possibility you might do harm to yourselves because nobody pays attention to your fraud any more?

^Idiot alert
It certainly doesn't bother her that she supports the killing of innocent babies.
People who don't under stand the context of what they are talking about could misconstrue.

Nothing illegal, just a few set up and some poor choice of words describing the process.

ABS is the PP and the only receive the tissue they do not perform the abortions.

Any buyer or seller that has ever been to a convention or 'show' of new products and ideas will understand the conversation and the situation. The will know the sales person for representative is not always the expert.

Even someone who goes to comic and comic con and science fiction conventions will find this not at all dissimilar.

Neither woman being filmed in secret without their permission really said anything wrong. In the PP booth, the actor was doing more of the speaking and trying to get the PP rep to say something but she really did not say anything illegal.
What happens to the tissue at the Lab was not wrong either.

You'd think this was the holy grail of incriminating evidence and it is not. Repeating a short segment of a meeting is not reflective or the whole conversation. Most people at these things are used to talking to other reps and not speaking to these outside the fields.

The lab rep said even government agencies buy tissue. Buy from the lab but not from PP.

Putting the two together as if it all one conversation to the same booth's reps is misleading and manipulation. The editing is highly misleading.

A woman that is having a miscarriage will expel a complete fetus in many cases, but it might be unusable to labs if it has begun to decay in the womb. Miscarriages can happen at any point in the pregnancy.

It is understandable for whole fetus with undamaged organs or developing organs would be more useful that fetus "soup" (sorry about the unpleasant imagery) so they can test different type cells and get a more accurate evaluation from a control.

It is the difference between a sweet breads, terrine and bologna. Again sorry about the food reference but I use what I know. They each have their own taste and recipes but not inter changeable.

There are different types of use, tests and control for fetal parts. For some they will use any early fetus cells and not care about specifics as they are neutral. For blood medicines and vaccines, the liver and organs are what they need. For Alzheimers they want brain tissue. If the fetus has intact organs or cells that are in development to become that organ it is more desirable. They will be a premium. Other labs will take what ever they can get. This is job of the tissue labs, not the PP.

Tissue labs are growing into new states as was referenced in the video. Some will handle fetal tissue as state laws permit the donation of the fetal tissue.

Except for my poor explanations and tasteless examples, there really was nothing so revealing in the video. They are obviously edited but we all knew that from before.

If there are scientist on the forum and they can better explanations or come up with other comparisons so the laymen can understand, please do.

I understand it, but not sure how to explain to those outside so the can grasp what this is about. I understand the gag reflex to think of a fetus instead of cells and tissue, often not much more than the head of a pin in size, but this is what the researchers work with. A tiny tissue thype might be divided into a hundred or more pieces and each sent to different labs for their research. Some tissue might not be viable at all. For the tissue lab is the luck of the draw as to what they get from places like PP.

PP is not the only clinics that do abortions or donate tissue, depending on the state. It just happens to be a nationally recognized clinic that is subject to targeting. Each area might have small single clinics where abortions are permitted. PP has become a catch phrase for all such clinics. They make an easier targets. PP has sort of become all clinics like people think of all computers as Windows or Apple.
Doubly tragic!

Not only is an innocent baby slaughtered but, in some cases. the piece-parts are used to repair a broken, aging liberal that should have been allowed to perish naturally.

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