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We have an 18 year old and just picked up a stray kitten from the alley.

An 18-year-old cat?!!!

Yes. He's had to have all his teeth removed due to periodontal disease and he is in mid-stage kidney disease, but he is still here. He's very loving and still very intuitive. We found him as a feral kitten hiding in some bushes. He comforted me on 9/11 when I collapsed on the bed after that horrible walk home through downtown DC and when I had a serious illness three years ago.
We have an 18 year old and just picked up a stray kitten from the alley.

An 18-year-old cat?!!!

Yes. He's had to have all his teeth removed due to periodontal disease and he is in mid-stage kidney disease, but he is still here. He's very loving and still very intuitive. We found him as a feral kitten hiding in some bushes. He comforted me on 9/11 when I collapsed on the bed after that horrible walk home through downtown DC and when I had a serious illness three years ago.

Wow! That is one old cat! I wonder how old that is in cat years?
We have an 18 year old and just picked up a stray kitten from the alley.

An 18-year-old cat?!!!

Yes. He's had to have all his teeth removed due to periodontal disease and he is in mid-stage kidney disease, but he is still here. He's very loving and still very intuitive. We found him as a feral kitten hiding in some bushes. He comforted me on 9/11 when I collapsed on the bed after that horrible walk home through downtown DC and when I had a serious illness three years ago.

Wow! That is one old cat! I wonder how old that is in cat years?

Vet said in his 80s. We had a previous cat live to her 17th birthday and three others died around age 16.

He is the champ.
We have an 18 year old and just picked up a stray kitten from the alley.

An 18-year-old cat?!!!

Yes. He's had to have all his teeth removed due to periodontal disease and he is in mid-stage kidney disease, but he is still here. He's very loving and still very intuitive. We found him as a feral kitten hiding in some bushes. He comforted me on 9/11 when I collapsed on the bed after that horrible walk home through downtown DC and when I had a serious illness three years ago.

Wow! That is one old cat! I wonder how old that is in cat years?

Vet said in his 80s. We had a previous cat live to her 17th birthday and three others died around age 16.

He is the champ.

That is amazing. You must take very good care of them.
On the upside, we have to new posters! Have fun you two. Maybe in different threads? :)

Oh, there's a lot more than two new posters from a board migration.

Friends of mine had a cat named Samba for as long as I could remember. She lived to be at least 23, maybe 24.
I forgot to welcome you to the forums AmericanGirl. Please excuse me, and welcome.
I heard that cat years are as follows:

First year = 9 human years
2nd= 8
3rd= 7
4th= 6
5th= 5
all additional years are 4

So a 17 year old cat would be the equivalent of 83.

Mine were indoor and made it to 17 at least. 14 seems to be about normal.
I knew someone that had a cat live to 20 and a couple to 16 or so. I currently have a 13 year old going strong. Cats can be very long lived if they are indoor cats.

All the cats I ever had were indoor/outdoor cats. The oldest one lived to be around 13. My mom was a huge cat lover (so am I, but not like her), and we ALWAYS had cats for as long as I can remember. Lol!
I knew someone that had a cat live to 20 and a couple to 16 or so. I currently have a 13 year old going strong. Cats can be very long lived if they are indoor cats.

All the cats I ever had were indoor/outdoor cats. The oldest one lived to be around 13. My mom was a huge cat lover (so am I, but not like her), and we ALWAYS had cats for as long as I can remember. Lol!

I can't decide if I like cats or dogs better despite being a huge fan of wolves. I currently have 3 cats and 2 dogs and love them all so I always just say both if anyone asks.
I knew someone that had a cat live to 20 and a couple to 16 or so. I currently have a 13 year old going strong. Cats can be very long lived if they are indoor cats.

All the cats I ever had were indoor/outdoor cats. The oldest one lived to be around 13. My mom was a huge cat lover (so am I, but not like her), and we ALWAYS had cats for as long as I can remember. Lol!

I can't decide if I like cats or dogs better despite being a huge fan of wolves. I currently have 3 cats and 2 dogs and love them all so I always just say both if anyone asks.

I like both too. They're both cute and sweet in their own way.

I knew a lady once who had a hybrid wolf/dog. It was HUGE and so cool looking.
Apparently I had registered but never posted. 2012 was a tough year for me personally.
Why was it a tough year and how are things turning around now? Or did they turn around in Obama's last years in office? Was 2013-Present tough for you? Did Trump make America great for you again? How?

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