New study confirms economy was destroyed by Democrat policies

Anyone really paying attention already knew this.

A new study from the widely respected National Bureau of Economic Research released this week has confirmed beyond question that the left's race-baiting attacks on the housing market (the Community Reinvestment Act--enacted under Carter, made shockingly more aggressive under Clinton) is directly responsible for imploding the housing market and destroying the economy.

The study painstakingly sorted through failed home loans that caused the housing market collapse and identified an overwhelming connection between them and CRA mortgages.

Again, let's review...

The really sad part if that Fannie and Freddie went right back to the same practices that started all this shit. And, of course, they are using tax payer money to do it. The left knows that their policies caused the meltdown. This is what they wanted because it gave them the excuse to insert themselves into all aspects of the private sector. And another meltdown in a few years will likely completely destroy us. Understand what their endgame is and everything makes sense.
And just so happens that those certain areas were all black....but hey, just because there is a pattern here doesnt mean anything. Its just an accumulation of similar events thats a coincidence.

But let one white guy be out of work and you'll hear all about Racism where the "maybe its not" gang role reverse

It's not a coincidence. Blacks have poor credit. That isn't the fault of banks. If you want blacks to get mortgages more easily, then work on showing them how to improve their credit and make more money. Looting the banks is not a solution.

Wait so the study needs to compare credit scores but you dont because "blacks have poor credit". Did you forget to add the part where you found that is the reason they were denied? No you didnt, you just made it up Stephen Spielturd

I haven't, but someone else did. They found that the denial rate for people with the same credit score was the same, no matter what their race or ethnicity. It had to because there were already laws on the books that prevented banks from discriminating based on race and ethnicity. However, that wasn't good enough for the people agitating about "red-lining." That's why they invented the scam. They wanted to force banks to give mortgages to people with bad credit.

Link? Minton - CRA - FINAL_WEB.pdf

Oh a pdf? Since I know that republican links never say what they think it says where is the quote showing that information?

Here is where you say something like "find it yourself" because it doesn't say that at all
Anyone who attempts to blame one party for the crash automatically identifies themselves as a clueless partisan hack.
Not really. Republicans were able to use reconciliation three times. They deregulated Wall Street. It's like Iraq. Republicans say it's the Democrats fault for not stopping them, as if they could. You are with us or with the terrorists. Sometimes the blame really does belong to one party.


HEY LOOK! Another Straw Concession... .

Your straw concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Wow, no disagreement? Just "it can't be"? Didn't see that coming. OK, I did see it coming. It's called "typical".
Anyone really paying attention already knew this.

A new study from the widely respected National Bureau of Economic Research released this week has confirmed beyond question that the left's race-baiting attacks on the housing market (the Community Reinvestment Act--enacted under Carter, made shockingly more aggressive under Clinton) is directly responsible for imploding the housing market and destroying the economy.

The study painstakingly sorted through failed home loans that caused the housing market collapse and identified an overwhelming connection between them and CRA mortgages.

Again, let's review...

The really sad part if that Fannie and Freddie went right back to the same practices that started all this shit. And, of course, they are using tax payer money to do it. The left knows that their policies caused the meltdown. This is what they wanted because it gave them the excuse to insert themselves into all aspects of the private sector. And another meltdown in a few years will likely completely destroy us. Understand what their endgame is and everything makes sense.
No link? Or is your info based on a "feeling"?
Anyone who attempts to blame one party for the crash automatically identifies themselves as a clueless partisan hack.
Not really. Republicans were able to use reconciliation three times. They deregulated Wall Street. It's like Iraq. Republicans say it's the Democrats fault for not stopping them, as if they could. You are with us or with the terrorists. Sometimes the blame really does belong to one party.


HEY LOOK! Another Straw Concession... .

Your straw concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Wow, no disagreement?

Disagreement with what?

You offered a fiction, which you created from the ether, presenting such that does not exist, as reality...

Which means that there's nothing with which to either agree or disagree.

But, your attempt to re-establish fiction as fact is recognized as your having turned from the reality represented in the standing points, thus having yielded from the standing points, you've conceded to those points...

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
I knew this right after the collapse. In fact anyone with a brain did. Democrats of course have yet to figure it out

I gotta be honest... I've been debating the Left on the web for well over two decades... and prior to 9-11-01, I knew that the home-grown Leftists were dangerous.

On 9-11-01, I knew why they were dangerous and that if they were hopeless, they'd return to promoting their nonsense which promoted policy the aided our enemies... who had literally attacked the US and seriously injured the United States, having murdered thousands of innocent people.

As we watched the nation's financial markets crumble, knowing to absolute certainty WHY... and the Left immediately rejected all responsibility for it... I came to understand that there is truly no means for the US to survive, with any sense of American Principle, absent a civil war, wherein Americans not only prevail, but prevail unconditionally; prevailing upon the overt, unapologetic rejection of Left-think... entirely eradicating the notion that foreign ideas are worthy of consideration by anyone on this side of the low tide line.

As far as I'm concerned, we're just marking time until the Left finally pulls the moral justification trigger.

Accept it, reject it... agree, disagree... it changes nothing. That is simply how it is and what's more... James Madison stated such, dam' near 250 years ago, writing as Publius in the Philadelphia paper... in what has since become known as Federalist 10.

"... Hence it is that such democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths. ...”

I wish there was an alternative.

But for such to exist, such a possibility stands ENTIRELY upon the prerequisite that the Ideological Left suddenly be struck with the means to reason objectively and soundly.

And there is no sign that such is even possible, let alone likely.
Anyone who attempts to blame one party for the crash automatically identifies themselves as a clueless partisan hack.
Not really. Republicans were able to use reconciliation three times. They deregulated Wall Street. It's like Iraq. Republicans say it's the Democrats fault for not stopping them, as if they could. You are with us or with the terrorists. Sometimes the blame really does belong to one party.


HEY LOOK! Another Straw Concession... .

Your straw concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Wow, no disagreement?

Disagreement with what?

You offered a fiction, which you created from the ether, presenting such that does not exist, as reality...

Which means that there's nothing with which to either agree or disagree.

But, your attempt to re-establish fiction as fact is recognized as your having turned from the reality represented in the standing points, thus having yielded from the standing points, you've conceded to those points...

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
So what was the "fiction"? Republicans using reconciliation three times? The "you are with us or with the terrorists" invasion of Iraq? Derivatives from deregulation that led to economic downfall as evidenced from the insurance companies that went under? Come on, it was recent history. Explain to us the "reality" from the delusional point of view.
New study confirms economy was destroyed by Democrat policies

In the words of Papa Obama's former pastor of twenty years
'the chickens are coming to roost "

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