New National Guard Record Forgeries????

We can debate the authenticity of the documents, the motivations for producing them and the lineage of typewriters till our fingers turn blue. But it doesn't matter. George Bush is not presenting his time in the Guard as part of his resume' for President. George Bush did not characterize Viet Nam veterans as war criminals. George Bush did not mock WWII veterans with the grimy, doped-up scum re-enacting the flag raising on Iwo Jima.

This is nothing more that a feeble tit-for-tat effort by the sleaze merchants in the kerry campaign.

Kerry has bragged and strutted about his miserable three and a half months of duty. He should take a lesson on how real heroes conduct themselves. The following is an excerpt from a description of one of the men who raised the flag on Mount Suribachi:

"Of the surviving Flag Raisers, only Bradley was successful in putting his life back together after the war."
---From the best-selling "Immortal Images" by Tedd Thomey

John Bradley returned to his home town in the Midwest after the war, prospered as the owner of a family business, and gave generously of his time and money to local causes. He was married for 47 years and had eight children.

While Bradley had a public image as a war hero, he was a very private person. He avoided discussion of his war record saying only that the real heros were the men who gave their lives for their country. "

It seems that humility is a trait most all of these extraordinary men had in common.

It also seems that humility is in critically short supply at the kerry-heinz household.
All 100% true, of course. I hope my post didn't come off as an attempt to trivialize true heroes, or minimize the boundless depravity of John Kerry. I'm just having a little fun with "what-ifs".
Nah. Didn't even have that in mind when I posted. Was simply trying to contrast the conduct of the "Greatest Generation" with that of the "Greatest Bullshit Artist".

It's even on Yahoo!

Though they do try to bury it in some pointless story about Bush flying a training jet. Big headline having nothing to do with the forgery, then after a paragraph or so, they go into the memos. Here's the good bit.

Meanwhile, questions were raised Thursday about the authenticity of newly unearthed memos purporting to have been written by one of Bush's commanders in 1972 and 1973. The memos, which were publicized by CBS News on its "60 Minutes" program, say Bush ignored a direct order from a superior officer and lost his status as a Guard pilot because he failed to meet military performance standards and undergo a required physical exam.

The network defended the memos, saying its experts who examined the memos concluded they were authentic documents produced by Lt. Col. Jerry Killian.

But Killian's son, one of Killian's fellow officers and an independent document examiner questioned the memos Gary Killian, who served in the Guard with his father and retired as a captain in 1991, said he doubted his father would have written an unsigned memo which said there was pressure to "sugar coat" Bush's performance review.

"It just wouldn't happen," he said. "No officer in his right mind would write a memo like that."

The personnel chief in Killian's unit at the time also said he believes the documents are fake.

"They looked to me like forgeries," said Rufus Martin. "I don't think Killian would do that, and I knew him for 17 years." Killian died in 1984.

Independent document examiner Sandra Ramsey Lines said the memos looked like they had been produced on a computer using Microsoft Word software. Lines, a document expert and fellow of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, pointed to a superscript — a smaller, raised "th" in "111th Fighter Interceptor Squadron" — as evidence indicating forgery.

Microsoft Word automatically inserts superscripts in the same style as the two on the memos obtained by CBS, she said.

"I'm virtually certain these were computer generated," Lines said after reviewing copies of the documents at her office in Paradise Valley, Ariz. She produced a nearly identical document using her computer's Microsoft Word software.

Guys, does it get any better than this?

It wasn't enough that CBS/60 Minutes turned their show into the Bush-Bashing Book Club, hyping the lies of scumbags like Richard Clarke & Joe Wilson, they have NOW become the Dirty Tricks wing of the Kerry/Clinton campaign- Clinton since Carville & Begala have taken over.

Side Note: I'm sure Bernard Goldberg is smiling, knowing he finally got the last laugh & has beaten The Dan.

