New Name for the United States


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Since the country is so divided with no end in sight, no matter the outcome of the election, I think a new name is in order.

So what are some other names we can come up with?
I'd like for the USA to divide into the Dem States of America and the Rep States of America.

Just tell the filthy dems if they let in Russia or China in at our bordering Rep states we will invade and take them over.

Eventually the filthy dems will take control of America and that will be it...America Gone!

PBS family Election 2020-color lr.jpg
I suppose resistance is futile when it comes to the Progressive movement. Those not in the movement simply want to govern to maintain a civil society, as where the alternative wants to transform it. That's right, they will continue to torment us with their social justice demagoguery, as they strip us of all our wealth and freedoms to do it. As Osama Bin Laden once said, I can fail a million times but only need to be successful once. That pretty much sums up the Progressive movement as they only need to succeed in one election to transform the nation forever. So now we need to "save the planet" when we can't even take care of ourselves. And if memory serves, someone came to save us all but he was nailed to a cross. The world simply does not want to be saved.

So I guess all we can do is buy our time as long as we can with voting.
Since the country is so divided with no end in sight, no matter the outcome of the election, I think a new name is in order.

So what are some other names we can come up with?

There will be no division of these United States. Not now, not ever. California, Oregon, Washington, Illinois, Michigan, New York, etc. can declare secession all they like. No sitting President will permit any state to actually splinter off. Mushroom clouds would ensue to prevent it. Mark my words. That being said, in my opinion, any American who advocates for division of his or her nation into sovereign parts isn't . . . a real American.
I suppose resistance is futile when it comes to the Progressive movement. Those not in the movement simply want to govern to maintain a civil society, as where the alternative wants to transform it. That's right, they will continue to torment us with their social justice demagoguery, as they strip us of all our wealth and freedoms to do it. As Osama Bin Laden once said, I can fail a million times but only need to be successful once. That pretty much sums up the Progressive movement as they only need to succeed in one election to transform the nation forever. So now we need to "save the planet" when we can't even take care of ourselves. And if memory serves, someone came to save us all but he was nailed to a cross. The world simply does not want to be saved.

So I guess all we can do is buy our time as long as we can with voting.

Great post, thanks. However, not all resistance against the radical left is futile. We could have stopped them forever during the French Revolution. We could have stopped them dead and cold during that pesky Bolshevik problem. We could have obliterated them from human memory during WWII, and again years later when Mao and then Pol were dancing their genocidal jigs. The time to destroy them was when they were gathered in one of a few places offshore. That time has passed. Nowadays, here in America, in order to defeat forever the radical leftist cult we would have to mass murder our own sons and daughters; our own brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers. The kind of man or men willing to do that really out to never be set free from behind their glass box lids. Break glass only in case of apocalypse . . .
Confederate States of America!

Then you Trumpsters can start calling them n****** again. Segregate them and put them back into slavery, along with Muslims, Latino's, Mexicans, Jews & Gay's. You can tax only the poor and replace the Bald Eagle with a fat orange pig.

Happy with that?

This can be your new Anthem!

Confederate States of America!

Then you Trumpsters can start calling them n****** again. Segregate them and put them back into slavery, along with Muslims, Latino's, Mexicans, Jews & Gay's. You can tax only the poor and replace the Bald Eagle with a fat orange pig.

Happy with that?

This can be your new Anthem!

Don't you have a church to go burn down?
I suppose resistance is futile when it comes to the Progressive movement. Those not in the movement simply want to govern to maintain a civil society, as where the alternative wants to transform it. That's right, they will continue to torment us with their social justice demagoguery, as they strip us of all our wealth and freedoms to do it. As Osama Bin Laden once said, I can fail a million times but only need to be successful once. That pretty much sums up the Progressive movement as they only need to succeed in one election to transform the nation forever. So now we need to "save the planet" when we can't even take care of ourselves. And if memory serves, someone came to save us all but he was nailed to a cross. The world simply does not want to be saved.

