New York Times publishes Officer Darren Wilson’s account of the Michael Brown shooting

from this link:

In those first police accounts, St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar said that Brown “allegedly pushed” Wilson back into the car after Wilson tried to open the door. Brown, police said, then “physically assaulted” Wilson, and went for the gun. Wilson fired inside the vehicle, they said. Wilson then got out and killed Brown, Belmar said. The police had said Wilson feared for his life because Brown charged him on the sidewalk.

Dorian Johnson, the 22-year-old who was with Brown when they encountered Wilson, gave another version: Wilson encountered them in the street and ordered them onto the sidewalk. Wilson drove past, then backed up and opened the car door so forcefully that it bounced against the two men. Wilson, still in the car, then grabbed Brown by his collar. Brown was trying to free himself and never tried to get the gun. Wilson drew his gun and threatened to shoot, then it went off. Johnson and Brown then ran.

Two different accounts. That's all I'm saying.
There are several different accounts. We understand that. There are several different factors to be taken into consideration as well. such as their veracity and the forensics. Right now, Wilson walks, unless there is a game changer.

Justice cannot be held hostage to the wishes of a relatively vocal few who chant, "No justice, no peace." That would not be justice indeed.
I drive everyday, people don't walk down the middle of the road. That would be stupid. And it is illegal. You can't fault the cop for doing his job.

Likewise, I drive everyday, and on the very kinds of roads, I've described. In those residential areas, I often encounter people in the streets. Illegal or not.

Ok well I blame the guy for disobeying the law. You blame the cop for doing his job. I think this says a lot about your character.

I'll live with your disapproval.

Actually, I blame both of them. I don't assume that a badge makes a cop a saint....

But in this instance he was clearly doing his job. There is no doubt that he was walking down the middle of the road and that is illegal.
But in this instance he was clearly doing his job. There is no doubt that he was walking down the middle of the road and that is illegal.

His job has a lot of discretion as to how he deals with the public.

Again, we don't really know if the kids didn't move or if they didn't move fast enough to suit Wilson.
There are several different accounts. We understand that. There are several different factors to be taken into consideration as well. such as their veracity and the forensics. Right now, Wilson walks, unless there is a game changer.

Justice cannot be held hostage to the wishes of a relatively vocal few who chant, "No justice, no peace." That would not be justice indeed.

Agreed. More details can only be better for true justice. Details like, what did Wilson look like after the encounter?
But in this instance he was clearly doing his job. There is no doubt that he was walking down the middle of the road and that is illegal.

His job has a lot of discretion as to how he deals with the public.

Again, we don't really know if the kids didn't move or if they didn't move fast enough to suit Wilson.

But since the guy had just robbed a store I would say his discretion was perfect in this case.
There are several different accounts. We understand that. There are several different factors to be taken into consideration as well. such as their veracity and the forensics. Right now, Wilson walks, unless there is a game changer.

Justice cannot be held hostage to the wishes of a relatively vocal few who chant, "No justice, no peace." That would not be justice indeed.

Agreed. More details can only be better for true justice. Details like, what did Wilson look like after the encounter?

I thought that too until Brown's blood was found in the car. Brown had to have his arm in the car for that to be true. Nobody should be reaching into a cop car. And since the gun went off in the car I have no doubt they were fighting for the gun.
There are several different accounts. We understand that. There are several different factors to be taken into consideration as well. such as their veracity and the forensics. Right now, Wilson walks, unless there is a game changer.

Justice cannot be held hostage to the wishes of a relatively vocal few who chant, "No justice, no peace." That would not be justice indeed.

Agreed. More details can only be better for true justice. Details like, what did Wilson look like after the encounter?

So, unless Wilson got beat up you want him tried for murder?
There are several different accounts. We understand that. There are several different factors to be taken into consideration as well. such as their veracity and the forensics. Right now, Wilson walks, unless there is a game changer.

Justice cannot be held hostage to the wishes of a relatively vocal few who chant, "No justice, no peace." That would not be justice indeed.

Agreed. More details can only be better for true justice. Details like, what did Wilson look like after the encounter?
You may not have figured this out, but Wilson does not want to have his image splattered all over the media.

Have you figured out why there are no clear pictures of Wilson? I suggest you research the Zimmerman trial if it escapes you. He does not have to produce this publicly; do you blame him?
But since the guy had just robbed a store I would say his discretion was perfect in this case.

Wilson didn't know that Brown was involved in any robbery.

I thought that too until Brown's blood was found in the car. Brown had to have his arm in the car for that to be true. Nobody should be reaching into a cop car. And since the gun went off in the car I have no doubt they were fighting for the gun.

If you read Brown's friend's account, he said that Wilson pulled up so close and opened the car door so forcefully that the car door bounced off Brown and his friend and rebounded back on Wilson. I'm saying that it's possible, if Wilson was in some kind of tantrum, that he grabbed Brown and went for his gun. In which case, Brown might have been fighting for his life.