Now, let's reverse the roles of this story & campaigns. If this had been about Kerry and the documents were caught as frauds, who here can give me the first name which would roll off the LMM's filthy lips?......

That's right! Karl Rove.

Seeing how desperate the LMM were to connect the Swifties to the Bush campaign, I wonder how hard they will dig to find connections to the Kerry campaign & Super-ScriptGate. What did they know and when did they know it? Isn't that always their pathetic mantra?

However, I am sure that CBS will be made to take the hit, protecting Kerry & scummy CO. Since FOX News has taken over the steering wheel of the national debate, I found it fitting that I first saw this break from Brit Hume, this as he explained that he & a fellow FOX reporter had used Microsoft to type up the document and that the documents, when put on top of each other, fit perfectly.

Sometimes, life can be so beautiful & rewarding.

The LMM savaged the Swifties- though they were telling the truth, yet 60 Minutes never interviewed O'Neill- yet they leap at a story connected to the same group which compared President Bush to Hitler- and Barnes, a man who testified under oath (1999) in such a way which completely contradicts his current lies. Gee, imagine a protege of Lyndon Johnson being a liar, doing anything to steal an election.

Let's just settle this: Bush's National Guard service might be relevant if neither he nor Kerry was presently Commander in Chief; voters would compare & contrast in order to decide who would make a better Commander in Chief. Well, Bush has been President & Commander in Chief for nearly 4 years- one of the greatest we have ever had- thus making the point, in the words of Jesse Jackson, moot. Plus, I would put President Bush's missing a physical & completing his 6 year obligation, through the NG points system, in 5 & a half up against Kerry's being a war criminal, faking injuries for medals, and using those medals to go home early to commit treason any day of the friggin' week.

Regardless, there is one reason for ALL of this garbage from the LMM & the Kerry gang:

D E S P E R A T I O N!!!!!!!!

They feel it slipping and slipping FAST. If you read between the lines, listening closely to their words, even watching the faces of people like Brokaw & Dog Leash Boy (Chris Matthews), you can sense THEIR sense of defeat. Though we should fight hungry & from behind the entire way, I can tell that the LMM are starting the process of cutting their boy loose, knowing that they must salvage what little credibility- and ratings- they have left.

In closing: We must keep up the good fight, fighting it every day as though it is the last, but things are looking great.

Remember, if you have any liberal friends, make sure that you keep a loving eye on them on the evening of November 2nd; suicide is never the answer.

Ok, people, let's settle in for the stretch and make this a mandate victory!

Guys, does it get any better than this?

It wasn't enough that CBS/60 Minutes turned their show into the Bush-Bashing Book Club, hyping the lies of scumbags like Richard Clarke & Joe Wilson, they have NOW become the Dirty Tricks wing of the Kerry/Clinton campaign- Clinton since Carville & Begala have taken over.

Side Note: I'm sure Bernard Goldberg is smiling, knowing he finally got the last laugh & has beaten The Dan.

Now, let's reverse the roles of this story & campaigns. If this had been about Kerry and the documents were caught as frauds, who here can give me the first name which would roll off the LMM's filthy lips?......

That's right! Karl Rove.

Seeing how desperate the LMM were to connect the Swifties to the Bush campaign, I wonder how hard they will dig to find connections to the Kerry campaign & Super-ScriptGate. What did they know and when did they know it? Isn't that always their pathetic mantra?

However, I am sure that CBS will be made to take the hit, protecting Kerry & scummy CO. Since FOX News has taken over the steering wheel of the national debate, I found it fitting that I first saw this break from Brit Hume, this as he explained that he & a fellow FOX reporter had used Microsoft to type up the document and that the documents, when put on top of each other, fit perfectly.

Sometimes, life can be so beautiful & rewarding.

The LMM savaged the Swifties- though they were telling the truth, yet 60 Minutes never interviewed O'Neill- yet they leap at a story connected to the same group which compared President Bush to Hitler- and Barnes, a man who testified under oath (1999) in such a way which completely contradicts his current lies. Gee, imagine a protege of Lyndon Johnson being a liar, doing anything to steal an election.

