Newt Gingrich: The Ideal GOP Nominee

Do you really want to go on smearing our candidates--because man can we dig up some more dirt on Obama.

They wont care... just like I am beginning to not care what they say about our guys.

I now know w/o a shadow of a doubt the left has absolutely NO moral compass, and no shame. So why waste our time. Fuk em!
Only people who are stupid enough to believe that Barack Obama ordered this hit--Leon Panetta was the one that ordered this hit. That's why he has been PROMOTED recently.

They seem to forget that the actions that led up to it for the previous several years were Bush's policies.

But like I said.... they wont listen.

It was ALL Obama :cuckoo:

Oh, and nevermind our great Navy Seals!
Cain--Gingrich or someone who spent 20 years sitting in the pews of a racist--American hating church--who's pastor is the inspiration of Barack Obama's book--as stated by Barack Obama--:lol: aka Barack Obama's loud mouth uncle--LOL

Reverend Jeremiah Wright "God Damn America" - YouTube

Rev. Wright?

That's some weak shit right there.

Is that all you got?

You are talking about the guy that got Bin Laden.

B.S--Barack Obama didn't make the call on Bin Laden--Leon Panetta did.
Obama Hesitated

Do you really want to go on smearing our candidates--because man can we dig up some more dirt on Obama.

Obama told Panetta to make Osama bin Laden's death or capture his top priority.

Osama Bin Laden Dead: Obama Confirms al Qaeda Leader's Killing - The Daily Beast
Obama told Panetta to make Osama bin Laden's death or capture his top priority.

So Panetta had to be told that???


Duh, after the Bush clusterfuck - yeah. Don't forget that Obama nominated Panetta to head the CIA.

Rev. Wright?

That's some weak shit right there.

Is that all you got?

You are talking about the guy that got Bin Laden.

B.S--Barack Obama didn't make the call on Bin Laden--Leon Panetta did.
Obama Hesitated

Do you really want to go on smearing our candidates--because man can we dig up some more dirt on Obama.

Obama told Panetta to make Osama bin Laden's death or capture his top priority.

Osama Bin Laden Dead: Obama Confirms al Qaeda Leader's Killing - The Daily Beast

Do you cite anything besides winger sites?? ANYTHING legit at all?? Even CNN and fucking BSNBC would be more credible
Holy shit, crazy Newt even looks like the real Rain Man...


I'd vote for Rain Man, but not crazy Newt.
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Intellectual idiot - The Portland Freelancer: Newt Gingrich: An Intellectual Idiot

Serial adulterer - even while impeaching President Clinton - see below

Vietnam draft evader - graduate school deferment (Some deferment - Vietnam War lasted 11 years) - Draft Deferment: Vietnam

Congressional disgrace - Only Speaker of the House to have been disciplined for ethics violations - Newt Gingrich - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Although Gingrich and republicans have only themselves to blame for the above, I’d rather see Gingrich rejected by the voters because he’s wrong on all the issues, not because of his personal life.

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