New poster here!


Spinning Away!
Jan 7, 2010
Hello! I was a member here before, disabled my account but I couldn't stay away!
How did you disable your account?
I changed the password to a string of random letters that I immediately forgot.

Anyway, I won't tell you my political leanings cause you all will figger it out soon enough. :D
Hello! I was a member here before, disabled my account but I couldn't stay away!
How did you disable your account?
I changed the password to a string of random letters that I immediately forgot.

Anyway, I won't tell you my political leanings cause you all will figger it out soon enough. :D
Welcome, Vortex! We don't care what your political leanings're still welcome to post 'em! Happy postin'!


There's a place here called the Vortex...great cheeseburger.

...and thank God for vortex generators on airplane wings.

Hopefully you'll be able to stir up some stuff.

I look forward to figgerin' you out. I've got a guess goin' already. (based on two observations in your OP)
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Your mind is a whirl.......still whirling................still whirling............................still whirling (will this vicious cycle never end!)..........................still whirling (I think I'm gonna puke!)..................................................(ah shit, there I go. The fucking maid is off today. Where'd that dog go?)
I'm sorry Vortex your introduction just doesn't cut the mustard, isn't up to snuff and generally lacks enough information. I'm afraid your going to have to go away and come back again.

I kid .... you can stay.
Hello! I was a member here before, disabled my account but I couldn't stay away!
How did you disable your account?
I changed the password to a string of random letters that I immediately forgot.

Anyway, I won't tell you my political leanings cause you all will figger it out soon enough. :D

Welcome home, prodigal whirlwind.

When we want your political opinions, Gunny will give them to you. :eusa_whistle:

"Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it's from Neptune." Noam Chomsky

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