New Year’s Day!


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021
Red State! Amen.
The best part of New Year’s Day this January 1, 2023, imho, is that the New House of Representatives takes over in just two more days.

Well. That and football all day. And a happy and healthy family.

But still. Diluting the ability of the current Administration to mis-govern this republic is a very good start.

What other good news do folks associate with today?
The best part of New Year’s Day this January 1, 2023, imho, is that the New House of Representatives takes over in just two more days.

And not one single thing will change in my life due to this fact.

I had honestly even forgotten it was happening.

What other good news do folks associate with today?

It is always a season for "new beginnings".

For the wife and I it is time to really enjoy our new house. We have so many plans for it but need to take it slow, plan on living here for the next decade if not till I die.

We also celebrate our 30th anniversary in Feb. Seems like a crazy long time and no time at all, all at the same time. We had been debating where to go to celebrate it, and decided on NOLA. My wife has never been and the only time I had was when the Marine flew me from Okinawa to there for a 5 day conference. We are not going till late March, but it is still our anniversary celebrating. Very excited, she signed us up for a Cajun cooking class!

Other than that we will see what life brings us.
What other good news do folks associate with today?
mama pig and her brood are doing just fine>>>


i make sure mama gets the best of what there is for food ......

The best part of New Year’s Day this January 1, 2023, imho, is that the New House of Representatives takes over in just two more days.

Well. That and football all day. And a happy and healthy family.

But still. Diluting the ability of the current Administration to mis-govern this republic is a very good start.

What other good news do folks associate with today?
10 days til our 48th anniversary, 27 days until our next vacation, and somebody gave me indoor range passes so I won't be shooting out in the cold and wet.
mama pig and her brood are doing just fine>>>
View attachment 743964
View attachment 743965
i make sure mama gets the best of what there is for food ......

Yours is smart enough to have them in a nice warm barn, instead of breaking out of the barn, to root out, under a fence, to have them behind a damned log on a barren hillside, down the pasture somewhere.
Yours is smart enough to have them in a nice warm barn, instead of breaking out of the barn, to root out, under a fence, to have them behind a damned log on a barren hillside, down the pasture somewhere.
mostly the little ones will stay with their mama W6

it's the boars , they always 'eff up a fence

they want to get to the sows you see, so i'm always repairing a fence because of them

mostly the little ones will stay with their mama W6

it's the boars , they always 'eff up a fence

they want to get to the sows you see, so i'm always repairing a fence because of them

Granddad had trouble several times, and seemingly on cold, rainy or snowy nights, with sows deciding to have their brood in a more private place of their choosing. When you found them with a new litter, out there in the cold drizzly night, you knew she would be in no mood to be fooled with, for their own good or not.
Granddad had trouble several times, and seemingly on cold, rainy or snowy nights, with sows deciding to have their brood in a more private place of their choosing. When you found them with a new litter, out there in the cold drizzly night, you knew she would be in no mood to be fooled with, for their own good or not.
Oh they absolutely have a 'tude W6, they get something in their heads about their brood, and you'll never convince them otherwise

maybe that's where 'pigheaded' hails from?

Oh, forgot to add I am driving to NC on Friday for my mom's 84th birthday celebration.

First time all her children will be in the same place in more than 14 years.
The best part of New Year’s Day this January 1, 2023, imho, is that the New House of Representatives takes over in just two more days.

Well. That and football all day. And a happy and healthy family.

But still. Diluting the ability of the current Administration to mis-govern this republic is a very good start.

What other good news do folks associate with today?

It makes me wonder how much change there will be given the support of the back stabbing RINO's on the latest pork bill. If Republicans stuck together as well as Democrats I might have a lot more faith. But even if they did, any positive legislation would have to get through that Senate and to Dementia's desk for a signature. He's not signing anything that doesn't in some way promote his party.

What I am looking forward to is the coming impeachments and the Republicans holding a real 1/6 investigation putting Piglosi, Wray, and the Capitol police Chief under oath plus the 1/6 footage the commies have been hiding from us.
Nope, the Republicans generally sign laws that are beneficial to the general public and not their party. It's Democrats that use our tax money for vote buying and power.

And the truly sad part is you actually believe this shit you post
The best part of New Year’s Day this January 1, 2023, imho, is that the New House of Representatives takes over in just two more days.

Well. That and football all day. And a happy and healthy family.

But still. Diluting the ability of the current Administration to mis-govern this republic is a very good start.

What other good news do folks associate with today?
Hung out with my grandkids. It was decent. Go fuck yourself.
And not one single thing will change in my life due to this fact.

I had honestly even forgotten it was happening.

It is always a season for "new beginnings".

For the wife and I it is time to really enjoy our new house. We have so many plans for it but need to take it slow, plan on living here for the next decade if not till I die.

We also celebrate our 30th anniversary in Feb. Seems like a crazy long time and no time at all, all at the same time. We had been debating where to go to celebrate it, and decided on NOLA. My wife has never been and the only time I had was when the Marine flew me from Okinawa to there for a 5 day conference. We are not going till late March, but it is still our anniversary celebrating. Very excited, she signed us up for a Cajun cooking class!

Other than that we will see what life brings us.
It’s not what will happen. It’s all about what will not happen, now. Happy New Year.

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