New Yorkers are furious about de Blasio’s anti-Trump rally


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Couldn't this money have been used for something more productive for the city other than a political agenda?

New Yorkers are furious about de Blasio’s anti-Trump rally | New York Post

Mayor de Blasio caused traffic mayhem for his own political gains on Thursday night as he headed a massive anti-Trump protest in Columbus Circle....

“It’s irresponsible of the Mayor,” he said. “This is the most stupid protest I have ever seen in my life. The money spent on security should be spent on people in the city who are homeless, don’t have food…This protest isn’t going to affect anything. This protest is bulls–t.”

Tonya Loveday, 41, of the Upper East Side, angrily joked: “Oh yes, de blasio started his campaign on November 9th.”

Sam, 25, of Hell’s Kitchen, added: “Obviously, de Blasio isn’t a fan of Trump, so he is using this madness for political gains — a typical politician.”

Modal Trigger

De Blasio speaks at the rally.Getty Images
Sand trucks lined the streets around the Trump International Hotel & Tower starting at 6 p.m. — blocking all northbound vehicular traffic along Central Park West for hours — as an estimated 20,000 people turned out for the star-studded event.

another politician that started running for office the day he wins the election.
It is a right for peaceful assembly and they coordinating with the city.

All seems very responsible.

Do you want 20,000 people to appear with no coordination. That would cause mayhem...
It is a right for peaceful assembly and they coordinating with the city.

All seems very responsible.

Do you want 20,000 people to appear with no coordination. That would cause mayhem...

Sure, peaceful assembly and protest is a hallmark of democracy.

The question is, what exactly are they protesting? Seems to me this is about protesting, *gasp*, democracy. Democracy?!
It is a right for peaceful assembly and they coordinating with the city.

All seems very responsible.

Do you want 20,000 people to appear with no coordination. That would cause mayhem...

Sure, peaceful assembly and protest is a hallmark of democracy.

The question is, what exactly are they protesting? Seems to me this is about protesting, *gasp*, democracy. Democracy?!

Could be a number things...
  • Russia interference in the Election.
  • Trump statements on marginalizing sectors of society
  • His Cabinet picks - the confirmation hearings will go down as an embarrassment in American History
It is their right to protest...

Do we remember this:
Restoring Honor rally - Wikipedia

And just to point out Trump did not win by democracy, actually it was anti-democratic reasons why he won. Clinton won the democratic vote, the popular vote. Trump appointed by the electoral college, which makes him President.
The EC weights some american voters higher than other... New York is one of the disadvantaged in that regard.

Just because you have a vote doesn't make it democratically elected.
Gee, what's that sucking sound?

All the federal dollars being sucked out of your sanctuary city...
It is a right for peaceful assembly and they coordinating with the city.

All seems very responsible.

Do you want 20,000 people to appear with no coordination. That would cause mayhem...

Sure, peaceful assembly and protest is a hallmark of democracy.

The question is, what exactly are they protesting? Seems to me this is about protesting, *gasp*, democracy. Democracy?!

Could be a number things...
  • Russia interference in the Election.
  • Trump statements on marginalizing sectors of society
  • His Cabinet picks - the confirmation hearings will go down as an embarrassment in American History
It is their right to protest...

Do we remember this:
Restoring Honor rally - Wikipedia

And just to point out Trump did not win by democracy, actually it was anti-democratic reasons why he won. Clinton won the democratic vote, the popular vote. Trump appointed by the electoral college, which makes him President.
The EC weights some american voters higher than other... New York is one of the disadvantaged in that regard.

Just because you have a vote doesn't make it democratically elected.
Fake. ..fake...and fake.
Gee, what's that sucking sound?

All the federal dollars being sucked out of your sanctuary city...

Yes Trump didn't pay taxes, and even got a tax credit for his property. What a weasel , drain on society, freeloaders they are called.
Gee, what's that sucking sound?

All the federal dollars being sucked out of your sanctuary city...

New York State sends a dollar to the feds for every 80 cents it gets back from it. Manhattan borough in particular probably sends 2-3 dollars to the feds for same return.

Awesome, non "sanctuary" places like South Carolina gets $8 spent on by the Feds for every dollar it gives.

You can suck on that.
Couldn't this money have been used for something more productive for the city other than a political agenda?

New Yorkers are furious about de Blasio’s anti-Trump rally | New York Post

Mayor de Blasio caused traffic mayhem for his own political gains on Thursday night as he headed a massive anti-Trump protest in Columbus Circle....

“It’s irresponsible of the Mayor,” he said. “This is the most stupid protest I have ever seen in my life. The money spent on security should be spent on people in the city who are homeless, don’t have food…This protest isn’t going to affect anything. This protest is bulls–t.”

Tonya Loveday, 41, of the Upper East Side, angrily joked: “Oh yes, de blasio started his campaign on November 9th.”

