New York Accepts Ventilators From Our Enemies

Democrats trust our nation's enemies more than they trust Americans.
This is why they have now become a threat to national security. Back in the 1990's Clinton administration bought hard drives from China. All they did was look at the shipping manifest and determined if the towers were going to State Department or Defense Department and planted spy tech on them. Stole our design for the Raptor fighter bomber. How dumb can Coumo be?
So fucking stupid.

)Edited for the idiots who thought I agreed with their dumbassed bigotry.)

I meant that the THREAD is stupid. The premise is stupid. The vents will be fine and will save lives.

Fucking morons.
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Democrats trust our nation's enemies more than they trust Americans.
This is why they have now become a threat to national security. Back in the 1990's Clinton administration bought hard drives from China. All they did was look at the shipping manifest and determined if the towers were going to State Department or Defense Department and planted spy tech on them. Stole our design for the Raptor fighter bomber. How dumb can Coumo be?

The Clintons bought the hard drives in the 1990’s so they could hide Hillary’s emails in 2016.
This nation gave us the virus...why would anyone think they want to help us? Coumo is an idiot. I respected his father, but his father would never do this. He is being used like a rube.
Democrats trust our nation's enemies more than they trust Americans.
This is why they have now become a threat to national security. Back in the 1990's Clinton administration bought hard drives from China. All they did was look at the shipping manifest and determined if the towers were going to State Department or Defense Department and planted spy tech on them. Stole our design for the Raptor fighter bomber. How dumb can Coumo be?

The Clintons bought the hard drives in the 1990’s so they could hide Hillary’s emails in 2016.
No, they bought them because they were naive as fuck all. They got snookered by the Chinese government.
Democrats trust our nation's enemies more than they trust Americans.
That's the dumbest thing you could possibly post as a Trumpbot. You act like you have the brain of a chicken as my old granny would say, waking up to a new world every day. Who is it that discredits our entire intel agencies on a daily basis in an effort to make our Charlatan-in-Chief look Godlike? We gave our manufacturing away every admin since Reagan, especially during Bush. We have 'trusted' countries all across the globe to make our meds. NOW you question their trustworthyness?
I'll bet you blame others if you get lost driving alone too.
Democrats trust our nation's enemies more than they trust Americans.
That's the dumbest thing you could possibly post as a Trumpbot. You act like you have the brain of a chicken as my old granny would say, waking up to a new world every day. Who is it that discredits our entire intel agencies on a daily basis in an effort to make our Charlatan-in-Chief look Godlike? We gave our manufacturing away every admin since Reagan, especially during Bush. We have 'trusted' countries all across the globe to make our meds. NOW you question their trustworthyness?
I'll bet you blame others if you get lost driving alone too.
Democratic Party has lost its base. They should not have become globalist and Clinton started intense trading with China. They are not a friend of the United States. Sure. Nuremberg and Chamberlain was a great idea too. Just unbelievable.
So fucking stupid.

)Edited for the idiots who thought I agreed with their dumbassed bigotry.)

I meant that the THREAD is stupid. The premise is stupid. The vents will be fine and will save lives.

Fucking morons.
Create the pandemic then swoop in to gain political points.... Coumo is being played like fine fiddle for the Chinese
He is a rube. Just completely shot down his chances for POTUS.
Democrats trust our nation's enemies more than they trust Americans.
That's the dumbest thing you could possibly post as a Trumpbot. You act like you have the brain of a chicken as my old granny would say, waking up to a new world every day. Who is it that discredits our entire intel agencies on a daily basis in an effort to make our Charlatan-in-Chief look Godlike? We gave our manufacturing away every admin since Reagan, especially during Bush. We have 'trusted' countries all across the globe to make our meds. NOW you question their trustworthyness?
I'll bet you blame others if you get lost driving alone too.
The United States Is NOT New York City or San Francisco. You do not rule this nation Antifa's.
I'm here in Oregon. When I read the thread title, I thought hey, Oregon is definitely a liberal state, but I wouldn't go as far as saying we're the enemy !

Oregon sending ventilators to New York


Posted: Apr 4, 2020 / 11:24 AM EDT / Updated: Apr 4, 2020 / 12:14 PM EDT


ALBANY, N.Y. (CBS) – Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced on Saturday that Oregon will be sending 140 ventilators to New York State.

Cuomo described Oregon’s kind gesture as “astonishing and unexpected.”

Cuomo said the coronavirus has killed 3.565 people in New York State. There are 1133,704 positive cases across NYS.

Monroe County has 512 confirmed cases of COVID-19.

On Friday, the governor called for resources from the across the country to be deployed to New York, saying it is “in crisis.”
You do remember when the libtards in New York lit up the Empire State Building in Chinese red?
You have got to be kidding me? I would scan those things because you never know what they have laced them with. Again, why are we even dealing with these people? Ridiculous.
And your president accepts the hot beef injection from Putin.

Which is worse?

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You have got to be kidding me? I would scan those things because you never know what they have laced them with. Again, why are we even dealing with these people? Ridiculous.
Because they are keeping people alive when the current administration doesn't give a flying.

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