Nikki Haley reveals Tillerson, Kelly privately discussed resisting Trump: ‘It was offensive’

Nicky is typical of white ignorant bitches, such as Kelly.....defending a man unworthy. Clearly this bitch has higher political aspirations.
No, she was saying that she was exposed to the treasonous activities of some treacherous ass holes and rebuffed them.

Funny you cant see that.

That's just Nikki's puffery, Jim. She showed her 'loyalty' to Trump by telling you what Kelly and Tillerson thought. You wouldn't have known they thought so poorly of Trump if she hadn't told you.

She knew what she was doing.
Have Donnie supporters forgotten Warmonger Extraordinarie Nikki, attacked Donnie on more than one occasion? She is a typical politician, nothing but a charlatan.

'Bloodthirsty' Nikki Haley attacks Trump

Nikki Haley Attacks Trump, Conway Sets Her Straight - Politico Daily News

Nikki Haley criticises Donald Trump for attacks on Democratic Congressman

'A big mistake': Nikki Haley breaks with Trump on Syria withdrawal

Have Donnie supporters forgotten Warmonger Extraordinarie Nikki, attacked Donnie on more than one occasion?

Contrary to unelected swamp rats like tillerson and kelly Haley was honest and open about her differences of opinion with trump
and? don't know what your point is here.

and? don't know what your point is here

Someone, maybe you, said that Haley did not agree with trump 100% of the time as if that was significant

The nasty truth that libs prefer to not understand is that trump can deal with differences of opinion but not disloyalty

Nor should he be expected to
The Generals left him as well as others too because Trump thinks he's king and listens to nobody
He's ignoring that Trump is riding the trend lines Obama put in motion.
It's okay, because Trump explained to them he inherited a mess. Would Trump lie?
A GDP growth rate of under 2% is fine for you Swamp Creatures, but it isnt for the rest of us, and we like having growing real wages once again.

So go stuff that in your crack pipe and smoke it, darling.

US 3rd Quarter gdp 2019: 1.9%!!!!!!!

Gross Domestic Product, Third Quarter 2019 (Advance Estimate) | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)

Trump's GDP is the same as Obama's now, but Trump's deficits are sure big. Trump has $1+ T deficits, but still has pretty much the same economic data as Obama.

You don't even know what is happening in this country, you are totally clueless, like all trumpers.

Juiced with the fading sugar-high of a huge tax cut.

He's really going to be shocked when he learns the Trade Wars are increasing the trade deficit.
He's ignoring that Trump is riding the trend lines Obama put in motion.
It's okay, because Trump explained to them he inherited a mess. Would Trump lie?
A GDP growth rate of under 2% is fine for you Swamp Creatures, but it isnt for the rest of us, and we like having growing real wages once again.

So go stuff that in your crack pipe and smoke it, darling.

US 3rd Quarter gdp 2019: 1.9%!!!!!!!

Gross Domestic Product, Third Quarter 2019 (Advance Estimate) | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)

Trump's GDP is the same as Obama's now, but Trump's deficits are sure big. Trump has $1+ T deficits, but still has pretty much the same economic data as Obama.

You don't even know what is happening in this country, you are totally clueless, like all trumpers.
so is 1.9% good or bad?
In relation to what Trump promised??
That's just Nikki's puffery, Jim. She showed her 'loyalty' to Trump by telling you what Kelly and Tillerson thought. You wouldn't have known they thought so poorly of Trump if she hadn't told you.

She knew what she was doing.
Have Donnie supporters forgotten Warmonger Extraordinarie Nikki, attacked Donnie on more than one occasion? She is a typical politician, nothing but a charlatan.

'Bloodthirsty' Nikki Haley attacks Trump

Nikki Haley Attacks Trump, Conway Sets Her Straight - Politico Daily News

Nikki Haley criticises Donald Trump for attacks on Democratic Congressman

'A big mistake': Nikki Haley breaks with Trump on Syria withdrawal

Have Donnie supporters forgotten Warmonger Extraordinarie Nikki, attacked Donnie on more than one occasion?