I'm not saying that's how it happened. I'm saying that it could have happened.
So, unless Wilson got beat up you want him tried for murder?

You may not have figured this out, but Wilson does not want to have his image splattered all over the media.

Have you figured out why there are no clear pictures of Wilson? I suggest you research the Zimmerman trial if it escapes you. He does not have to produce this publicly; do you blame him?

Nobody could wait to produce images of Brown. Images of Wilson already abound in the media, but not any of him in the aftermath of the shooting.

I would like to see evidence of the physical contact that he claimed Brown made. That's all.

He'll never be tried for murder, by the way. I don't think it fits the definition.
So, unless Wilson got beat up you want him tried for murder?

You may not have figured this out, but Wilson does not want to have his image splattered all over the media.

Have you figured out why there are no clear pictures of Wilson? I suggest you research the Zimmerman trial if it escapes you. He does not have to produce this publicly; do you blame him?

Nobody could wait to produce images of Brown. Images of Wilson already abound in the media, but not any of him in the aftermath of the Br.

I would like to see evidence of the physical contact that he claimed Brown made. That's all.

He'll never be tried for murder, by the way. I don't think it fits the definition.

I disagree, either he shot Brown legally during the course of his duty, OR he murdered him. I believe the evidence we've seen already shows that it was a legal shoot.
So, unless Wilson got beat up you want him tried for murder?

You may not have figured this out, but Wilson does not want to have his image splattered all over the media.

Have you figured out why there are no clear pictures of Wilson? I suggest you research the Zimmerman trial if it escapes you. He does not have to produce this publicly; do you blame him?

Nobody could wait to produce images of Brown. Images of Wilson already abound in the media, but not any of him in the aftermath of the shooting.

I would like to see evidence of the physical contact that he claimed Brown made. That's all.

He'll never be tried for murder, by the way. I don't think it fits the definition.
Show me the best image you have of Wilson. Figure out why it is so ill-defined. The best i've seen is some blurry thin white guy.

You will not see an image of Wilson until the courts decide it is time to do so. You are neither on a grand nor trial jury.
But since the guy had just robbed a store I would say his discretion was perfect in this case.

Wilson didn't know that Brown was involved in any robbery.

I thought that too until Brown's blood was found in the car. Brown had to have his arm in the car for that to be true. Nobody should be reaching into a cop car. And since the gun went off in the car I have no doubt they were fighting for the gun.

If you read Brown's friend's account, he said that Wilson pulled up so close and opened the car door so forcefully that the car door bounced off Brown and his friend and rebounded back on Wilson. I'm saying that it's possible, if Wilson was in some kind of tantrum, that he grabbed Brown and went for his gun. In which case, Brown might have been fighting for his life.

I'm not saying that's how it happened. I'm saying that it could have happened.

No he didn't know, but he used his discretion and since Brown had just robbed a store he was correct.

It seems very unlikely a cop would get so close to two guys.
Thank you. Do you now understand why there are no clear shots of Wilson? Would you want a bunch of racist vigilantes looking for you?

That's a fairly clear shot.

There's also a video of him pacing after the incident. After he allegedly almost lost consciousness. Now THAT'S blurry.
Seriously? Stop being deliberately obtuse. You could walk right by that today and not recognize him, let alone months after.

I understand there is a lot of dumbing down in America today, but enough is enough!!!
Seriously? Stop being deliberately obtuse. You could walk right by that today and not recognize him, let alone months after.

I understand there is a lot of dumbing down in America today, but enough is enough!!!

It's not my fault that you're failing to convince me. If you want to call it being "deliberately obtuse" you're welcome to that opinion. But I think it's a pretty clear photo. The point is not that he's controlling how many photos of him are out there (and how current), the point is that he's in hiding.
Seriously? Stop being deliberately obtuse. You could walk right by that today and not recognize him, let alone months after.

I understand there is a lot of dumbing down in America today, but enough is enough!!!

It's not my fault that you're failing to convince me. If you want to call it being "deliberately obtuse" you're welcome to that opinion. But I think it's a pretty clear photo. The point is not that he's controlling how many photos of him are out there (and how current), the point is that he's in hiding.
I am not out to
convince you. I am simply saying you are wrong. Of course he is in hiding.

Wtf is wrong with you? Did you learn nothing from Zimmerman? How dumbed down can people get?
At some point, Brown was withdrawing and no longer attacking Wilson. The ''self-defense'' justification ended at that point. If Wilson then followed Brown and shot him four more times in a fit of rage, then he committed a homicide --- either Murder 2 [premeditation was nullified by rage] or Voluntary Manslaughter [rage was reasonably provoked by Brown's assault]. Brown was not near the police car when Wilson killed him. This case presents a classic bar examination question.

Here is my reply on another thread.

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