New York and California Population Decline


Platinum Member
Jun 16, 2021
Wow....everyone is leaving these states. I'm guessing that if this keeps up housing might actually become affordable.

Wow....everyone is leaving these states. I'm guessing that if this keeps up housing might actually become affordable.

Metastasis is a pathogenic agent's spread from an initial or primary site to a different or secondary site within the host's body;[1] the term is typically used when referring to metastasis by a cancerous tumor.
You guys are always amazed at the workings of supply and demand. Florida growth will slow as housing gets to higher levels. Right now it’s still cheap. I own a place in NC and in Florida and the Florida place is 100 yards off the beach and about the same dollar per sqft as my NC home (6% more per sqft at the beach.. that is nothing).

California home price: Median $800k
Florida home price: Median $400k
Yet I sat in traffic for 45 minutes the other day in LA.

You guys have been preaching this bullshit for decades.

Traffic bad? Buy a helicopter.

You guys are always amazed at the workings of supply and demand. Florida growth will slow as housing gets to higher levels. Right now it’s still cheap. I own a place in NC and in Florida and the Florida place is 100 yards off the beach and about the same dollar per sqft as my NC home (6% more per sqft at the beach.. that is nothing).

California home price: Median $800k
Florida home price: Median $400k
Florida's taxes and insurance more than make up for that. Some of their oldest condo's still require $1500-$3000/month HOA fees for maintenance. There are many states cheaper than those two. Arizona for instance, people in Phoenix pay lower property taxes than Florida residents
Florida's taxes and insurance more than make up for that. Some of their oldest condo's still require $1500-$3000/month HOA fees for maintenance. There are many states cheaper than those two. Arizona for instance, people in Phoenix pay lower property taxes than Florida residents
Agree that Florida isn’t the cheapest place to live but far cheaper than the very popular northeast and California. Once the population snaps up the real estate in Florida, like they did in Cali and NE you will see growth slow as prices rise. The beach is almost entirely developed on Florida’s east coast. West coast still has a few years.
Agree that Florida isn’t the cheapest place to live but far cheaper than the very popular northeast and California. Once the population snaps up the real estate in Florida, like they did in Cali and NE you will see growth slow as prices rise. The beach is almost entirely developed on Florida’s east coast. West coast still has a few years.
I agree, we were in Naples not that long ago and It is becoming little NY. I suspect the lower tip of FL East to West will be blue if it isn't already
Yeah, LA has no freeways.

Hitting the crack pipe early I see.

They have freeways, what they haven't had is any meaningful investment in capacity increase in decades due to the left's obsession with bikes and mass transit.

I'm not talking minor improvements or additions; I'm talking a systemic attempt to increase road capacity.
Yet I sat in traffic for 45 minutes the other day in LA.

You guys have been preaching this bullshit for decades.
People in general do not like public transportation. There are those who do and traveling in that way if you live closer to it and where you are going is an inducement. The real issue is that it has to be massively subsidized. Local transportation authority's not only need the local taxes, but they also need the regional taxes and the state taxes along with federal taxes to keep them afloat. The fares are artificially lower due to this and even on the local transportation authorities some parts may subsidize other parts of it screwing over the fare customer not privileged.
They have freeways, what they haven't had is any meaningful investment in capacity increase in decades due to the left's obsession with bikes and mass transit.
Meanwhile back in reality, the RR Freeway--a state freeway--is like 6 lanes in both directions.
I'm not talking minor improvements or additions; I'm talking a systemic attempt to increase road capacity.

You’re talking out of your ass; as per usual. There are more people in SOCAL than dozens of red states combined. Thats the problem.
Meanwhile back in reality, the RR Freeway--a state freeway--is like 6 lanes in both directions.

You’re talking out of your ass; as per usual. There are more people in SOCAL than dozens of red states combined. Thats the problem.

And those discharge into streets being plastered with bike lanes, lane restrictions and other "improvements" that hurt traffic flow. Same is happening in NYC. Also, how long has it been 6 lanes in both directions, and how long is that stretch.


This is about change in population, not the population 10 years ago.

You are talking to an Engineer here, mouth-breather, so don't think you can get away with your usual dismissive bullshit.
That's because they haven't invested in improving road capacity in decades.

And 10 years ago it would have been 1.5 hours.
yea they did....when i lived there they greatly improved the freeway interchange area with the 91 and 57 still gets backed up....
Meanwhile back in reality, the RR Freeway--a state freeway--is like 6 lanes in both directions.

You’re talking out of your ass; as per usual. There are more people in SOCAL than dozens of red states combined. Thats the problem.
There are states who waste resources. California is one. An endless hole with the high-speed line is one example. The state has had its share of Prog governors. Local train lines that are conventional and cheaper could have been built and/or upgraded. None of the people living in areas that public transportation would be built would give them up in eminent domain either. The high-speed debacle is proof of that.

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