So I guess all we can do is buy our time as long as we can with voting.

Great post, thanks. However, not all resistance against the radical left is futile. We could have stopped them forever during the French Revolution. We could have stopped them dead and cold during that pesky Bolshevik problem. We could have obliterated them from human memory during WWII, and again years later when Mao and then Pol were dancing their genocidal jigs. The time to destroy them was when they were gathered in one of a few places offshore. That time has passed. Nowadays, here in America, in order to defeat forever the radical leftist cult we would have to mass murder our own sons and daughters; our own brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers. The kind of man or men willing to do that really out to never be set free from behind their glass box lids. Break glass only in case of apocalypse . . .
Leftism is the opioid for the secularist. It is the most successful religion of the modern era with no end in sight.
Confederate States of America!

Then you Trumpsters can start calling them n****** again. Segregate them and put them back into slavery, along with Muslims, Latino's, Mexicans, Jews & Gay's. You can tax only the poor and replace the Bald Eagle with a fat orange pig.

Happy with that?

This can be your new Anthem!

Why you worr about name calling and the fracas living you love to stir, Boeing is moving it Dreamliner 787 production to South Carolina from Puget Sound in Washington State. All companies...get out of these blue areas. See the light. The blue areas are of darkness.
Confederate States of America!

Then you Trumpsters can start calling them n****** again. Segregate them and put them back into slavery, along with Muslims, Latino's, Mexicans, Jews & Gay's. You can tax only the poor and replace the Bald Eagle with a fat orange pig.

Happy with that?

This can be your new Anthem!

Don't you have a church to go burn down?

Na, there aren't many left. Many were derelict and Muslims have been buying them up and converting them into apartments.
at the same time spending their profits on building Mosques.
Many large towns now, where you used to see spires you now see domes and minarets.
Still I'm sure the mussies will grow out of it, like we grew out of Christianity.
Confederate States of America!

Then you Trumpsters can start calling them n****** again. Segregate them and put them back into slavery, along with Muslims, Latino's, Mexicans, Jews & Gay's. You can tax only the poor and replace the Bald Eagle with a fat orange pig.

Happy with that?

This can be your new Anthem!

Don't you have a church to go burn down?

Na, there aren't many left. Many were derelict and Muslims have been buying them up and converting them into apartments.
at the same time spending their profits on building Mosques.
Many large towns now, where you used to see spires you now see domes and minarets.
Still I'm sure the mussies will grow out of it, like we grew out of Christianity.

I would not go around burning down any Mosques, otherwise, they will cut your nuts off and feed them to your daughters while they rape them. Granted, they may do that anyway but just know that you are dealing with a whole different animal there.

Oh, and good luck converting them to Leftism. You two deserve each other.

Since the country is so divided with no end in sight, no matter the outcome of the election, I think a new name is in order.

So what are some other names we can come up with?

There will be no division of these United States. Not now, not ever. California, Oregon, Washington, Illinois, Michigan, New York, etc. can declare secession all they like. No sitting President will permit any state to actually splinter off. Mushroom clouds would ensue to prevent it. Mark my words. That being said, in my opinion, any American who advocates for division of his or her nation into sovereign parts isn't . . . a real American.
I have to say, as a conservative I would jump at the opportunity to divide the nation and let both conservative and Leftist go their own separate ways and live and let die. However, Leftists will never go for it. For them, like it was Hitler/Stalin, etc., their ideology is useless unless it encompasses/conquers the entire globe.
Since the country is so divided with no end in sight, no matter the outcome of the election, I think a new name is in order.

So what are some other names we can come up with?
Since the country is so divided with no end in sight, no matter the outcome of the election, I think a new name is in order.

So what are some other names we can come up with?
How bout a civil war and winner takes all and loser gets bent over by a well hung faggot. That way the Left would have a win, win

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