Sam, 25, of Hell’s Kitchen, added: “Obviously, de Blasio isn’t a fan of Trump, so he is using this madness for political gains — a typical politician.”

Modal Trigger

De Blasio speaks at the rally.Getty Images
Sand trucks lined the streets around the Trump International Hotel & Tower starting at 6 p.m. — blocking all northbound vehicular traffic along Central Park West for hours — as an estimated 20,000 people turned out for the star-studded event.
. When will Newyorkers finally figure out what kind of a pure idiot this cat is ?? He has NYC cops blood on his hands now, but he's to dam stupid to even realize his wrong in that as well... I bet Newyorkers long for the day this idiot is out of office.
Gee, what's that sucking sound?

All the federal dollars being sucked out of your sanctuary city...

New York State sends a dollar to the feds for every 80 cents it gets back from it. Manhattan borough in particular probably sends 2-3 dollars to the feds for same return.

Awesome, non "sanctuary" places like South Carolina gets $8 spent on by the Feds for every dollar it gives.

You can suck on that.

We'll see who sucks on what. Those outflows in the form of Federal taxation will continue. The inflows? Well, we'll see and if the administration legally curtails their funding they, and you, can suck on that.
Gee, what's that sucking sound?

All the federal dollars being sucked out of your sanctuary city...

Yes Trump didn't pay taxes, and even got a tax credit for his property. What a weasel , drain on society, freeloaders they are called.

Right, his companies pay no payroll taxes, his employees don't get paychecks. There is virtually no money flowing out of trump's businesses, ever. Bullsheezy.

If he rightfully took a write-off to lower his tax burden that's not freeloading, as much as you guys try to paint it as such.
Gee, what's that sucking sound?

All the federal dollars being sucked out of your sanctuary city...

New York State sends a dollar to the feds for every 80 cents it gets back from it. Manhattan borough in particular probably sends 2-3 dollars to the feds for same return.

Awesome, non "sanctuary" places like South Carolina gets $8 spent on by the Feds for every dollar it gives.

You can suck on that.

Infomative I suppose assuming your stats are accurate. There are so many questions raised with the situation of sanctuary cities, I could bang out a few quickly.

The larger question is, what do those New Yorkers living in abject poverty and crime ridden areas think of these sanctuary cities? How much does it cost to police, take care of and assist illegal immigrants? All while so many legal citizens are hungry or without shelter.

I am a fully sensitive human being, in particular to those "Dreamers" who were born and raised in the U.S, through no fault of their own the product of illegal activities by their parents. I don't fault them, I do fault their parents for not choosing a proper method of becoming an American. How far can this charity extend? Does it have limits?

The better stat you should provide is about waste. How much is wasted on politic agendas? How much is wasted on policing and dealing with potential criminal activity of illegal immigrants?

One final note, illegal immigration is still just that, illegal. If you decide that laws only apply in some instances and not in others, you can imagine the anarchy you will have on your hands. It's an unsustainable situation to have 11 million in the country illegally.
Gee, what's that sucking sound?

All the federal dollars being sucked out of your sanctuary city...

New York State sends a dollar to the feds for every 80 cents it gets back from it. Manhattan borough in particular probably sends 2-3 dollars to the feds for same return.

Awesome, non "sanctuary" places like South Carolina gets $8 spent on by the Feds for every dollar it gives.

You can suck on that.

Infomative I suppose assuming your stats are accurate. There are so many questions raised with the situation of sanctuary cities, I could bang out a few quickly.

The larger question is, what do those New Yorkers living in abject poverty and crime ridden areas think of these sanctuary cities? How much does it cost to police, take care of and assist illegal immigrants? All while so many legal citizens are hungry or without shelter.

I am a fully sensitive human being, in particular to those "Dreamers" who were born and raised in the U.S, through no fault of their own the product of illegal activities by their parents. I don't fault them, I do fault their parents for not choosing a proper method of becoming an American. How far can this charity extend? Does it have limits?

The better stat you should provide is about waste. How much is wasted on politic agendas? How much is wasted on policing and dealing with potential criminal activity of illegal immigrants?

One final note, illegal immigration is still just that, illegal. If you decide that laws only apply in some instances and not in others, you can imagine the anarchy you will have on your hands. It's an unsustainable situation to have 11 million in the country illegally.

The problem you have is that New York (the city of immigrants) don't see these people as immigrants but as New Yorkers... They pay there taxes, break the laws less than regular pop and do jobs that the others wouldn't do... They are just undocumented, they are no illegal until arrested.
Here is a tip... The undocumented workers that New York are worried about are college educated European workers who have over stayed visas. I know a fair few, goto America after college on a J1 (one year college graduation visa). This is common in Ireland due to no college debt so kids take a year out in Australia or America. New York is popular because a lot of these guys come from rural Ireland and have relations(Uncle, Aunt, Cousin) in the City. they get there and either love the lifestyle of the big city or get hooked up with a local...
Employers love them as they are hard working and college educated (college in Ireland demands a work ethic). This also happens for English, Italians, Spanish....
If caught they get a min of 10 year ban. I have a friend who's Girlfriend had a life year ban for over staying a visa when she was 19.

