New Study Reveals That Republican Policies Have Pushed Millions Of Americans Into Hunger


VIP Member
Jun 9, 2014
New Study Reveals That Republican Policies Have Pushed Millions Of Americans Into Hunger

How proud Republicans must feel to have people be hungry in this country! No doubt it makes them BOAST that they've got the power and you can simply be thrown under the bus.

Is this what you expected from Republicans? Is this what you rightfully deserve to have? Is this your fate? It doesn't have to be if you do not allow them control of the Senate or the presidency in 2014 and 2016 respectively.

This cruelty has got to stop on their part! Enough is enough. Defenseless people, children and the elderly are At Risk! And all they can think of is ways to continue to marginalize you even more. What a shame! Americans deserve far better than this from their elected representatives who are supposed to look after your best interests. Isn't that why you sent them to Washington? Or did you send them to help the 1% only and throw you under the bus because that's exactly what's happening now.

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Politicus is like HuffPo for retards. Ponder that a minute.
Democrats have controlled Congress basically for the last 7 years. There are more people on food stamps today than the day Bush left office. THere is more poverty today than the day Bush left office. If things are worse now than the day Bush left office, it isn't Bush's fault, or the Republicans' fault. It is Obama's fault and the Democrats' fault. Democrat policies produce nthing but poverty and despair.
Right at the top of the page "Real Liberal Politics". That right there tells me the article is a load of bullshit, but I kept reading anyways.

The entire article keeps referring to the recession, and attempts to lay sole blame on the republicans. This simply isn't true. The recession is the fault of many people at many different levels. Trying to lay the blame on one specific political party is hackery at it's best.
If things are worse now than the day Bush left office, it isn't Bush's fault,

sounds like you are not to sure things are worse....
I demonstrate why things are worse and you think I'm not sure? Let me assure you, the economy is in much worse shape today than when Bush left office. When he left we had a cyclical turn in the business cycle that would have corrected itself within 18 months. Instead we have an enormous regulatory and tax regime that stifles innovation and growth. We will never achieve the growth levels of the past. That is why the economy is worse.
If things are worse now than the day Bush left office, it isn't Bush's fault,

sounds like you are not to sure things are worse....
I demonstrate why things are worse and you think I'm not sure? Let me assure you, the economy is in much worse shape today than when Bush left office. When he left we had a cyclical turn in the business cycle that would have corrected itself within 18 months. Instead we have an enormous regulatory and tax regime that stifles innovation and growth. We will never achieve the growth levels of the past. That is why the economy is worse.

You enjoyed high gas prices??? It was $4.75 around here before Boosh left office...
What does one expect from Politicaldouche??

She's a rabid Dem yet she doesn't seem to realize that the Dems had control of congress for forty years.

They are the ones who instituted Welfare, Medicaid and the rest of that social bullshit. They made it easy for anyone to become a freeloader. We now have loads of freeloaders out there all courtesy of the Democratic Party who figures those who work and pay taxes need to pay for those that don't.

Yet. Ol'Douche is a winner.

Oh and BTW loads of those welfare folks are obese and overweight. No starvation there folks.
Wonder where ol douchebag sees all these hungry starving people??
If things are worse now than the day Bush left office, it isn't Bush's fault,

sounds like you are not to sure things are worse....
I demonstrate why things are worse and you think I'm not sure? Let me assure you, the economy is in much worse shape today than when Bush left office. When he left we had a cyclical turn in the business cycle that would have corrected itself within 18 months. Instead we have an enormous regulatory and tax regime that stifles innovation and growth. We will never achieve the growth levels of the past. That is why the economy is worse.

