Newt is the man........


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
For the left

[ame=]Newt Gingrich: Serial Hypocrisy (New Attack Ad by Ron Paul) - YouTube[/ame]
a 30+ year career politician who believes in a strong federal government where morality should be provided by the govenrment.......

whats not to love by a republican?
Gramps won't agree, then he will call you an Obama supporter.

Newt and obama are mirror images of each other. If you can support Newt but cannot support obama there is only one reason why a person could support Newt and not support obama, they are racist to the core.
Gramps won't agree, then he will call you an Obama supporter.

well, gramps just believes that only his stances are conservative and therefore anyone who disagrees with him must then be a liberal.........

it is a view that many republicans hold......

that is why republicans can call there liberal stances conservative and those to the right of them liberals......

it took me awhile to understand that but once i did, it made debating with republicans alot more understandable......

prior to that understanding, it would confuse me when i was called a liberal even tho my stance was to theright of the person i was arguing with........
Gramps won't agree, then he will call you an Obama supporter.

Newt and obama are mirror images of each other. If you can support Newt but cannot support obama there is only one reason why a person could support Newt and not support obama, they are racist to the core.

no, it is not a matter of racism..... it is a matter of party identity.....

most republicans support socialism and defict spending and big intrusive federal governemtn as long as it is being done by republicans......

of course the same is true for many dems......

i find most party members dont mind america going over the proverbial cliff, they just want to be the one holding the gas pedal to the floor.......
Gramps won't agree, then he will call you an Obama supporter.

Newt and obama are mirror images of each other. If you can support Newt but cannot support obama there is only one reason why a person could support Newt and not support obama, they are racist to the core.

no, it is not a matter of racism..... it is a matter of party identity.....

most republicans support socialism and defict spending and big intrusive federal governemtn as long as it is being done by republicans......

of course the same is true for many dems......

i find most party members dont mind america going over the proverbial cliff, they just want to be the one holding the gas pedal to the floor.......

To support one but not support the other tells me something different.
Newt has run away with the poll numbers.

I think he hit a nerve by treating obama with mild contempt and marginalizing him as a child.
Da Man!
GO Newt GO! Ya got em running FREAKED!

How can you support newt and not support obama?

Don't expect an intelligent response. If any. It's LadyGunSlinger we're talking about.

I am not here to base anyone let's refrain from doing that. I would like to know how could anyone support newt and not support obama
And I will turn the question to obama supports how can you support obama and not support newt?

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