New Poll: A Majority of Americans See This President As Reckless and Dishonest

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It’s simple. They know he’ll be their last white supremicist president and they’ll never get another one.
If they can overlook him mocking the handicapped, bragging about sexually assaulting women, fat shaming a beauty contestant, having a long history of defrauding people in business, attacking Gold Star Familes etc, it’s a small price to pay for their hope of Making America White Again.
1. Interesting how you apparently fell for all the Hillary TV ad scams (ones you just mentioned). Don't know these were debunked long ago. ? Pheeeeew!! (high-pitched whistle)

2. Let's see you produce a shred of evidence for Trump being a "white supremacist" (this is the nutjob talk you get on liberal media, is it ?)

How about the fact that white supremacists feel perfectly comfortable with Trump.
Your analogy is so far off base it’s actually bizarre.
Professional pollsters are usually accurate. They reflect the mood of the country. You don’t like them because the mood of the country is pissed as hell over this prez showing signs of a personality disorder and arrested development.

1. Not off base one iota. Past failure = present mistrust. Simple.

2. Sorry, a whole year of being as wrong as could be, doesn't quite = "usually"

3. Obviously, the polls have NOT reflected the mood of the country. That mood was reflected in the 2016 ELECTION.

4. Reason I don't like them is they LIE.

5. What you call "personality disorder" is actually just noncoformance to what you define as orderly personality. What the majrity of Americans are OK with is Trump's personality as it is > refreshing, direct honesty (even if a bit brash at times) rather than the phonieness of Washington estabishment robots.

You have no clue what the mood of the country is. The country voted for the candidate they thought was less awful. Trump and Clinton had the highest combined disapprovals in modern day politics. A lot of Americans wish that they could do what the British did. Have elections 2 years before they have to.

The fact is that the country is seeing what Trump is. A liar, a loudmouth, dishonest and the list goes on and on.
This poll reflects the CURRENT mood of the country, not before the election. You’re just as insecure as the comrade since both of you can’t stop talking about winning in November.
The majority of the country can’t stand the school yard bully. They see him disgracing the presidency. A nurse saw my Resist shirt today and she was so incensed with what this know nothing vile man is doing to the country that she went on and on for 15 minutes.
His approval rating is down to 34% according to Gallup. That means 66 % of the country disapproves and they’re fighting mad.
How you can support this prez who’s dividing the country ON PURPOSE, shows you’re about as bright as a small appliance bulb
What did "this poll" and Gallup Poll say about Hillary's chances of winning the election? And what level of credibility do they have left ? :laugh:

The national polls got it right. They had Clinton up by a handful of points and they were right.
OMG. Not again.
I’ve said this more than one time. Your logic: if polls are wrong once they’ll always been wrong in the future.
I see you couldn’t address any of the WELL KNOWN Trump flameouts.
Yes you truly are deplorable.
And I’m thrilled America is catching on to this con man.
T saw suckers like u coming from a mile away..
YOU are the one who hasn't done the addressing. You're still bamboozled into thinking that Trump insulted someone's physical handicap (as the media concocted it). You still think Khizir Khan was legit (you said "attacking Gold Star families", right ? YOU are who has been conned - by Hillary, the Democrats, and the media.

Nothing was concocted. Trump did insult someone's physical handicap. I saw the tape of what he did and he did it. Khizir Khan was part of a Gold Star family and they are entitled to their opinion. Trump attacking them was disgusting. You are a typical cult member. You refuse to acknowledge the truth. You live in a fantasy land.
Bottom line with this ridiculous poll it was overwhelmingly liberals and so called indies 2 to 1 over conservatives. Skewed. Just like election polls.
OMG. Not again.
I’ve said this more than one time. Your logic: if polls are wrong once they’ll always been wrong in the future.
I see you couldn’t address any of the WELL KNOWN Trump flameouts.
Yes you truly are deplorable.
And I’m thrilled America is catching on to this con man.
T saw suckers like u coming from a mile away..
YOU are the one who hasn't done the addressing. You're still bamboozled into thinking that Trump insulted someone's physical handicap (as the media concocted it). You still think Khizir Khan was legit (you said "attacking Gold Star families", right ? YOU are who has been conned - by Hillary, the Democrats, and the media.

Nothing was concocted. Trump did insult someone's physical handicap. I saw the tape of what he did and he did it. Khizir Khan was part of a Gold Star family and they are entitled to their opinion. Trump attacking them was disgusting. You are a typical cult member. You refuse to acknowledge the truth. You live in a fantasy land.

The insult to a reporter was blown out of the water by Catholics 4 Trump who discovered that he used the same bizarro movements while mocking others. As a matter of fact in that very same rally he mocked Cruz and a General the same way. It was bullshit. Khan entered the ring. Trump pushed back. That's the way it goes.

As to polls in the last couple of weeks they had to tighten to save face. Cripes even Silver was way off the mark. Over sampled D's in all the polling. They really fucked up by doing this trying to suppress Trump's voters.

Instead they created the illusion that Hillary couldn't lose and her people stayed home oh and combined with the simple fact she and other D's had completely insulted all the Bernie supporters and they stayed home as well.