Let's just settle this: Bush's National Guard service might be relevant if neither he nor Kerry was presently Commander in Chief; voters would compare & contrast in order to decide who would make a better Commander in Chief. Well, Bush has been President & Commander in Chief for nearly 4 years- one of the greatest we have ever had- thus making the point, in the words of Jesse Jackson, moot. Plus, I would put President Bush's missing a physical & completing his 6 year obligation, through the NG points system, in 5 & a half up against Kerry's being a war criminal, faking injuries for medals, and using those medals to go home early to commit treason any day of the friggin' week.

Regardless, there is one reason for ALL of this garbage from the LMM & the Kerry gang:

D E S P E R A T I O N!!!!!!!!

They feel it slipping and slipping FAST. If you read between the lines, listening closely to their words, even watching the faces of people like Brokaw & Dog Leash Boy (Chris Matthews), you can sense THEIR sense of defeat. Though we should fight hungry & from behind the entire way, I can tell that the LMM are starting the process of cutting their boy loose, knowing that they must salvage what little credibility- and ratings- they have left.

In closing: We must keep up the good fight, fighting it every day as though it is the last, but things are looking great.

Remember, if you have any liberal friends, make sure that you keep a loving eye on them on the evening of November 2nd; suicide is never the answer.

Ok, people, let's settle in for the stretch and make this a mandate victory!

Hello Spike, and bravo..........CBS is remaining steadfast in the validity of the story, but for how long? :blowup:
Have champaign with me on election night and spare the knife and fladulation............ libs :)
What seems curious to me is how blatantly fake these documents appear. This could be the work of Karl Rove. He once tapped his own candidates office so that he could "discover" the bug and blame it on the opponent. Not a bad idea for the mastermind of campaigns.
MJDuncan1982 said:
What seems curious to me is how blatantly fake these documents appear. This could be the work of Karl Rove. He once tapped his own candidates office so that he could "discover" the bug and blame it on the opponent. Not a bad idea for the mastermind of campaigns.

So what "expert" did CBS get to authenticate these documents??????/ Terry McCauliff????
This whole thing gets funnier by the minute :cuckoo:
MJDuncan1982 said:
What seems curious to me is how blatantly fake these documents appear. This could be the work of Karl Rove. He once tapped his own candidates office so that he could "discover" the bug and blame it on the opponent. Not a bad idea for the mastermind of campaigns.

You've lost your mind.
MJDuncan1982 said:
What seems curious to me is how blatantly fake these documents appear. This could be the work of Karl Rove. He once tapped his own candidates office so that he could "discover" the bug and blame it on the opponent. Not a bad idea for the mastermind of campaigns.

Wow. Damn that vast right wing conspiracy. Apparently they're hogging all the evil geniuses and won't share any of them with the Democrats!
MJDuncan1982 said:
What seems curious to me is how blatantly fake these documents appear. This could be the work of Karl Rove. He once tapped his own candidates office so that he could "discover" the bug and blame it on the opponent. Not a bad idea for the mastermind of campaigns.

Yep, you have received your DNC talking points for the day haven't ya? This is exactly how the left is now trying to spin this.

Now let me ask you this, why would CBS be so stupid to fall for fake docs unless THEY wanted it to be true?

Dan Rather's daughter works for the scumbag that Dan interviewed on the Kerry campaign in Texas.

This has "DNC" stamped all over it and it bugs the shit out of ya don't it? LMFAO!!!!!!
Merlin1047 said:
Wow. Damn that vast right wing conspiracy. Apparently they're hogging all the evil geniuses and won't share any of them with the Democrats!

Apparently even when the Dems are caught red handed, its somehow Karl Roves fault. Quite frankly i dont think the man is powerful enough.
freeandfun1 said:
Yep, you have received your DNC talking points for the day haven't ya? This is exactly how the left is now trying to spin this.