Contrary to unelected swamp rats like tillerson and kelly Haley was honest and open about her differences of opinion with trump
and? don't know what your point is here.

and? don't know what your point is here

Someone, maybe you, said that Haley did not agree with trump 100% of the time as if that was significant

The nasty truth that libs prefer to not understand is that trump can deal with differences of opinion but not disloyalty

Nor should he be expected to
The Generals left him as well as others too because Trump thinks he's king and listens to nobody
he's president and was voted in. Kings and queens aren't elected. you'd have thunk generals would know the difference.
He's ignoring that Trump is riding the trend lines Obama put in motion.
It's okay, because Trump explained to them he inherited a mess. Would Trump lie?
A GDP growth rate of under 2% is fine for you Swamp Creatures, but it isnt for the rest of us, and we like having growing real wages once again.

So go stuff that in your crack pipe and smoke it, darling.

US 3rd Quarter gdp 2019: 1.9%!!!!!!!

Gross Domestic Product, Third Quarter 2019 (Advance Estimate) | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)

Trump's GDP is the same as Obama's now, but Trump's deficits are sure big. Trump has $1+ T deficits, but still has pretty much the same economic data as Obama.

You don't even know what is happening in this country, you are totally clueless, like all trumpers.
so is 1.9% good or bad?
In relation to what Trump promised??
is it good or bad? how's that rock and hard spot. got you cornered eh?
He's ignoring that Trump is riding the trend lines Obama put in motion.
It's okay, because Trump explained to them he inherited a mess. Would Trump lie?
A GDP growth rate of under 2% is fine for you Swamp Creatures, but it isnt for the rest of us, and we like having growing real wages once again.

So go stuff that in your crack pipe and smoke it, darling.

US 3rd Quarter gdp 2019: 1.9%!!!!!!!

Gross Domestic Product, Third Quarter 2019 (Advance Estimate) | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)

Trump's GDP is the same as Obama's now, but Trump's deficits are sure big. Trump has $1+ T deficits, but still has pretty much the same economic data as Obama.

You don't even know what is happening in this country, you are totally clueless, like all trumpers.

Juiced with the fading sugar-high of a huge tax cut.

He's really going to be shocked when he learns the Trade Wars are increasing the trade deficit.
or you
That's just Nikki's puffery, Jim. She showed her 'loyalty' to Trump by telling you what Kelly and Tillerson thought. You wouldn't have known they thought so poorly of Trump if she hadn't told you.

She knew what she was doing.
Have Donnie supporters forgotten Warmonger Extraordinarie Nikki, attacked Donnie on more than one occasion? She is a typical politician, nothing but a charlatan.

'Bloodthirsty' Nikki Haley attacks Trump

Nikki Haley Attacks Trump, Conway Sets Her Straight - Politico Daily News

Nikki Haley criticises Donald Trump for attacks on Democratic Congressman

'A big mistake': Nikki Haley breaks with Trump on Syria withdrawal

Have Donnie supporters forgotten Warmonger Extraordinarie Nikki, attacked Donnie on more than one occasion?

Contrary to unelected swamp rats like tillerson and kelly Haley was honest and open about her differences of opinion with trump
and? don't know what your point is here.

and? don't know what your point is here

Someone, maybe you, said that Haley did not agree with trump 100% of the time as if that was significant

The nasty truth that libs prefer to not understand is that trump can deal with differences of opinion but not disloyalty

Nor should he be expected to
The Generals left him as well as others too because Trump thinks he's king and listens to nobody

The Generals left him as well as others too because Trump thinks he's king and listens to nobody[

Except for George Washington generals have always resented civilian control

Obama installed too many liberal democrat swamp rat partisans in the pentagon while he was president
He's ignoring that Trump is riding the trend lines Obama put in motion.
It's okay, because Trump explained to them he inherited a mess. Would Trump lie?
A GDP growth rate of under 2% is fine for you Swamp Creatures, but it isnt for the rest of us, and we like having growing real wages once again.

So go stuff that in your crack pipe and smoke it, darling.

US 3rd Quarter gdp 2019: 1.9%!!!!!!!

Gross Domestic Product, Third Quarter 2019 (Advance Estimate) | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)

Trump's GDP is the same as Obama's now, but Trump's deficits are sure big. Trump has $1+ T deficits, but still has pretty much the same economic data as Obama.

You don't even know what is happening in this country, you are totally clueless, like all trumpers.
so is 1.9% good or bad?