You enjoyed high gas prices??? It was $4.75 around here before Boosh left office...
And my favorite restaurant closed in the meantime.
Way to go reaching for straws. You win the award of the day.
Politicus is like HuffPo for retards. Ponder that a minute.
Democrats have controlled Congress basically for the last 7 years. There are more people on food stamps today than the day Bush left office. THere is more poverty today than the day Bush left office. If things are worse now than the day Bush left office, it isn't Bush's fault, or the Republicans' fault. It is Obama's fault and the Democrats' fault. Democrat policies produce nthing but poverty and despair.
First of all, Politicus is a great source for information of current happenings for things we need to really know about. You need to take time to read all of the links they provide within their articles, many from government sources, that reveal what they are talking about.

As for what you're saying, actually quite the opposite is true. Tell me what Americans can really boast over by having Republicans control Congress and the Presidency? Can you assure us that Republicans have not CUT (and would not continue to CUT) services and much needed items from Americans and make a great push to reduce social services that so many people depend upon especially the children, the disabled, and the elderly who cannot work?That is what we are looking at plus a host of other reasons why it is best to have Democrats in Washington over Republicans.

Now, if you, personally, are well-to-do then you're obviously happy with Republicans and therefore want to keep them in office. But if you are not and are struggling to make ends meet and need someone that truly understands the plight of the Middle Class, the poor and the elderly then people need to wake up to the fact that, financially speaking, they will never get ahead with Republicans in Washington. No way they will ever do that. No Brag. Just Fact.
Politicus is like HuffPo for retards. Ponder that a minute.
Democrats have controlled Congress basically for the last 7 years. There are more people on food stamps today than the day Bush left office. THere is more poverty today than the day Bush left office. If things are worse now than the day Bush left office, it isn't Bush's fault, or the Republicans' fault. It is Obama's fault and the Democrats' fault. Democrat policies produce nthing but poverty and despair.
First of all, Politicus is a great source for information of current happenings for things we need to really know about. You need to take time to read all of the links they provide within their articles, many from government sources, that reveal what they are talking about.

As for what you're saying, actually quite the opposite is true. Tell me what Americans can really boast over by having Republicans control Congress and the Presidency? Can you assure us that Republicans have not CUT (and would not continue to CUT) services and much needed items from Americans and make a great push to reduce social services that so many people depend upon especially the children, the disabled, and the elderly who cannot work?That is what we are looking at plus a host of other reasons why it is best to have Democrats in Washington over Republicans.

Now, if you, personally, are well-to-do then you're obviously happy with Republicans and therefore want to keep them in office. But if you are not and are struggling to make ends meet and need someone that truly understands the plight of the Middle Class, the poor and the elderly then people need to wake up to the fact that, financially speaking, they will never get ahead with Republicans in Washington. No way they will ever do that. No Brag. Just Fact.
You're an idiot. Like that's news.
There have been no cuts. Every single program receives more funding today than it did last year, or 5 years ago. The budget has increased every year.
But the Democrats have controlled COngress for the vast majority of that time. The policies that they enacted in 2009-2010 are bearing their poison fruit. Thus the incresae in poverty.
Politicus is like HuffPo for retards. Ponder that a minute.
Democrats have controlled Congress basically for the last 7 years. There are more people on food stamps today than the day Bush left office. THere is more poverty today than the day Bush left office. If things are worse now than the day Bush left office, it isn't Bush's fault, or the Republicans' fault. It is Obama's fault and the Democrats' fault. Democrat policies produce nthing but poverty and despair.
First of all, Politicus is a great source for information of current happenings for things we need to really know about.

Only if you are a loony lib in desperate need of Pabulum.
What does one expect from Politicaldouche??

She's a rabid Dem yet she doesn't seem to realize that the Dems had control of congress for forty years.

They are the ones who instituted Welfare, Medicaid and the rest of that social bullshit. They made it easy for anyone to become a freeloader. We now have loads of freeloaders out there all courtesy of the Democratic Party who figures those who work and pay taxes need to pay for those that don't.

Yet. Ol'Douche is a winner.

