Newly passed law will jail parents if their kids are caught bullying


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Newly Passed Law Will Jail Parents if Their Kids are Caught Bullying

North Tonawanda, NY — As Americans continue to become more and more dependent upon the State to manage their daily lives, a new law that was just approved in New York epitomizes this irresponsible and outright complacent practice.

The leftist retards of society are eating themselves alive and dragging everyone else down with their love of gov. bullshit! See you get just what you ask for and all the warning of police state, nanny state goes right the fk over your moronic heads. Oh it's all good until it happens to you or your grandkids mother and or father now it's suddenly a sucking law isn't it.
Newly Passed Law Will Jail Parents if Their Kids are Caught Bullying

North Tonawanda, NY — As Americans continue to become more and more dependent upon the State to manage their daily lives, a new law that was just approved in New York epitomizes this irresponsible and outright complacent practice.

The leftist retards of society are eating themselves alive and dragging everyone else down with their love of gov. bullshit! See you get just what you ask for and all the warning of police state, nanny state goes right the fk over your moronic heads. Oh it's all good until it happens to you or your grandkids mother and or father now it's suddenly a sucking law isn't it.
But Trump's parents are dead. Now what?
Why is Trump doing this? Is this something he had planned from before, or just another of his crazy spur of the moment ideas? Somebody should ask him.
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Newly Passed Law Will Jail Parents if Their Kids are Caught Bullying

North Tonawanda, NY — As Americans continue to become more and more dependent upon the State to manage their daily lives, a new law that was just approved in New York epitomizes this irresponsible and outright complacent practice.

The leftist retards of society are eating themselves alive and dragging everyone else down with their love of gov. bullshit! See you get just what you ask for and all the warning of the police state, nanny state goes right the fk over your moronic heads. Oh, it's all good until it happens to you or your grandkids mother and or father now it's suddenly a sucking law isn't it.
But Trump's parents are dead. Now what?

leave it to the weak blame Trump it's the Obama way. Trained you all so well.
This started on Obama's watch a.h.
go research the POLICE STATE a.h, that's what he was bringing in and old articles can prove that clown.
They might see a lot of parents brush it off as nothing,"kids will be kids" ect... Its still a really stupid idea.
Bullies often come from unhappy homes and are rarely well adjusted kids.
Find out whats going on, then make the kid responsible.
Newly Passed Law Will Jail Parents if Their Kids are Caught Bullying

North Tonawanda, NY — As Americans continue to become more and more dependent upon the State to manage their daily lives, a new law that was just approved in New York epitomizes this irresponsible and outright complacent practice.

The leftist retards of society are eating themselves alive and dragging everyone else down with their love of gov. bullshit! See you get just what you ask for and all the warning of police state, nanny state goes right the fk over your moronic heads. Oh it's all good until it happens to you or your grandkids mother and or father now it's suddenly a sucking law isn't it.
But Trump's parents are dead. Now what?

Did Trump have a mother? :laugh: Ive only seen pics of his dad.
Newly Passed Law Will Jail Parents if Their Kids are Caught Bullying

North Tonawanda, NY — As Americans continue to become more and more dependent upon the State to manage their daily lives, a new law that was just approved in New York epitomizes this irresponsible and outright complacent practice.

The leftist retards of society are eating themselves alive and dragging everyone else down with their love of gov. bullshit! See you get just what you ask for and all the warning of police state, nanny state goes right the fk over your moronic heads. Oh it's all good until it happens to you or your grandkids mother and or father now it's suddenly a sucking law isn't it.
But Trump's parents are dead. Now what?
Deport him. His parents were illegals after all! :2up:
Newly Passed Law Will Jail Parents if Their Kids are Caught Bullying

North Tonawanda, NY — As Americans continue to become more and more dependent upon the State to manage their daily lives, a new law that was just approved in New York epitomizes this irresponsible and outright complacent practice.

The leftist retards of society are eating themselves alive and dragging everyone else down with their love of gov. bullshit! See you get just what you ask for and all the warning of police state, nanny state goes right the fk over your moronic heads. Oh it's all good until it happens to you or your grandkids mother and or father now it's suddenly a sucking law isn't it.
But Trump's parents are dead. Now what?

Did Trump have a mother? :laugh: Ive only seen pics of his dad.
Yes he had a mother. She was an illegal alien.
Why is Trump doing this? Is this something he had planned from before, or just another of his crazy spur of the moment ideas? Somebody should ask him.
Why is Trump doing this? Is this something he had planned from before, or just another of his crazy spur of the moment ideas? Somebody should ask him.
Get your head out of your I hate Trump ass!
This is a New York STATE LAW!
Why is Trump doing this? Is this something he had planned from before, or just another of his crazy spur of the moment ideas? Somebody should ask him.
Lol, this is liberal policy. So are you finally figuring out liberalism is a failure?
Bullying is a problem but making it illegal and punishing parents is not the answer. Physical bulling certainly exist but it is not that common today. However, cyberbulling is and it has a devastating effect on kids. I don't think parents and schools know how to treat cyberbulling so they turn to acts of pushing and shoving and other rather innocent contact and blow it up into a criminal act often leading to suspension and expulsion.
Parent are responsible for their kids' behavior until they are adults. Why would this be any different?

LMAO and you were a perfect angel when parent weren't around right.

You never snuck out at night, never skipped school, never did anything behind your parents back either.
Parent are responsible for their kids' behavior until they are adults. Why would this be any different?

LMAO and you were a perfect angel when parent weren't around right.

You never snuck out at night, never skipped school, never did anything behind your parents back either.
I was not a perfect angel, but I never did anything that my parents had to pay for. I did not bully or break other people's property. If a kid breaks the neighbor's window, the kid's parents are responsible for buying a new one.
Parent are responsible for their kids' behavior until they are adults. Why would this be any different?

LMAO and you were a perfect angel when parent weren't around right.

You never snuck out at night, never skipped school, never did anything behind your parents back either.
I was not a perfect angel, but I never did anything that my parents had to pay for. I did not bully or break other people's property. If a kid breaks the neighbor's window, the kid's parents are responsible for buying a new one.

I think there is a fine gray line blaming parents. Bullying is not always the fault of a parent. So if there is a law like this where do these bastards draw the line as to " bullying" first off. I mean a kid could say to another your dress is ugly should a parent go to prison for that.

What happens when kids begin to lose their parents and are stuck in foster homes, now we have a generation of kids who have no parent (s). Which draws them to even more trouble now we have kids who will be destroyed by prison life themselves.
Parent are responsible for their kids' behavior until they are adults. Why would this be any different?

LMAO and you were a perfect angel when parent weren't around right.

You never snuck out at night, never skipped school, never did anything behind your parents back either.
I was not a perfect angel, but I never did anything that my parents had to pay for. I did not bully or break other people's property. If a kid breaks the neighbor's window, the kid's parents are responsible for buying a new one.

I think there is a fine gray line blaming parents. Bullying is not always the fault of a parent. So if there is a law like this where do these bastards draw the line as to " bullying" first off. I mean a kid could say to another your dress is ugly should a parent go to prison for that.

What happens when kids begin to lose their parents and are stuck in foster homes, now we have a generation of kids who have no parent (s). Which draws them to even more trouble now we have kids who will be destroyed by prison life themselves.
That's true. Great parents can have a holy terror for a kid. I guess parents need to teach their kids early on to be kind and not bully and not to wait until there is an incident.

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