Next Generation space suits

Doc on a while back about future space tourism including a brief bit about sex in space. The spacesuits connect together like so you can get it on. :) Tried em out too on those airliners flying parabolic courses for 30s or so of weightlessness. Wasn't very erotic to watch involving alot of awkward maneuvering, was more comical than erotic. :)
Doc on a while back about future space tourism including a brief bit about sex in space. The spacesuits connect together like so you can get it on. :) Tried em out too on those airliners flying parabolic courses for 30s or so of weightlessness. Wasn't very erotic to watch involving alot of awkward maneuvering, was more comical than erotic. :)

Weightless sex must be an ordeal.
The whole idea of designing a space suit for the way it looks is absurd. Something as important as a spacesuit should be designed based on use and practicality. If this is a demonstration of the depths to which science is sinking we're in trouble.

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