Newt Gingrich dominates Florida in new poll


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Newt Gingrich dominates Florida in new poll
Newt Gingrich drew unprecedented crowds during a campaign swing in southwest Florida last week, but a new state-wide poll suggests that support for the former House Speaker is spread wide across the state.

Gingrich now leads the Republican presidential field in Florida with 41 percent of support from registered votes here, according to a poll released Wednesday by the Florida Times-Union and InsiderAdvantage. The poll, conducted on Tuesday with 513 registered voters, has a margin of error of plus or minus four percentage points.

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney is Gingrich's closest competitor according to the poll, with 17 percent. Support for businessman Herman Cain, who won a major straw poll in the state two months ago but now faces yet another round of accusations of sexual impropriety, has dropped to 13 percent. Support for Gingrich surged nationally after it was reported that Cain was accused of sexual harassment during his time as president of the National Restaurant Association in the 1990s.
Newt Gingrich dominates Florida in new poll | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Think he's the last man standing..a big improvement over our present leader! :eusa_angel:
The old farts living on Social Security in Florida should be mindful of who they throw their support behind.
Newt has so much dirty luandry it will be really fun.

The right has no other back benchers so it will likely be Newt
The old farts living on Social Security in Florida should be mindful of who they throw their support behind.

yes, right, my drug bill went up over 400%.. I'll remember who's responsible for that I sure as hell will..
I like President-elect Newt.

Nice ring to that, eh? :eusa_drool:
You should probably get Ricky "The Spaz" Santorum....


.....ready for his "front-runner"-moment.

I just read he has a very sick little girl at home who will not likely live long.

If I were him I would be home with this baby
The old farts living on Social Security in Florida should be mindful of who they throw their support behind.

yes, right, my drug bill went up over 400%.. I'll remember who's responsible for that I sure as hell will..

Stop eating so much crap and get off your fat ass once in a while and do a little exercise and you can cut your drug bill to zero.
The old farts living on Social Security in Florida should be mindful of who they throw their support behind.

yes, right, my drug bill went up over 400%.. I'll remember who's responsible for that I sure as hell will..

"We've laid out the extent of the MMA's failures in a new report: Medicare Privatization: Windfall for the Special Interests. The report chronicles the failures of the MMA in three key areas: Medicare Advantage overpayments, subsidies to regional PPOs, and drug prices.

Among the key findings:

* Under the MMA, Medicare has been significantly overpaying private plans under Medicare Advantage. In 2005, Medicare overpaid private plans by at least 7% per beneficiary, costing taxpayers $2.7 billion. In 2006, overpayment reached 11% per beneficiary, costing taxpayers $4.6 billion.

* Under the MMA, Congress set aside $10 billion for an unnecessary subsidy (or "stabilization fund") to regional PPOs. This year, however, 88% of beneficiaries have access to a regional PPO, before the so-called "stabilization fund" was even tapped--no subsidy was necessary.

* Medicare Part D drug prices are substantially higher than the prices obtained by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), which negotiates prices on behalf of consumers. For all of the top 20 drugs prescribed to seniors, the lowest price charged by any Part D plan was higher than the lowest price secured by the VA. Yet Congress refused to let Medicare negotiate directly with the drug companies, as the VA does.

* Bottom line: this report shows that, unfortunately for consumers and taxpayers, the MMA has not even come close to meeting the high expectations set for it by Congress. Consumers are getting hurt and taxpayers fleeced, while insurance companies and drug manufacturers are raking in money faster than they can count it. Congress needs to move away from this deeply flawed privatization model, and instead focus on strengthening Medicare.

Lowest in history???

Proving once again that Conservatives are not good at math. Obama has an approval rating of 43%..........Bush left office with 28% approval

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