New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

Girls story:
Chase... Verbal confrontation... scuffle...

Zimmermans story
Chase (maybe)... vicious from-behind attack...

Yes I see conflict here between the two stories.

Yet, the blackette didn't call police, why not if she thought her black was being attacked? Do you think the blackette would have said anything that would make her black look bad? Why should she have any credibility?

If the two, Zimmerman and the black, exchanged words, while the blackette was on the phone, Zimmerman was probably only in shouting distance, and in his car.

We know Airux, you would been a far better "life partner" to Trayvon. There's no way you would have let some other overweight male tussle with your big beast.


It's kind of a kick in the gut to the family to say people overreacted to the death of their son.

no it's not. the family should take the shit that will come their way when hey go so public. the dad seems to like the spotlight too much. he's lost a son and gained his 15 minutes of fame

and why do you think all people love their children the same? people kill their kids all the time

That's a real sick thing to say about a man that just buried his child...
It's hard to imagine being able to ovvereact to the death of minor.

This isn't a reaction to the put down of a high school delinquent bringing his fists to a gunfight, after being caught casing the neighborhood. It's opportunistic civil criminals exploiting a situation to shake down society.

I looked into this kids face and saw my nephew, many people did. Kind of hard not to overreact.

Yeah, all blacks look the same. Or, maybe you're thinking of the uncertainty of black paternity?
Are the loons over at CNN & NBC still calling Zimmerman 'White?' Anyone got an update on that?
It's hard to imagine being able to ovvereact to the death of minor.

This isn't a reaction to the put down of a high school delinquent bringing his fists to a gunfight, after being caught casing the neighborhood. It's opportunistic civil criminals exploiting a situation to shake down society.

I looked into this kids face and saw my nephew, many people did. Kind of hard not to overreact.

Yeah, all blacks look the same. Or, maybe you're thinking of the uncertainty of black paternity?

:lol: Check your rep lately?
Are the loons over at CNN & NBC still calling Zimmerman 'White?' Anyone got an update on that?

No. I've only seen "multi-racial" and "hispanic" lately.

Well, that is an update. I guess they were forced to abandon their 'Evil White Man Kills Black Kid' propaganda. Hey, at least they changed course a bit. I'll take what i can get from the Liberal Press at this point. Thanks for the update.
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It's hard to imagine being able to ovvereact to the death of minor.

This isn't a reaction to the put down of a high school delinquent bringing his fists to a gunfight, after being caught casing the neighborhood. It's opportunistic civil criminals exploiting a situation to shake down society.

I looked into this kids face and saw my nephew, many people did. Kind of hard not to overreact.

Yeah, all blacks look the same. Or, maybe you're thinking of the uncertainty of black paternity?

:lol: Check your rep lately?

Where does Martin "casing the neighborhood" come from? The victim was being followed by the KILLER.
This isn't a reaction to the put down of a high school delinquent bringing his fists to a gunfight, after being caught casing the neighborhood. It's opportunistic civil criminals exploiting a situation to shake down society.

Yeah, all blacks look the same. Or, maybe you're thinking of the uncertainty of black paternity?

:lol: Check your rep lately?

Where does Martin "casing the neighborhood" come from? The victim was being followed by the KILLER.

Are you on crack?

I never once said Trayvon was casing the neighborhood.
Are the loons over at CNN & NBC still calling Zimmerman 'White?' Anyone got an update on that?

No. I've only seen "multi-racial" and "hispanic" lately.

Well, that is an update. I guess they were forced to abandon their 'Evil White Man Kills Black Kid' propaganda. Hey, at least they changed course a bit. I'll take what i can get from the Liberal Press at this point. Thanks for the update.

Have the police abandoned their propaganda and edited their report?
Are the loons over at CNN & NBC still calling Zimmerman 'White?' Anyone got an update on that?

No. I've only seen "multi-racial" and "hispanic" lately.

Well, that is an update. I guess they were forced to abandon their 'Evil White Man Kills Black Kid' propaganda. Hey, at least they changed course a bit. I'll take what i can get form the Liberal Press at this point. Thanks for the update.

OMG - the loons had the audacity to use the identification written in the police report.

C'mon - I like media bashing with the best of 'em but you'd probably find an excuse to bash them if they'd contradicted what the officers said.

You've got your own script prewritten and you're following it just as faithfully as any "Liberal Press".
This isn't a reaction to the put down of a high school delinquent bringing his fists to a gunfight, after being caught casing the neighborhood. It's opportunistic civil criminals exploiting a situation to shake down society.

Yeah, all blacks look the same. Or, maybe you're thinking of the uncertainty of black paternity?

:lol: Check your rep lately?

Where does Martin "casing the neighborhood" come from? The victim was being followed by the KILLER.
Who said Martin was "casing the neighborhood"? Who are you quoting?

No. I've only seen "multi-racial" and "hispanic" lately.

Well, that is an update. I guess they were forced to abandon their 'Evil White Man Kills Black Kid' propaganda. Hey, at least they changed course a bit. I'll take what i can get from the Liberal Press at this point. Thanks for the update.

Have the police abandoned their propaganda and edited their report?

Maybe they should...


Family describes George Zimmerman as “Hispanic.” Media caught lying again.

Every day in the US white people are murdered, raped, and beaten from black perpetrators. In almost all cases, there is little to no media coverage. So why is there so much coverage about a neighborhood watch captain shooting a 17-year-old teen. A search on google shows all the major cable news outlets, all the major websites, and hundreds of newspaper aggressively promoting the story from the point of view of the grieving family of the deceased. This is Agitation Propaganda (agitprop) 101.

There is definitely one detail the media is playing fast and loose with. The man fired the gun is universally described as “white.” The media wants him to be white. Having a white shooter fits their political agenda. Most media outlets are not showing his picture, even though a picture is available. All you hear and see is “George Zimmerman, white man!” What they aren’t telling you is the mother of Zimmerman is a Latino immigrant.

Robert Zimmerman, the father, told the Orlando Sentinal “George Zimmerman is Hispanic and grew up in a multiracial family.”

Barack Obama also has one white parent. The media never calls him a “white man.”

Family describes George Zimmerman as “Hispanic.” Media caught lying again.
:lol: Check your rep lately?

Where does Martin "casing the neighborhood" come from? The victim was being followed by the KILLER.
Who said Martin was "casing the neighborhood"? Who are you quoting?


Part of your post Si:

Quote: Originally Posted by Ariux

This isn't a reaction to the put down of a high school delinquent bringing his fists to a gunfight, after being caught casing the neighborhood. It's opportunistic civil criminals exploiting a situation to shake down society.
Where does Martin "casing the neighborhood" come from? The victim was being followed by the KILLER.
Who said Martin was "casing the neighborhood"? Who are you quoting?


Zimmerman told 911 he was wandering around the clubhouse.

The clubhouse is an indirect route from the store.
Again, who said Martin was "casing the neighborhood"?

The boy was only visiting. It's a townhouse community. Think about that.
Where does Martin "casing the neighborhood" come from? The victim was being followed by the KILLER.

Are you on crack?

I never once said Trayvon was casing the neighborhood.

ARIUX did; that is strange, as is "the phantom broadcast" from GODLIKE productions.

There is absolutely no way I could give you an explanation regarding anything Ariux says...ever.

He's a homosexual racist troll. He's no better then a Farrakhan follower. When David Duke dies we'll probably see Ariux come back again and claim that Duke's soul was abducted by an alien spaceship where he's waiting to return with the Jesus and Moses who were both blonde haired english royalty.

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