It's not great or bad, middle of the road.
But if you almost double the annual deficit in just 3 years and only get a small 0.8% pop in GDP that lasts about a year, then regress back to the same 1.9%, it's bad.
He's ignoring that Trump is riding the trend lines Obama put in motion.
It's okay, because Trump explained to them he inherited a mess. Would Trump lie?
A GDP growth rate of under 2% is fine for you Swamp Creatures, but it isnt for the rest of us, and we like having growing real wages once again.

So go stuff that in your crack pipe and smoke it, darling.

US 3rd Quarter gdp 2019: 1.9%!!!!!!!

Gross Domestic Product, Third Quarter 2019 (Advance Estimate) | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)

Trump's GDP is the same as Obama's now, but Trump's deficits are sure big. Trump has $1+ T deficits, but still has pretty much the same economic data as Obama.

You don't even know what is happening in this country, you are totally clueless, like all trumpers.
so is 1.9% good or bad?

It's not great or bad, middle of the road.
But if you almost double the annual deficit in just 3 years and only get a small 0.8% pop in GDP that lasts about a year, then regress back to the same 1.9%, it's bad.
so obammy's was bad?
Yeah, but most of those reports were anonymously sourced. Haley put her name out there, and pinned the tale on Kelly and Tillerson. And Trump. Long term, the takeaway won't be Haley's convenient loyalty, it will be the dysfunctional Presidency.
Yeah, only Democrats can h ave successful economies at under 4% unemployment, highest job participation in history and highest average wages and wage growth in 40 years.

If a Republican does it he not only is dysfunctional, but should be impeached for having an (R) next to his name, lol, you foocking losers.
The orange moron did it on Obamas back ,,then as usual took all the credit
wait, didn't obammy say this?

FLASHBACK: Obama Says Manufacturing Jobs Aren't Coming Back - Then Trump Sets Record of 40,000 Manufacturing Jobs in One Month
Hmmmm it seems trump told you otherwise. too fking funny. Facts strike you down yet again. you sure enjoy getting your fanny smacked eh butthurt leftist?

What Obama really meant was that failed Left Wing socialist economic policies were never going to create any manufacturing jobs.

Of course he didn't say that.

He was a stupid affirmative action dimwit that didn't know any more about Economics than he knew about about History, Climate Science, Ethics, Biology or the Constitution.

Of course he didn't know anything about Geography either because he thought there were 57 states in the US and that Hawaii was in Asia.

These Moon Bats were electing that worthless sonofabitch.
He's ignoring that Trump is riding the trend lines Obama put in motion.
It's okay, because Trump explained to them he inherited a mess. Would Trump lie?
A GDP growth rate of under 2% is fine for you Swamp Creatures, but it isnt for the rest of us, and we like having growing real wages once again.

So go stuff that in your crack pipe and smoke it, darling.

US 3rd Quarter gdp 2019: 1.9%!!!!!!!

Gross Domestic Product, Third Quarter 2019 (Advance Estimate) | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)

Trump's GDP is the same as Obama's now, but Trump's deficits are sure big. Trump has $1+ T deficits, but still has pretty much the same economic data as Obama.

You don't even know what is happening in this country, you are totally clueless, like all trumpers.

Juiced with the fading sugar-high of a huge tax cut.

He's really going to be shocked when he learns the Trade Wars are increasing the trade deficit.

Yup, Obama had 200k jobs/month and 1.9% GDP, Trump has that or less, with his massive spending bills and deficits. This is just like 2006 and will end the same way- complete with 1 million excuses how the big crash is still Clinton's fault or Obama's fault or whatever little bitch excuse they come up with.

Have Donnie supporters forgotten Warmonger Extraordinarie Nikki, attacked Donnie on more than one occasion?

Contrary to unelected swamp rats like tillerson and kelly Haley was honest and open about her differences of opinion with trump
and? don't know what your point is here.

and? don't know what your point is here

Someone, maybe you, said that Haley did not agree with trump 100% of the time as if that was significant

The nasty truth that libs prefer to not understand is that trump can deal with differences of opinion but not disloyalty

Nor should he be expected to
The Generals left him as well as others too because Trump thinks he's king and listens to nobody
he's president and was voted in. Kings and queens aren't elected. you'd have thunk generals would know the difference.

he's president and was voted in. Kings and queens aren't elected. you'd have thunk generals would know the difference

Obama generals will only dance with the one who brung them
He's ignoring that Trump is riding the trend lines Obama put in motion.
It's okay, because Trump explained to them he inherited a mess. Would Trump lie?
A GDP growth rate of under 2% is fine for you Swamp Creatures, but it isnt for the rest of us, and we like having growing real wages once again.

