New Poll Shows Snowflakes Would Embrace Hillary Back With Open Arms, Vaulting Her To #1


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Paying thugs to beat up Americans at Trump rallies in 2016...

Paying a foreign spy for Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda to illegally use to affect the 2016 election outcome...

Sending Dem Operatives to Ukraine to collaborate with corrupt former Ukrainian officials to affect the outcome of the 2016 election...

Despite being protected from proven crimes so she could remain on the ballot...

Despite the former FBI Director declaring she had broken laws but was too stupid to know she was doing it....

Despite cheating in DNC Primary debates, the DNC stacking the deck against Bernie in her favor, and finally being GIVEN the nomination she could still not win herself....

Despite not knowing how the US Presidency is decided (Electoral college, not 'Popularity Contest')...

Despite running the worst campaign in US history.....

Despite losing a rigged election....

And despite blaming EVERYONE - to include the Democrats who kept her out of prison and who GAVE her the nomination and blaming the very snowflakes who voted for her and still defend her proven criminal ass today - for HER 2016 loss....

...A recent polls shows Democrats / snowflakes would STILL run to Hillary Clinton with open her arms, welcome her back, and kiss her corrupt ass if she would only run again in 2020!

Bwuhahahahahaha! :lmao:

Open Door: New Poll Shows Hillary Would Immediately Vault Into Top Tier of Democratic Field


Paying thugs to beat up Americans at Trump rallies in 2016...

Paying a foreign spy for Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda to illegally use to affect the 2016 election outcome...

Sending Dem Operatives to Ukraine to collaborate with corrupt former Ukrainian officials to affect the outcome of the 2016 election...

Despite being protected from proven crimes so she could remain on the ballot...

Despite the former FBI Director declaring she had broken laws but was too stupid to know she was doing it....

Despite cheating in DNC Primary debates, the DNC stacking the deck against Bernie in her favor, and finally being GIVEN the nomination she could still not win herself....

Despite not knowing how the US Presidency is decided (Electoral college, not 'Popularity Contest')...

Despite running the worst campaign in US history.....

Despite losing a rigged election....

And despite blaming EVERYONE - to include the Democrats who kept her out of prison and who GAVE her the nomination and blaming the very snowflakes who voted for her and still defend her proven criminal ass today - for HER 2016 loss....

...A recent polls shows Democrats / snowflakes would STILL run to Hillary Clinton with open her arms, welcome her back, and kiss her corrupt ass if she would only run again in 2020!

Bwuhahahahahaha! :lmao:

Open Door: New Poll Shows Hillary Would Immediately Vault Into Top Tier of Democratic Field

The rest of the story:

"Fox's nonpartisan pollster isn't trying to "troll" or "bait her" into joining the race, in my view; as I've already mentioned, Clinton-tied figures (including Bill) have been fueling this speculation. Why not poll it? The 'good' news for Mrs. Clinton is that if she were to jump in, she'd instantly be near or at the top of the heap. The bad is that 'Never Hillary' sentiment outpaces her support by three percentage points (also, Michelle Obama appears far more favorably situated to play the role of eleventh-hour savior). The survey also shows Hillary hypothetically leading Trump by two points in a head-to-head. That may seem like more positive news from her perspective...until you realize that the same poll shows Warren ahead by five points, Bernie up eight, and Biden leading by 11 (only Pete Buttigieg performs worse than Clinton on this measure). Also, ahem. And not to poke at a sore spot that is a source of endless blame and conspiratorial absurdity for her, but what did a two-point national edge get Hillary last time around?

As I indicated from the start, I don't think an outsider is going to swoop in and dramatically change this race. The Democratic nominee is almost certainly going to emerge from the existing, shrinking field. Beto O'Rourke's woke culture warrior schtick is out, and things are really looking bleak for another one-time contender, who famously and arrogantly described herself as a 'top tier candidate' in order to dismiss a specific, searing critique from a lesser-known rival. She's already attempted the stratagem of doubling down on Iowa, which did nothing to reverse her slide. This is now a desperation triple down:

NBC News has confirmed that @KamalaHarris’ New Hampshire campaign is closing their three field offices in Nashua, Portsmouth and Keene, and has cancelled her trip to New Hampshire that was originally scheduled for next week as she goes all in on Iowa.

— Amanda Golden (@amandawgolden) November 1, 2019

Meanwhile, for all the talk about Biden's weakness and Warren's gathering strength (for which the media is rooting hard), Grandpa Joe has again stabilized as the clear national frontrunner:"
Hillary's competition was leading her in 2016, too....but that didn't stop the DNC from GIVING her the nomination....


Meanwhile, for all the talk about Biden's weakness and Warren's gathering strength (for which the media is rooting hard), Grandpa Joe has again stabilized as the clear national frontrunner:"
The Democrats will NEVER allow Joe to have the nomination. His video-taped confession of extorting the former Ukraine PM would destroy him....he has already been 'sacrificed' in the Democrats latest Ukraine 'Collusion Delusion 2.0' coup attempt.
There is only one relevant question for cogent Democrats: Who has the best chance of beating The Donald? If somebody "better" shows up now, they would throw the others under the bus without delay.

If the polling supports it, all bets are off. HRC could come back in a heartbeat. But she is not the most energetic campaigner. Look to her to step in at the latest possible date, so she can avoid the activity at this early time.
That headline isn’t actually what the poll said-
“If Hillary Clinton were to enter the race, she’d likely do so near the top of the pack,” says Democratic pollster Chris Anderson, who conducts the Fox News Poll with Republican Daron Shaw.
Hillary's competition was leading her in 2016, too....but that didn't stop the DNC from GIVING her the nomination....


No, it wasn't.

The Fox News poll shows that more Democrats would be more inclined to vote against her than for her in the primaries which kind of dismantles the premise of your thread.

It does show that Clinton would get more votes than Trump though.
And if the sloppy racist would ever get in, they can all sit down. She says she's not interested and that's a good thing. Personally, I think she would be much happier staying on the Martha's Vineyard, swimming with the whales every summer.
Hillary's competition was leading her in 2016, too....but that didn't stop the DNC from GIVING her the nomination....:p
No, it wasn't.

:itsok: :lmao:


^Dip shit

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - 2016 Democratic Presidential Nomination

Also the Fox News poll from the OP shows that more Democrats would be more inclined to vote against her than for her in the primaries which kind of dismantles the premise of your thread.

It does show that Clinton would get more votes than Trump though.

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