So find a solution for these and NYC would be less sanctuary...
Gee, what's that sucking sound?

All the federal dollars being sucked out of your sanctuary city...

New York State sends a dollar to the feds for every 80 cents it gets back from it. Manhattan borough in particular probably sends 2-3 dollars to the feds for same return.

Awesome, non "sanctuary" places like South Carolina gets $8 spent on by the Feds for every dollar it gives.

You can suck on that.

Infomative I suppose assuming your stats are accurate. There are so many questions raised with the situation of sanctuary cities, I could bang out a few quickly.

The larger question is, what do those New Yorkers living in abject poverty and crime ridden areas think of these sanctuary cities? How much does it cost to police, take care of and assist illegal immigrants? All while so many legal citizens are hungry or without shelter.

I am a fully sensitive human being, in particular to those "Dreamers" who were born and raised in the U.S, through no fault of their own the product of illegal activities by their parents. I don't fault them, I do fault their parents for not choosing a proper method of becoming an American. How far can this charity extend? Does it have limits?

The better stat you should provide is about waste. How much is wasted on politic agendas? How much is wasted on policing and dealing with potential criminal activity of illegal immigrants?

One final note, illegal immigration is still just that, illegal. If you decide that laws only apply in some instances and not in others, you can imagine the anarchy you will have on your hands. It's an unsustainable situation to have 11 million in the country illegally.

I don't see "illegals" as a major problem, yea they come in and take low pay manual jobs to get by, but they are also subject to natural selection. It takes a certain character to drop your whole life and move to lands unknown where you will get no safety net and can't even turn to the police for help. They are young, they are ready to take a chance, they are ready to work to make it and stay under the radar and out of trouble. That's the profile.

America's major problem is that worker-to-dependent ratio keeps getting worse. Not because because people are lazy, but due to well predicted demographics - baby boomers are retiring and youngsters spend more time in school, entering workforce later. This will not change for next 20-30 years short of dramatically increasing prime working age immigration. Illegals alleviate this major problem, so it's tough to say how much of a net problem they really are.

Think about it this way - current unemployment is ~4.5%...what happens if tomorrow we get our wish and 8 million illegals disappear from workforce? Who will do those jobs? You seriously think people will come back to workforce to pick fruit and wash dishes?
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Gee, what's that sucking sound?

All the federal dollars being sucked out of your sanctuary city...

New York State sends a dollar to the feds for every 80 cents it gets back from it. Manhattan borough in particular probably sends 2-3 dollars to the feds for same return.

Awesome, non "sanctuary" places like South Carolina gets $8 spent on by the Feds for every dollar it gives.

You can suck on that.

Infomative I suppose assuming your stats are accurate. There are so many questions raised with the situation of sanctuary cities, I could bang out a few quickly.

The larger question is, what do those New Yorkers living in abject poverty and crime ridden areas think of these sanctuary cities? How much does it cost to police, take care of and assist illegal immigrants? All while so many legal citizens are hungry or without shelter.

I am a fully sensitive human being, in particular to those "Dreamers" who were born and raised in the U.S, through no fault of their own the product of illegal activities by their parents. I don't fault them, I do fault their parents for not choosing a proper method of becoming an American. How far can this charity extend? Does it have limits?

The better stat you should provide is about waste. How much is wasted on politic agendas? How much is wasted on policing and dealing with potential criminal activity of illegal immigrants?

One final note, illegal immigration is still just that, illegal. If you decide that laws only apply in some instances and not in others, you can imagine the anarchy you will have on your hands. It's an unsustainable situation to have 11 million in the country illegally.

I don't see "illegals" as a major problem, yea they come in and take low pay manual jobs to get by, but they are also subject to natural selection. It takes a certain character to drop your whole life and move to lands unknown where you will get no safety net and can't even turn to the police for help. They are young, they are ready to take a chance, they are ready to work to make it and stay under the radar and out of trouble. That's the profile.

America's major problem is that worker-to-dependent ratio keeps getting worse. Not because because people are lazy, but due to well predicted demographics - baby boomers are retiring and youngsters spend more time in school, entering workforce later. This will not change for next 20-30 years short of dramatically increasing prime working age immigration. Illegals alleviate this major problem, so it's tough to say how much of a net problem they really are.

Think about it this way - current unemployment is ~4.5%...what happens if tomorrow we get our wish and 8 million illegals disappear from workforce? Who will do those jobs? You seriously think people will come back to workforce to pick fruit and wash dishes?

Lets also add an economy can perform a lot better when it has millions of young healthy workers willing to work for pittance.

Imagine the cost if the old folks home had to pay a American to clean the building... They have rights, holidays, retirement, healthcare insurance... What would be the cost increases...

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