New nbc poll shows obama beating newt strongly in Florida, SC


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America

South Carolina: Gingrich vs. Obama NBC News/Marist Obama 46, Gingrich 42 Obama +4

Florida: Gingrich vs. Obama NBC News/Marist Obama 51, Gingrich 39 Obama +12

To Back this up a poll on friday called morning call shown newt down 17 to Obama

Pennsylvania: Gingrich vs. Obama Morning Call Obama 52, Gingrich 35 Obama +17 :(

None of this is good. This is very bad.:eek:
I remember when Cruz Bustamante was double digits ahead of Arnold Schwarzeneggar.
Then only poll that counts comes in November. Both sides will claim some polls that say they are ahead.

South Carolina: Gingrich vs. Obama NBC News/Marist Obama 46, Gingrich 42 Obama +4

Florida: Gingrich vs. Obama NBC News/Marist Obama 51, Gingrich 39 Obama +12

To Back this up a poll on friday called morning call shown newt down 17 to Obama

Pennsylvania: Gingrich vs. Obama Morning Call Obama 52, Gingrich 35 Obama +17 :(

None of this is good. This is very bad.:eek:

RealClearPolitics - Latest Election Polls

I give you props for admitting Obama's overall lead in the polls. But really, come on, would you really want Newt as our next president?
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Obama is the most anti-science president of the past 30 years. He killed moon to mars and has disgraced our nation. The arguement that somehow it isn't worth the money falls flat on its face as theres trillions of dollars of resources on the moon and asteroids. All the arguements that our resources are limited has to do with staying on earth...Newt is right on the money. Obama has also worked to kill other science.

Obama is anti-energy. Closing down dozens of coal fire plants and killing oil regs throughout the gulf, US, ect.

The guys midlde east policy is really bad. The middle east is now 10 times worst because of this idiot.

South Carolina: Gingrich vs. Obama NBC News/Marist Obama 46, Gingrich 42 Obama +4

Florida: Gingrich vs. Obama NBC News/Marist Obama 51, Gingrich 39 Obama +12

To Back this up a poll on friday called morning call shown newt down 17 to Obama

Pennsylvania: Gingrich vs. Obama Morning Call Obama 52, Gingrich 35 Obama +17 :(

None of this is good. This is very bad.:eek:

RealClearPolitics - Latest Election Polls

The only folks that watch NBC anymore are Liberals.

The sampling is highly suspect.
Bottom line poop?????

In 2008, Barry duped the Independents during his campaing........he'd the the great uniter. Now 3 years later, a vast majority of independents see Barry as the greatest divider in modern presidential history. Say what you want about Gingrich, the the plain fact is.......Americans are sick and tired of gridlock, and see Barry as facilitating more of it. In Gingrich, they see a guy who's done it before. Gingrich frequently references Clinton. Independents love that kind of shit........always have. Independents dont give a fcukk about personal histories........but they also loath those who idolize stomping on American traditions.

Its all good..........and Im chewing my left arm off as I sit here typing looking forward to Barry getting decimated in the debates. It will be a defining moment for somebody to finally frame this president for the lefty ideologue he is. Damn....its gonna be a rush.........

ps..........nobody takes an NBC poll seriously except the k00ks.
Newt is the Dems not so secret weapon. They will just sit back and wait until he wins the nomination. Then the sleeze will begin leaking out. The man is a greasy retread.
Heres the poll..............

Rasmussen has it Obama 45% to Gingrich 40%. As long as the Obama number is well under 50% the tidings are swell. Incumbents under 50% always get their asses kicked come election time, espeically when the jobs numbers suck

South Carolina: Gingrich vs. Obama NBC News/Marist Obama 46, Gingrich 42 Obama +4

Florida: Gingrich vs. Obama NBC News/Marist Obama 51, Gingrich 39 Obama +12

To Back this up a poll on friday called morning call shown newt down 17 to Obama

Pennsylvania: Gingrich vs. Obama Morning Call Obama 52, Gingrich 35 Obama +17 :(

None of this is good. This is very bad.:eek:

RealClearPolitics - Latest Election Polls

one would expect those results from and msnbc pole don't ewe think?
Newt won't be the GOP nominee. If he is, Obama wins in a landslide. The GOP establishment knows that Newt has no appeal to independents or "Reagan Democrats". Mitt is a much stronger general election candidate. The "conservatives" need to think about Sharon Angle and O'Donnell fiascoes, instead of easy wins for better candidates. We could be saying "if only" in 2013, as Newt sells more books.
I think polls this far out mean little, I say this when Paul does I believe the best against Obama... It means near nothing.

Past that I have heard it said that Newt's "support" is a fabrication, or that it's extremely shallow, like kiddy pool shallow... I honestly believe that to be the case, and for good reason. If Newt's bubble does not bust and he wins the nomination I can't see him beating Obama, he lies far too much and Obama will make sure we all see it day and night.
If you talk about ending social security or medicare you will not win Florida.


But, in fairness to the Freddie Mac lobbyist and proponent of giant mirrors in space so we can all see better driving at night, he did say that Paul Ryan's budget was "right-wing social engineering," so he's got that base covered.
Newt won't be the GOP nominee. If he is, Obama wins in a landslide. The GOP establishment knows that Newt has no appeal to independents or "Reagan Democrats". Mitt is a much stronger general election candidate. The "conservatives" need to think about Sharon Angle and O'Donnell fiascoes, instead of easy wins for better candidates. We could be saying "if only" in 2013, as Newt sells more books.

You know that, I know that, and the entire non-GOP world knows that. But obviously the early polls are saying something else. I expect the establishment GOPers are on pins and needles. Newt is the best thing that could happen to the Dems.
Bottom line poop?????

In 2008, Barry duped the Independents during his campaing........he'd the the great uniter. Now 3 years later, a vast majority of independents see Barry as the greatest divider in modern presidential history. Say what you want about Gingrich, the the plain fact is.......Americans are sick and tired of gridlock, and see Barry as facilitating more of it. In Gingrich, they see a guy who's done it before. Gingrich frequently references Clinton. Independents love that kind of shit........always have. Independents dont give a fcukk about personal histories........but they also loath those who idolize stomping on American traditions.

Its all good..........and Im chewing my left arm off as I sit here typing looking forward to Barry getting decimated in the debates. It will be a defining moment for somebody to finally frame this president for the lefty ideologue he is. Damn....its gonna be a rush.........

ps..........nobody takes an NBC poll seriously except the k00ks.

Exactly ... GridLock ... so the repubs keep the house gain in the senate and if he is to get 4 more ... nothing will get done.
We cant have 4 more years of this

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