Oh and BTW loads of those welfare folks are obese and overweight. No starvation there folks.
Wonder where ol douchebag sees all these hungry starving people??
For your information, Ms. Stupid, if it were not for the social programs MILLIONS of people would starve and die in this country most of which would be the disabled, children, the elderly, and the poor. If Republicans had full control of things people would literally die of starvation as the article rightfully points out. That is why the Middle Class, poor people, the elderly, the disabled and many other people need to be very careful about putting Republicans in office knowing full well that they do not have their best interests in mind or heart.
Politicus is like HuffPo for retards. Ponder that a minute.
Democrats have controlled Congress basically for the last 7 years. There are more people on food stamps today than the day Bush left office. THere is more poverty today than the day Bush left office. If things are worse now than the day Bush left office, it isn't Bush's fault, or the Republicans' fault. It is Obama's fault and the Democrats' fault. Democrat policies produce nthing but poverty and despair.
the dems have not had control of the congress at all ...were ever you get that bull shit is beyond me ... republicans have done nothing but cut programs and thats why we have poverity ...they have cut money to every program that creates jobs ... the whole problem we have in this country to day has been caused by bush and the republicans policy while he was in office for you to try and push this job loss on dems is just plain disgusting
New Study Reveals That Republican Policies Have Pushed Millions Of Americans Into Hunger

How proud Republicans must feel to have people be hungry in this country! No doubt it makes them BOAST that they've got the power and you can simply be thrown under the bus.

Is this what you expected from Republicans? Is this what you rightfully deserve to have? Is this your fate? It doesn't have to be if you do not allow them control of the Senate or the presidency in 2014 and 2016 respectively.

This cruelty has got to stop on their part! Enough is enough. Defenseless people, children and the elderly are At Risk! And all they can think of is ways to continue to marginalize you even more. What a shame! Americans deserve far better than this from their elected representatives who are supposed to look after your best interests. Isn't that why you sent them to Washington? Or did you send them to help the 1% only and throw you under the bus because that's exactly what's happening now.

So, your first two sentences are not valid in any manner describable. How do you know what things would make a Republican proud or not? I've not heard, seen, or read anywhere that Republicans are boasting about having power, particularly given the obstructionism in the Senate.

What I expect from Republicans is for them to obey the Constitution and the Laws of this country and not get swept up in emotional arguments thatin the end, do more harm than good. Feel good actions only feel good in the very, very, short term, and often cause significant problems in the long term.

The real cruelty is believing that creating dependence upon government is somehow an act of compassion. It is not.
Politicus is like HuffPo for retards. Ponder that a minute.
Democrats have controlled Congress basically for the last 7 years. There are more people on food stamps today than the day Bush left office. THere is more poverty today than the day Bush left office. If things are worse now than the day Bush left office, it isn't Bush's fault, or the Republicans' fault. It is Obama's fault and the Democrats' fault. Democrat policies produce nthing but poverty and despair.
First of all, Politicus is a great source for information of current happenings for things we need to really know about. You need to take time to read all of the links they provide within their articles, many from government sources, that reveal what they are talking about.

As for what you're saying, actually quite the opposite is true. Tell me what Americans can really boast over by having Republicans control Congress and the Presidency? Can you assure us that Republicans have not CUT (and would not continue to CUT) services and much needed items from Americans and make a great push to reduce social services that so many people depend upon especially the children, the disabled, and the elderly who cannot work?That is what we are looking at plus a host of other reasons why it is best to have Democrats in Washington over Republicans.

Now, if you, personally, are well-to-do then you're obviously happy with Republicans and therefore want to keep them in office. But if you are not and are struggling to make ends meet and need someone that truly understands the plight of the Middle Class, the poor and the elderly then people need to wake up to the fact that, financially speaking, they will never get ahead with Republicans in Washington. No way they will ever do that. No Brag. Just Fact.
You're an idiot. Like that's news.
There have been no cuts. Every single program receives more funding today than it did last year, or 5 years ago. The budget has increased every year.
But the Democrats have controlled COngress for the vast majority of that time. The policies that they enacted in 2009-2010 are bearing their poison fruit. Thus the incresae in poverty.
you need to go and educate your self the dems had the super majority for 8 day between 2009 and 2010

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