So go stuff that in your crack pipe and smoke it, darling.

US 3rd Quarter gdp 2019: 1.9%!!!!!!!

Gross Domestic Product, Third Quarter 2019 (Advance Estimate) | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)

Trump's GDP is the same as Obama's now, but Trump's deficits are sure big. Trump has $1+ T deficits, but still has pretty much the same economic data as Obama.

You don't even know what is happening in this country, you are totally clueless, like all trumpers.

Juiced with the fading sugar-high of a huge tax cut.

He's really going to be shocked when he learns the Trade Wars are increasing the trade deficit.

Yup, Obama had 200k jobs/month and 1.9% GDP, Trump has that or less, with his massive spending bills and deficits. This is just like 2006 and will end the same way- complete with 1 million excuses how the big crash is still Clinton's fault or Obama's fault or whatever little bitch excuse they come up with.
the interest rates will go negative to avoid that. haven't you been paying attention to the fed? hmmmm
He's ignoring that Trump is riding the trend lines Obama put in motion.
It's okay, because Trump explained to them he inherited a mess. Would Trump lie?
A GDP growth rate of under 2% is fine for you Swamp Creatures, but it isnt for the rest of us, and we like having growing real wages once again.

So go stuff that in your crack pipe and smoke it, darling.

US 3rd Quarter gdp 2019: 1.9%!!!!!!!

Gross Domestic Product, Third Quarter 2019 (Advance Estimate) | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)

Trump's GDP is the same as Obama's now, but Trump's deficits are sure big. Trump has $1+ T deficits, but still has pretty much the same economic data as Obama. Great job Trump.

You don't even know what is happening in this country, you are totally clueless, like all trumpers.

Wow, the irony is so high here I risk blood poisoning reading it!

Former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley blasted former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, recalling a private conversation where they defended resisting President Trump, telling her they did so out of necessity. […]

Haley said that the two men “confided in me that when they resisted the president, they weren’t being insubordinate, they were trying to save the country” and how “Tillerson went on to tell me the reason he resisted the president’s decisions was because, if he didn’t, people would die….”

Haley, however, was not impressed.

“It should’ve been, ‘Go tell the president what your differences are, and quit if you don’t like what he’s doing,’” Haley told O’Donnell. “But to undermine a president is really a very dangerous thing. And it goes against the Constitution, and it goes against what the American people want. And it was offensive.” …

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

You don't accept what we say, we will get you impeached....seems like billionaires and generals seem to think that they are UNELECTED many in the DEEP STATE, Trump should have brought in all his staff from various hotels and golf courses and he along with the country would have been better served!!!!!


Former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley blasted former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, recalling a private conversation where they defended resisting President Trump, telling her they did so out of necessity. […]

Haley said that the two men “confided in me that when they resisted the president, they weren’t being insubordinate, they were trying to save the country” and how “Tillerson went on to tell me the reason he resisted the president’s decisions was because, if he didn’t, people would die….”

Haley, however, was not impressed.

“It should’ve been, ‘Go tell the president what your differences are, and quit if you don’t like what he’s doing,’” Haley told O’Donnell. “But to undermine a president is really a very dangerous thing. And it goes against the Constitution, and it goes against what the American people want. And it was offensive.” …