So by running a campaign of insulting the American voter whether R or D for Bernie, the douche bag killed her own campaign. It's one thing to insult your opponent, but when you start insulting the voters you are toast.
How about the fact that white supremacists feel perfectly comfortable with Trump.
Like black supremacists and Muslim Brotherhooders feel perfectly comfortable with Obama and Hillary ?

You may now respond to my previous inquiry >> "Let's see you produce a shred of evidence for Trump being a "white supremacist"
You have no clue what the mood of the country is. The country voted for the candidate they thought was less awful. Trump and Clinton had the highest combined disapprovals in modern day politics. A lot of Americans wish that they could do what the British did. Have elections 2 years before they have to.

The fact is that the country is seeing what Trump is. A liar, a loudmouth, dishonest and the list goes on and on.
1. FALSE! The mood of the country is nationalism, in a big way. The 2016 election threw traitorous globalism, political correctness, Washington establishment, racial pandering, and everything that Obama and Hillary stand for, out the window. A few 5th graders on my street could explain it to you.

2. What you call "disapprovals" is fake news, and laughable "polls".

3. I'm well aware of the list of what Trump is.>> refreshing, direct honesty (even if a bit brash at times) rather than the phonieness of Washington establishment robots

PLUS, a list that I posted in Post # 49 >>


1. Foreign (Mexican, Chinese, etc) imperialism

2. Islamization and terrorism

3. Crime in general

4. Racial discrimination in Affirmative Action

5. Gun grabbers

6. Globalist traitors

7. America haters

8. LGBT nutjobs

9. Corrupt establishment

10. Abortion killers
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It’s simple. They know he’ll be their last white supremicist president and they’ll never get another one.
If they can overlook him mocking the handicapped, bragging about sexually assaulting women, fat shaming a beauty contestant, having a long history of defrauding people in business, attacking Gold Star Familes etc, it’s a small price to pay for their hope of Making America White Again.
1. Interesting how you apparently fell for all the Hillary TV ad scams (ones you just mentioned). Don't know these were debunked long ago. ? Pheeeeew!! (high-pitched whistle)

2. Let's see you produce a shred of evidence for Trump being a "white supremacist" (this is the nutjob talk you get on liberal media, is it ?)

How about the fact that white supremacists feel perfectly comfortable with Trump.
How about the fact that you're a worthless leftist traitor?
Nothing was concocted. Trump did insult someone's physical handicap. I saw the tape of what he did and he did it. Khizir Khan was part of a Gold Star family and they are entitled to their opinion. Trump attacking them was disgusting. You are a typical cult member. You refuse to acknowledge the truth. You live in a fantasy land.
It might help you to read the thread, to avoid stumbling in here, oblivious to previous posts (ex. # 79) that have already refuted your ignorant post. For your convenience, and since you're obviously among the liberal information-deprived, massively distorted by liberal OMISSION media, as well as deliberate distortion, here is your Serge Kovaleski deprogramming. No charge for the tutoring >>

Serge Kovaleski - You saw the tape. Congratulatons. So did the whole world. Trump was referring to Kovaleski's denial and recant of his September 2001 Washington Post article, in which he reported Muslims cheering on rooftops and holding tailgate-style parties shortly after the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center. Play back the video. Trump says "Ah, I can't remember Ah, I don't know what I said" It had nothing to do with any disability. Trump's flailing his arms around, has no connection to Kovaleski.
Kovaleski isn't even able to move his arms in the that manner, and Trump has mocked other people the same way, none of whom had any disability. The attack on Trump was PURE DISHONEST FABRICATION/CONCOCTION, perpetrated by Hillary and the MSM.

You are equally in the dark about the conjobber Khizir Khan.

Khizir Khan - Muslim Brotherhood author, special interest bias immigration lawyer, Clinton Foundation connection, paid by DNC $50K. Handpicked by Obama. Pure Hillary/DNC shill, masquerading as simply a poor father who lost a son in a war. Grade A PHONY.
The press knew it, and never exposed the truth about him. He is also an immigration lawyer, who specializes working with Muslim immigrants. Far cry from an objective, disinterested party. When this was exposed on the internet, he deleted his attorney office website.
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Though the demographics of the polled individuals is something to examine, so too is the weighting model the pollster used to adjust for qualitatively unrepresentative demographics. What is the weighting model the pollster used?
Same as all fake news/polls >> Making Trump look bad. :rolleyes:

He needs no help there, he does a fine job himself every single day..
He needs no help there, he does a fine job himself every single day..
You got this part right >> "he does a fine job himself every single day" As those of us who voted for him knew he would.

It would be an even better job if it weren't for looney, liberal judges, and other obstructionists.
He needs no help there, he does a fine job himself every single day..
You got this part right >> "he does a fine job himself every single day" As those of us who voted for him knew he would.

It would be an even better job if it weren't for looney, liberal judges, and other obstructionists.

Glad you agree he makes himself look bad every single day. Can not believe that is truly what you wanted, but so glad you got it!
Though the demographics of the polled individuals is something to examine, so too is the weighting model the pollster used to adjust for qualitatively unrepresentative demographics. What is the weighting model the pollster used?
Same as all fake news/polls >> Making Trump look bad. :rolleyes:

Orange does that entirely on his own on a daily basis.

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