"Newsroom" HBO


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Saw it last night. Another show by "West Wing" creator Sorkin.

It's a newsroom that, gosh darn it, is sick and tired of news that depresses you. It wants to make a difference-- like when Murrow took out McCarthy (for correctly and presciently saying that US State and the WH was a nest of Soviet spies) or how Cronkite (sided with the NVA after we had inflicted probably the worst defeat on an enemy since the Soviets retook Stalingrad to) successfully turn American people against Vietnam.

I loved Jeff Daniels performance. He's the grizzled old anchor who needs to redirect himself. While appearing on a panel with a Liberal and Conservative commentator, a student from the audience asked the panel "What makes America the greatest nation" and the Liberal says "Diversity" the Conservative say "Freedom" and Jeff Daniels lights into the student in a 5 minute diatribe calling her stupid for thinking that American is great.

They handle the Deep Water Horizon in real time and it's interesting to see how it all comes together to make a news broadcast. The take away was Halliburton is evil and we need more government regulation.

At some point the Liberal spew is going to make me miss Jeff Daniels as an actor and that will be my loss but Liberals should learn that alienating half your potential audience by showing anyone to the right of Mao as evil and/or stupid will give you a NYTimes-like the Double Black Diamond chart of viewship.

I'll watch the next episode
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It sure as hell wasn't The West Wing, a show I enjoyed thoroughly.

I'll watch another episode or two, give it a chance to grow, but my initial impression is, what a load of hooey.
They have a real bizzare view of what motivates Conservatives, they had the Conservative commentator (you know the actor must have been apologizing to everyone saying, "it's just a role, I don't believe any of this!") talk about the NEA.

Sweet fucking Jesus with a $1.3 Trillion annual deficits and you think the NEA is the problem? That's Rdean stupid
stop that....still havent gotten book v from son....he keeps saying he is about finished

I didn't realize how close to the end of Book V I am...I keep forgetting that he has the list of characters in the back that now takes up about 150 pages
i know you prefer simpler sagas like the hobbit and all.

I do.

It's fun and memorable, I still like Thorin Oakenshield's death scene with Bilbo. I'm not a big fan of killing off all the main characters I like.

Martin would have killed off Bilbo, Gandalf and most of the dwarves -- but we'd have 500 pages of Tom Bombadils sister who lived in a far away land and married a merchant named a's;dfqweasdfawef no a's;dfqweasdfawe and became Queen
Sounds interesting, I'll watch for it.

Saw a BBC series called the Hour about an hour long TV news program set in the 1950's. Lot's of spy stuff but not the crash bang type so common today.
I thought it was quite good. Jeff Daniels has been a favorite of mine since "Terms of Endearment" - (and of course "Dumb and Dumber" :)). The tirade at the beginning was perfect. The politics are bound to annoy me at some point, but hopefully they focus on calling out hypocrisy rather than taking sides.
I liked it. I thought Jeff Daniels was great and thought it was fascinating how they put these breaking stories together in real time.

If it gets too preachy, I will probably stop watching, but I did like West Wing despite it's leftist slant.
I liked it. I thought Jeff Daniels was great and thought it was fascinating how they put these breaking stories together in real time.

If it gets too preachy, I will probably stop watching, but I did like West Wing despite it's leftist slant.

It was a Liberal Wet Dream of how the LA explosion should have been handled.

I wonder what they do next?
Like I said when I posted on this show the other day.

Cons wont like this show.

It retells truths they dont want people to remember about things like Haliburton caused the oil spill with their shitty failed cap they knew woudl fail.

Greed is not the best thing about America like the cons keep telling us it is
I've loved Jeff Daniels ever since he played Flap in Terms of Endearment.. Just love him. Everything except Dumb and Dumber, I'll never figure out what possessed him to do that movie.

Newsroom was riveting, imo, can't wait to see what's next.
It's designed to be an alternative universe where libs win every argument.

Problem is there's not enough of those types to watch it and think it's not a bunch of hogwash.

But for someone like Truthmatters it provides a security blanket. Maybe stop the voices from talking to her.

After the election watching Newsroom might even prevent suicides.
i know you prefer simpler sagas like the hobbit and all.

Book V Page 930.

Yeah, he can save himself the time and effort in the next to circle jerks he calls "books", I won't be reading them

I got talked into continuing reading the saga and I'm all done with it. I have 2 chapters left and that's the last time I ever pick the books up again

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