New study released on transgenders


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
Parents who contributed to the study claimed that clinicians pressured them to affirm their children’s transitions, and reported that their children’s mental health issues — including gender dysphoria, anxiety, and depression — all worsened after transition.
Among girls featured in the study, 60.9 percent reported having another friend coming out as transgender “around the same time.” Having friends come out as transgender was heavily correlated with the decision of girls to socially transition. According to the study, 77.3 percent of females with transgender friends “had taken steps toward social transition, compared with 54 percent without such friends; for males, respective figures were 39.5% and 21.7%.”

As I have said countless times, these are KIDS. They are easily impressionable, confused and immature. Ruining their lives is NOT the answer.
Parents who contributed to the study claimed that clinicians pressured them to affirm their children’s transitions, and reported that their children’s mental health issues — including gender dysphoria, anxiety, and depression — all worsened after transition.
Among girls featured in the study, 60.9 percent reported having another friend coming out as transgender “around the same time.” Having friends come out as transgender was heavily correlated with the decision of girls to socially transition. According to the study, 77.3 percent of females with transgender friends “had taken steps toward social transition, compared with 54 percent without such friends; for males, respective figures were 39.5% and 21.7%.”

As I have said countless times, these are KIDS. They are easily impressionable, confused and immature. Ruining their lives is NOT the answer.
For the health care community, these kids are a gold mine


Imagine, if you will, creating a patient that will be completely reliant on medicine to artificially maintain a gender you were not born into. It is a life time of hormone injections, various surgeries, and, of course, "counseling sessions".

It will create an entire segment of the population that will be completely dependent on them till they die.
For the health care community, these kids are a gold mine

Imagine, if you will, creating a patient that will be completely reliant on medicine to artificially maintain a gender you were not born into. It is a life time of hormone injections, various surgeries, and, of course, "counseling sessions".

It will create an entire segment of the population that will be completely dependent on them till they die.
Yep. Have you ever heard of everything that goes into those that do bottom surgery? OMG Its insane man
Parents who contributed to the study claimed that clinicians pressured them to affirm their children’s transitions, and reported that their children’s mental health issues — including gender dysphoria, anxiety, and depression — all worsened after transition.
Among girls featured in the study, 60.9 percent reported having another friend coming out as transgender “around the same time.” Having friends come out as transgender was heavily correlated with the decision of girls to socially transition. According to the study, 77.3 percent of females with transgender friends “had taken steps toward social transition, compared with 54 percent without such friends; for males, respective figures were 39.5% and 21.7%.”

As I have said countless times, these are KIDS. They are easily impressionable, confused and immature. Ruining their lives is NOT the answer.
When I was a kid ... I was petrified when I first saw the movie, "Frankenstein's Monster." What's even scarier is the fact that parents are literally playing "Frankenstein" with their innocent, confused, and impressionable little kids. Pure evil has reared its ugly head here in America and the world. The parents (and so-called "doctors") should be lined up in front of a firing squad.
If we had simply held the line against gays, this wouldn't be happening....
What part of LGTB do you not understand?

First they pushed the L and G. But then I thought, how will they push the T because that would be much harder to do.

Well here we are, with children transitioning even though it is not morally defensible for obvious reasons thus much harder to sell. Nonetheless, the agenda still stands, so it will be shoved down your throat regardless.

So the only one left in the group to push for is the B part. Next, I think, they will be sanctioning polygamy.

Then again, I think it makes the Left nervous when people have sex with both sexes. It almost implies that sex is a choice and not forced upon people, which to them is an unexpectable notion because they look at humans like they are animals. They simply react to their urges and have very little, if any control over them. Therefore, they may just ignore the B part of the group altogether.
Just wait. There will be more law suits from these victims.
The Left simply cannot allow these law suits to win, so they must shut them down. Otherwise, the indoctrination will suffer as more and more will reject this transitioning as "normal". That simply cannot be allowed.

Therefore, they must do what they have to do, whether it is threaten or bribe or kill these judges to give them the verdicts they need to continue to groom children.
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If we had just kept the gay lifestyle illegal and punished them harshly anytime they came out of the closet -- we wouldn't have tranny pedos running around...

The gays most evil invention is trannies.....they are a plague, they are the most dangerous threat our country has ever faced....
Finally ... we agree on something.
The medical profession needs to be involved, it is a mental health issue and it seems to be a new fad among some youth that crave attention and want to stand out and be different. A kid has no idea who or what they want to be when they grow up and change their minds many times over, this is no different.
When I was a little juvie, I was nervous when my parents took me to a surgeon to get a hernia repair. The scalpel was coming a bit too close in my mind. And now parents are pushing their kids into this, as well as getting loaded on all kinds of hormones.

Absolute insanity.

If an adult who has lived life wants to go out on evenings and weekends in ladies' clothes and pretend to be a girl while hanging with the 'boys', that's his own affiar. If he wants to go to extremes and travel to Copenhagen or Trinidad and have it chopped off by a quack on his own dime, that's fine as well.

But this shit is out of hand.
If we had just kept the gay lifestyle illegal and punished them harshly anytime they came out of the closet -- we wouldn't have tranny pedos running around...

The gays most evil invention is trannies.....they are a plague, they are the most dangerous threat our country has ever faced....
You will always have gays and people who want to be the other sex, etc. The human condition is simply messed up. Every aspect of your being, whether it be physical or mental or spiritual or sexual, is subject to dysfunction. But the first step is at least admitting the dysfunction to try and manage it, and not to celebrate it. To me, it would be akin to celebrating heart disease. Insane.

What to do about gays and trannies is for another thread, but to shove it down the throats of the populace and children at school, so that more and more become messed up that otherwise may not have been, is not the answer.

That is going from bad to worse.
So why were the conservatives so weak that they completely caved into the fags?

I even see conservatives on this message board defending fags as if they are good people? How are they good people when they invented trannies
I'm conservative, and I haven't "caved into the fags." So what literal "Conservatives" are you talking about? If you mean RINOs then you're completely incorrect. They're not "conservative" at all. They're interested in money, votes, and power, just like the Marxist Democrats are.
When I was a little juvie, I was nervous when my parents took me to a surgeon to get a hernia repair. The scalpel was coming a bit too close in my mind. And now parents are pushing their kids into this, as well as getting loaded on all kinds of hormones.

Absolute insanity.

If an adult who has lived life wants to go out on evenings and weekends in ladies' clothes and pretend to be a girl while hanging with the 'boys', that's his own affiar. If he wants to go to extremes and travel to Copenhagen or Trinidad and have it chopped off by a quack on his own dime, that's fine as well.

But this shit is out of hand.
The medical establishment is horrific regarding trying to fix mental health issues, or anything dealing with the brain.

But unfortunately, the brain is usually the one area that needs fixed, instead of the rest of the body

For example, those seeking bariatric surgery, that is, trying to surgically create a thinner person by shrinking their stomach, comes to mind. What they can do is go in and surgically shrink the stomach so that people are not as hungry, thus losing weight. But I can't tell you the number of people I have run into who have had secondary issues from the surgeries. Some have even died. But it gets worse, they inevitably go back to their former eating habits as their stomach slowly stretches back out. The next thing you know, they are fat again. The problem was never the stomach so why mutilate it?

Again, the problem is with the human mind, for which, the medical community is largely clueless on how to treat. It is much easier to cut and collect a check as it usually solves shorter term issues and has a brief feel good window of accomplishment. But most of all, they collect far more profit from a surgery than counciling sessions.

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