New Palestinian poll: Support for Hamas has tripled in Judea and Samaria (aka the West Bank)


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
As I’ve always said, there are no innocent Palestinians.
It took one text to tip off the IDF as they prepared their mass murder. Not one was sent.

Despite the intense suffering of the people in Gaza brought upon them by Hamas, which also uses Palestinians as human shields, polls show that “57% of respondents in Gaza and 82% in the West Bank believe Hamas was correct in launching its October 7 onslaught.”

As I’ve always said, there are no innocent Palestinians.
It took one text to tip off the IDF as they prepared their mass murder. Not one was sent.

Despite the intense suffering of the people in Gaza brought upon them by Hamas, which also uses Palestinians as human shields, polls show that “57% of respondents in Gaza and 82% in the West Bank believe Hamas was correct in launching its October 7 onslaught.”

This was the danger of the bombing campaign. As I said, I didn't envy IDFs task. People have lost their homes and are desperate, depression becomes anger, i know from personal experience dealing with the Creepy Ones in Canada. I heard a woman talking about her situation ancd saying "my young son was martyred by an Israeli bomb". Not "my child was killed" they consider them martyrs. The education of these citizens is key and acceptance of Israel as a state, Hamas has made this even more.difficult now. Bith sides have extremists. With Chinas expanding influence, Israels enemies become more emboldened and supported by Big Brother.
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This was the danger of the bombing campaign. As I said, I didn't envy IDFs task. People have lost their homes and are desperate, depression becomes anger, i know from personal experience dealing with the Creepy Ones in Canada. I heard a woman talking about her situation ancd saying "my young son was martyred by an Israeli bomb". Not "my child was killed" they consider them martyrs. The education of these citizens is key and acceptance of Israel as a state, Hamas has made this even more.difficult now. Bith sides have extremists. With Chinas expanding influence, Israels enemies become more emboldened and supported by Big Brother.
Am I an extremest for wanting all Hamas supporters dead?
For those of faith, what is happening is no surprise. Eventually, Israel will make " a covenant with death" when they sign a peace deal with multiple nations in the region. That act - the signing of the treaty - will start the clock on the most horrific time in human history, EVER. Before the 7 years is over, roughly 2/3 of all humans on the planet will die. Major wars - likely nuclear - and then the famine and disease that follow in their wake will kill somewhere over 5000 million people. WWII killed fewer than 300 million.

When the dust finally settles, a bare remnant of the Jewish people will be left in the land but their enemies will be utterly annihilated. Gone, never to pose a challenge again.
People have lost their homes and are desperate, depression becomes anger, i know from personal experience dealing with the Creepy Ones in Canada.
Start a new thread for telling us about your personal mental health issues that you try to blame on police.
For those of faith, what is happening is no surprise. Eventually, Israel will make " a covenant with death" when they sign a peace deal with multiple nations in the region. That act - the signing of the treaty - will start the clock on the most horrific time in human history, EVER. Before the 7 years is over, roughly 2/3 of all humans on the planet will die. Major wars - likely nuclear - and then the famine and disease that follow in their wake will kill somewhere over 5000 million people. WWII killed fewer than 300 million.

When the dust finally settles, a bare remnant of the Jewish people will be left in the land but their enemies will be utterly annihilated. Gone, never to pose a challenge again.
So sayeth who?
Am I an extremest for wanting all Hamas supporters dead?
Probably yes. It greatly depends on what support means and in what capacity. The do have a governing/political arm apparently the aren't all as crazy as the Oct 7th attackers. Also, many of the young people today are naive and have been molded by China influenced education. Iti is messed up.
For those of faith, what is happening is no surprise. Eventually, Israel will make " a covenant with death" when they sign a peace deal with multiple nations in the region. That act - the signing of the treaty - will start the clock on the most horrific time in human history, EVER. Before the 7 years is over, roughly 2/3 of all humans on the planet will die. Major wars - likely nuclear - and then the famine and disease that follow in their wake will kill somewhere over 5000 million people. WWII killed fewer than 300 million.

When the dust finally settles, a bare remnant of the Jewish people will be left in the land but their enemies will be utterly annihilated. Gone, never to pose a challenge again.
Very good .
But this is supposed to be serious chat and not satire /humour .
There are very unstable people who actually believe that type of nonsense and it might be wise not to provoke their instability if any are lurking here , particularly as there are several general Racist Trolls here already .
Mass hysteria .Biblical clap trap etc
As I’ve always said, there are no innocent Palestinians.
It took one text to tip off the IDF as they prepared their mass murder. Not one was sent.

Despite the intense suffering of the people in Gaza brought upon them by Hamas, which also uses Palestinians as human shields, polls show that “57% of respondents in Gaza and 82% in the West Bank believe Hamas was correct in launching its October 7 onslaught.”

WTF are you talking about? Israel is "occupiers and oppressors" and they deliberately try to make Palestinian life a daily hell.

Fuck Israel! And that POS PM Netanfuckyou!


THE FRAUD - 'luiza'/B]


New Palestinian poll: Support for Hamas has tripled in Judea and Samaria (aka the West Bank)

Maybe THEY will do something stupid as well.

Then they'll be Next.


Any Pali-Muzzie with an ounce of brains and two shekels to rub together needs to get his people out of there.

Maybe go to Arab-Muslim Palestine?

It's called Jordan.
As I’ve always said, there are no innocent Palestinians.
It took one text to tip off the IDF as they prepared their mass murder. Not one was sent.

Despite the intense suffering of the people in Gaza brought upon them by Hamas, which also uses Palestinians as human shields, polls show that “57% of respondents in Gaza and 82% in the West Bank believe Hamas was correct in launching its October 7 onslaught.”

Jihad Watch is a hate site for incorrigible idiots and bullies.

Last month, Meir Dagan—the former head of Israel’s intelligence service, the Mossad—warned that an Israeli attack on Iran would be a catastrophic mistake.

Now, Dagan says that Israel ought to adopt a peace plan first proposed in 2002 by Saudi Arabia for a two-state solution on the Israel-Palestine conflict. It’s the second sharp break that Dagan has made with Prime Minister Netanyahu’s hardline views. It’s caused a huge uproar and a political firestorm in Israel. Said Dagan:
This was the danger of the bombing campaign. As I said, I didn't envy IDFs task. People have lost their homes and are desperate, depression becomes anger, i know from personal experience dealing with the Creepy Ones in Canada. I heard a woman talking about her situation ancd saying "my young son was martyred by an Israeli bomb". Not "my child was killed" they consider them martyrs. The education of these citizens is key and acceptance of Israel as a state, Hamas has made this even more.difficult now. Bith sides have extremists. With Chinas expanding influence, Israels enemies become more emboldened and supported by Big Brother.

Muslims comprise 85% of the population of the West Bank. There are 2 million of them and 170,000 Jewish settlers.

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