Nifong Stepping Down On Duke 'Rape' Case


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
:clap2: :clap2:

Duke lacrosse prosecutor asks off case

By AARON BEARD, Associated Press Writer 5 minutes ago

Facing ethics charges that could lead to his disbarment, the embattled district attorney in the Duke lacrosse sexual assault case has asked the state attorney general to appoint a special prosecutor to take over the case.

Noelle Talley, a spokeswoman for the attorney general, said Friday in an e-mail that District Attorney Mike Nifong sent a letter requesting the special prosecutor.

Nifong's attorney insisted the veteran prosecutor was not running from a weak case and said Nifong was disappointed he would not take it to trial.

"He feels, as a result of the accusations against him, that he would be a distraction and he wants to make sure the accuser receives a fair trial," attorney David Freedman told The Associated Press. "He still believes in the case. He just believes his continued presence would hurt her."

Nifong met with the accuser this week to tell her of his decision, Freedman said....
I have to write you cause I can't take the chance of an email or phone call. Man am I in a fucking jam here. I wish the hell I would have taken a little time to investigate this Duke thing before I ran my trap about what hooligans these kids were. I didn't know this was the same bitch that did my party last year, dammit! Dad, what am I going to do?

Currently I haved used every stall tactic known to me and then some but ass is in the fryer here. This crazy bitch can't identify a damn one of those dudes. I even showed her a picture of em and now she still can't get it right. Man, you should have seen me the other day, damn was I nervous. I finally had to meet this chick and for two hours I had to worry that she would remember me. Good thing I hit from behind huh! Whew!

I wanted to let you know that I am stepping down off the case cause I just don't see any other way. Now look, if you see a moving van at my house over the next three months or so, don't worry, I'm just putting some stuff in storage just in case.

Oh, by the way, what a trader that damn dude in the lab was. He promised me he wouldn't divulge that exclupretory evidence. How was I to know she screwed half the city of Raliegh before she went over there. That cat said there was so much semen in there that she should have left a trail from everywhere she went that night. Thank God he left out the part about them all waving little Duke flags though.

What do I do Daddy? I'll never get to be Attorney General now! Can you buy somebody or something like you did when I got shitty grades in school? Help me daddy!

Your son,

If this hadn't screwed up so many people's lives, and futures, it might be funny.

At this stage its just discussing.

The only one facing jail time in this cluster-fuck should be the DA.:eusa_hand:
I saw the families on 60 Minutes. They spoke well. One parent said of Nifong, "he needed a magic bullet to win his election, and he got it- and fired it right at my son."

Somehow, I think I'll enjoy the civil suit that happens next.
I saw the families on 60 Minutes. They spoke well. One parent said of Nifong, "he needed a magic bullet to win his election, and he got it- and fired it right at my son."

Somehow, I think I'll enjoy the civil suit that happens next.

I'm with ya on this one WJ.

Can't belive this has carried on for so long.

Duke case may hurt prosecutor‘s career Gee, ya think?
Staff and agencies
15 January, 2007

By AARON BEARD, Associated Press Writer Sun Jan 14, 10:30 PM ET

RALEIGH, N.C. - Forced by allegations of misconduct to recuse himself, the prosecutor who drove the Duke lacrosse sexual assault case could end up losing much more than the opportunity to try a case he still believes in.

"You don‘t easily recover from something like this," said James Coleman, a Duke University law professor and frequent Nifong critic. "That‘s what‘s so unfortunate about this. He had a career — a long career, a reputation of being an honest and fair prosecutor — and for some reason, his conduct in this case was inconsistent with that."

Now, he must now defend himself against ethics charges that could lead to his being stripped of his law license. Should Attorney General Roy Cooper dismiss the case against Dave Evans, Collin Finnerty and Reade Seligmann — and legal experts have said there appears to be little evidence to support the charges — their families might try to sue Nifong...
Speaking of deep doo doo. Lots of links:

Wednesday, January 24, 2007
The Bar Lays Down the Law
The Bar's ethics complaint against Mike Nifong has been amended, to include the far more serious charge of withholding evidence. The specific issue: his decision to enter into an agreement with Dr. Brian Meehan to intentionally withhold exculpatory DNA evidence, and then state repeatedly to the court that he was aware of no additional exculpatory evidence.

The complaint says that Nifong lied to the court at least five times--either in person or in writing.

The amended complaint has just been posted; I'll update a bit later today.

The N&O is also reporting that past ethics questions have been raised against Nifong investigator Linwood Wilson--who, in a highly unusual move in this case, elected to interview the accuser without any other law enforcement personnel present. In this interview, of course, she dramatically changed her story, seeming to adjust it to fit various holes in the case.

posted by KC Johnson at 11:08 AM

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