Now let me ask you this, why would CBS be so stupid to fall for fake docs unless THEY wanted it to be true?

Dan Rather's daughter works for the scumbag that Dan interviewed on the Kerry campaign in Texas.

This has "DNC" stamped all over it and it bugs the shit out of ya don't it? LMFAO!!!!!!

Yes that is true.........Dan's own words hopefully will now come back to haunt him.........More importantly I hope this shows the dangerous bias in the media.
It's that dang Mr. Rove again:

McAuliffe denies involvement in memos flap

By Stephen Dinan

Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe today said neither his organization nor John Kerry´s campaign leaked to CBS documents questioning President Bush´s service record, which may have been forged.
He suggested White House adviser Karl Rove could be behind the documents.
"I can unequivocally say that no one involved here at the Democratic National Committee had anything at all to do with any of those documents. If I were an aspiring young journalist, I think I would ask Karl Rove that question," Mr. McAuliffe said.

Asked later if he believed Mr. Rove or Republican operatives were involved, he said: "I am telling you that nobody — Democratic National Committee or groups associate with us — were involved in any way with these documents. I am just saying I would ask Karl Rove the same question."
He did not explain how the White House would benefit by providing forged documents trying to undermine Mr. Bush´s service record, but emphasized that he "can unequivocally speak for the Kerry campaign" in saying they had nothing to do with the documents either.
The documents, whose authenticity are being questioned by experts who say the type face used may not have existed when they were supposed to have been written, became the center of the political world Wednesday when CBS reported about them on "60 Minutes."
They show Mr. Bush ignored a direct order to get a physical from Lt. Col. Jerry Killian, who died in 1984, and was then grounded as a pilot in the Texas Air National Guard. CBS said it stands by its reporting and that the documents were "thoroughly examined."
The Prowler, an Internet political column, is reporting that the documents attributed to Col. Killian were given to a DNC staffer "more than six weeks ago." It says the documents were handed over to the campaign of Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry.
News outlets have reported that both the son and wife of Col. Killian, said while one of the documents sounded authentic, they doubted Col. Killian would have written another that said he was encouraged to "sugar coat" Mr. Bush´s performance.
The White House and Bush campaign did not immediately return calls for comment, nor did Mr. Kerry´s campaign.
I've been following the whole story on . Incredible.

First, if this is true, which it seems to be, then CBS News has some serious credibility issues. This goes way beyond a liberal slant to the news. This is blatant misinformation.

Second, the Kerry camp had better pray that if anyone in their camp was involved (I've not seen any evidence on this - just a hypothetical) that no one ever finds out.

Third, there's nothing bad that can happen to Bush with this story. It makes the Left look bad but the focus is totally taken off the Bush campaign onto this forgery. So whoever was trying to take Bush's credibility down just suffered an extreme backfire. While the Kerry camp may not have been involved, they are certainly the ones on which the blame is likely to fall if no one else is ever found to be the forger.

Fourth, the DNC's lame claims that it was all Karl Rove were, in a word, ridiculous. First of all, if it were Rove, wouldn't the document have traced back to him by now? Secondly, why would Rove put something out tht would be potentially damaging to the "Bush AWOL" claim, which has already been thoroughly debunked?
MJDuncan1982 said:
What seems curious to me is how blatantly fake these documents appear. This could be the work of Karl Rove. He once tapped his own candidates office so that he could "discover" the bug and blame it on the opponent. Not a bad idea for the mastermind of campaigns.

In all honesty, that did cross my mind. However, that doesn't change the fact that CBS apparently did NOTHING to check the validity of the documents, other than check with an "expert". An expert that I'm willing to bet had a Kerry '04 button on their lapel. I'm also sure Ben Barnes is not in Rove's pocket, so that's a dead end trying to connect it to him.

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