New York’s decline picks up pace: For those who thought New York was suffering under Killer Cuomo, Kathy Hochul is proving to be even worse!

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
In the Western world, we use “BC” and “AD” to denominate the two major time periods in the Julian and Gregorian calendars. I have come to think that, in our current situation, those same initials apply to “Before Covid” and “After Death,” referring to the death of our most precious liberties that were taken from us beginning in March 2020.

As I write this, I can no longer even imagine a world in which the news of the day, in every blog, newspaper, and media outlet, isn’t dominated by the Chi Com Fauci Flu. It seems like, no matter how many people get the shot or how many children are suffocated by their masks, the nightmare will never end. There is no fixed date on the horizon when the “pandemic” will be over. I am reminded of Frederick Douglass’s writing that “the limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.”

In New York, we are entering our second autumn AD with a new ruler who is turning out to be much worse than her predecessor. Who would ever have thought that Kathy Hochul could make us long for the good ole days under Killer Cuomo? I have been politically active for many years and have never seen such a brutal takeover, even in this corrupt oligarchy. The Demo-Marxists must have planted her years ago as a Trojan Horse for the ruling party.

Just as the Bidenistas immediately dismantled President Trump’s MAGA programs and initiatives (except, strangely enough, for Operation Warp Speed), so too did their New York counterparts immediately tighten the noose within hours after Hochul assumed the throne. As usual, the New York GOP was either totally unprepared for the onslaught or complicit in the tyranny.

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Incredible as it may seem, within days of taking office, Hochul quickly moved (among other things) to:
  • Reinstate a completely unscientific and cruel mask mandate that includes children over the age of two.
  • Eviscerate our Open Meetings law.
  • Speed up our cash benefits programs for illegals that will distribute over two BILLION dollars for so-called “excluded workers” regardless of citizenship.
  • Implement a vaccine mandate for nurses, doctors, and healthcare workers who will potentially be replaced with foreigners. Hochul has stated that American workers are “replaceable.” As it stands today, Hochul has been forced to declare a State of Emergency as tens of thousands of hospital and care workers who refuse to get the jab are likely to be fired next week.

Meanwhile, and not to be outdone, Comrade Mayor Bill DeBlasio imposed a vaccine mandate on the City schools and workforce as well. This is on top of mandatory proof of vaccination for indoor dining, sports, entertainment, and a host of other activities. Nobody seems to care that these establishments are far from recovered from the various lockdowns and restrictions that were enacted in 2020 when we lost an untold number of businesses that will never return.
The NY judicial system is busy sifting through the gigantic Trump corporation (that helped build NY) for technical tax violations while the sex abusing former governor avoids responsibility for the deaths of an estimated 10,000 nursing home residents.
New York, California, Oregon and a few other states could use a good purge. Or atleast chemical sterilizers put into the public water system because they are dragging the country as a whole down.
I don't think you will find anyone here surprised.

So long as Dims rule, hell comes closer to home.
Cash programs for illegals?? What a load of horse shit that is. They should have ICE come in a remove the illegals. Send them back to the border. I'm sure NY tax payers won't want to shell out billions to illegal aliens who broke our laws to get here.

Of course I could be wrong and you can't fix stupid.
I look at Kathy Hochul especially her mouth and the way she moves her mouth when she lies..i mean talks. She so reminds me of someone but i just could not place it. Well...tonite i did.

She reminds me of Jamie Foxx's character Shanaynay.
Citizens don't realize there are a whole slew of scumbags brought in when a Governor is elected. Check out Lieutenant Governors across the country. Yes, they are ofter potentially worse than the current Governor of the state. Very scary. Hopefully there will be a real insurrection to shut this shit down forever.
States free of the Covid non-Sanity should make it easy for the fired people to come to their States, and to keep them Free, they should rescind all Communist rules, such as Land Use Zoning, income taxes etc.
The the un-sane places like New York, Chicago etc. can circle the drain till they are not even 10% of what Detroit became.
Meanwhile, the Free States can be Safe Productive and Prosperous places.
Citizens don't realize there are a whole slew of scumbags brought in when a Governor is elected. Check out Lieutenant Governors across the country. Yes, they are ofter potentially worse than the current Governor of the state. Very scary. Hopefully there will be a real insurrection to shut this shit down forever.
The 2 party system gives us a choice between evils. All this does is make evil keep growing.

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