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
I knew that Gen.Kelly was apart of the swamp. He was trying to stop Pres.Trump from tweeting or communicating with his family unless they have an appointment. And before Kelly came. Pres.Trump didn't care about the transsexuals serving in the army. But when Kelly came in, Pres.Trump changed his mind. Reince Priebus told Pres.Trump that Kelly will be a good replacement for chief of staff. And Reince was the one that told Pres.Trump to get rid of Milo, because the public don't need to know about him being molested as a child. That Milo wanted to stop children sex crime. They were trying to get the LGBTQ community, especially the ones that are serving the country, to hate the president. That they were working on down to have the minority community to hate him as well. That he they will not vote for him again.
But now on Fox news. That they have a veteran that his legs was blown off during while serving his country. That he and others on the show were acting like if Nikki Haley was making it up. I guess we suppose to listen to the vet without legs.
In India. They have people who crippled themselves just to get the tourist to feel sorry for them. That they are willing to pay them real good. Like Joe Biden is still putting on that sad puppy dog look on his face so that Pres.Trump will stop investigating him. They had released right before Pres.Trump entered into office. A inmate that was suffering from Alzheimer. That they released him because they said that it will be inhumane to keep him locked up.
He's ignoring that Trump is riding the trend lines Obama put in motion.
It's okay, because Trump explained to them he inherited a mess. Would Trump lie?
A GDP growth rate of under 2% is fine for you Swamp Creatures, but it isnt for the rest of us, and we like having growing real wages once again.

So go stuff that in your crack pipe and smoke it, darling.

US 3rd Quarter gdp 2019: 1.9%!!!!!!!

Gross Domestic Product, Third Quarter 2019 (Advance Estimate) | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)

Trump's GDP is the same as Obama's now, but Trump's deficits are sure big. Trump has $1+ T deficits, but still has pretty much the same economic data as Obama.

You don't even know what is happening in this country, you are totally clueless, like all trumpers.
so is 1.9% good or bad?

It's not great or bad, middle of the road.
But if you almost double the annual deficit in just 3 years and only get a small 0.8% pop in GDP that lasts about a year, then regress back to the same 1.9%, it's bad.
so obammy's was bad?
Wasn't terrible when you put into perspective that he inherited the Great Bush Collapse, an economy losing 800 K jobs a month, Obama inherited the worst country any president has ever inherited.

He fixed it and passed off an ok economy, of course it could have been better. But look at Trump, insane deficit spending, a small 0.8% pop in GDP that lasted only 4 quarters, and now the economy has regressed back to the same Obama economy, but we have even bigger deficits earmarked for next year and beyond.

If Trump crashes the economy like Bush, then he will go down as another failed GOP president, like Bush.
What Obama really meant was that failed Left Wing socialist economic policies were never going to create any manufacturing jobs.

Of course he didn't say that.

He was a stupid affirmative action dimwit that didn't know any more about Economics than he knew about about History, Climate Science, Ethics, Biology or the Constitution.

Of course he didn't know anything about Geography either because he thought there were 57 states in the US and that Hawaii was in Asia.

These Moon Bats were electing that worthless sonofabitch.
Obama was not stupid, as his grasp of the equity problems surrounding the 2018 financial market collapse illustrated.

But I do agree he was thinking entirely inside the box of Keynesian economics and couldnt think past sustained 2% average growth.
Wasn't terrible when you put into perspective that he inherited the Great Bush Collapse, an economy losing 800 K jobs a month, Obama inherited the worst country any president has ever inherited.
He fixed it and passed off an ok economy, of course it could have been better. But look at Trump, insane deficit spending, a small 0.8% pop in GDP that lasted only 4 quarters, and now the economy has regressed back to the same Obama economy, but we have even bigger deficits earmarked for next year and beyond.
If Trump crashes the economy like Bush, then he will go down as another failed GOP president, like Bush.
Mr BovinePucky, it wasnt Bush that repealed Glass Steagal.
Haley said that the two men “confided in me that when they resisted the president, they weren’t being insubordinate, they were trying to save the country” and how “Tillerson went on to tell me the reason he resisted the president’s decisions was because, if he didn’t, people would die….”

Kinda points out that what is in the Anonymous Book is accurate

''save the country'''''''???? hahahahahh..from what?

From Trump
hahahhahahaah--from Trump----hahahahhahahaa
Obama fked over the US much more than Mr Trump ever will
Not as much as Bush did, George (Kaboom) Bush takes the cake for biggest fuck up ever, resulting in a total blow up of our country/economy/foreginpolicy/WarinIraq....

Just reminding you in case you wanted to forget about that...
Just a reminder how subversives like to alter history to THEIR LIKING....DemonRATS CAUSED THE WHOLE 2008 BUBBLE COLLAPSE!


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