New Poll Shows GOP Shifting In Fascinating Direction...

You got it, Liberty is more important than life, many Men died for Liberty in the American Revolution.

Die a free man, don't live to be a slave.

Without Liberty, you are not alive, your are in perpetual bondage, you have lost your soul and your freewill, the reason you were Created.
And yet Life is forefront of our inalienable rights

So you claiming it isn't worth dying for Liberty? Our ancestors should have cowered to the Rule of the Crown? Martin Luther King should have stayed silent? The Warsaw Jews should have marched to the concentration cmaps instead of fighting to the death?

Have you read your own SIGNATURE [MENTION=18909]thanatos144[/MENTION] ?
the 2nd amendment isn't just there so I can protect my family against rape and murder by a citizen it is there to protect them against the government .

Yes, that is your philosophy, Slavery before Liberty. That's why you're Neo-Con scum.

Your signature contradicts your own message.

You need to buy a clue because your just rambling bullshit now.
I have only met very few Libertarians that support the eugenics Progressive movement that murders babies.

And with enough education and conversation, and you remedy this defect in any true Libertarian.
So the party platform is to make abortion illegal? Or is it that women have the liberty to make the choice to murder her baby?

Why the fuck then do you support allowing AQ to murder Christian babies?


I dont your as normal just lying
If you want to call it the GOP leaning towards libertarianism, fine, but I wouldn't say it's as much that as it is simply average people beginning to be VERY fed up with liberalism and just pushing back.

We knew it would happen. Politics is cyclical. Liberals have had their way and been shoving their agenda down the throats of Americans against their will for a couple decades now, and now the push back starts. Nothing really fascinating or unusual about it.
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The Gop dominated policy debate from roughly 1918 to 1932 with a low tax, small govt, isolationist platform. The gop also dominated (with the exception of Cleveland) from 1865-1900 with pretty much the same thing. It may be more about just getting back to normal.
I think this thread really does illustrate how much Socialists/Progressives & Neocons are alike. They like to think they're so different, but they're not. They're both Big Government Globalists in the end. I think it's great to see the GOP changing. It's time for change.

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