New Liberal Tool To Prevent Truth From Seeping Into Their Minds: Microagression


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
I've been hearing this word alot lately.


It's a term liberals seem to have latched onto that defines a feeling of insecurity or discomfort when hearing perceived racism.

It allows a politically-correctness advocate to avoid any harsh invasion of their ideological boundaries.'s a thin skin. In the Army they were called stress-cards. It was a card a recruit was allowed to carry with them in basic training that gave them a timeout from getting their butts chewed out. Now liberals want to avoid facing the truth by calling the invasion of common-sense into their minds a name. Microaggression.

The unintended bigotry that a person wearing their feelings on their sleeves experiences. Most people that sense microaggression are people that see racism, sexism, or homophobia in everything.

Microaggression theory - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
You should try to come up with your own "thing". This one belongs to Mac. You clearly learned of this term from his thread. Get your lips off of his ass's embarrassing.
Something else for the OP to use as an excuse to whine about "liberals".

/thread fail
Liberals thinskinned? lol, that's a beaut considering the howls of agony the RWnuts are letting loose with over criticism of their beloved Confederate flag.
The nation needs a good purge, a bloodletting to let the poison out.

I wouldn't go that far. That's the sort of shit they do when they acquire power. It's one of the reasons they're so worthy of contempt. That is of course besides the dangerous degree of stupidity they suffer from.

Unmasking 'racial micro aggressions'

Some racism is so subtle that neither victim nor perpetrator may entirely understand what is going on—which may be especially toxic for people of color.

By Tori DeAngelis

Two colleagues—one Asian-American, the other African-American—board a small plane. A flight attendant tells them they can sit anywhere, so they choose seats near the front of the plane and across the aisle from each another so they can talk.

At the last minute, three white men enter the plane and take the seats in front of them. Just before takeoff, the flight attendant, who is white, asks the two colleagues if they would mind moving to the back of the plane to better balance the plane's load. Both react with anger, sharing the same sense that they are being singled out to symbolically "sit at the back of the bus." When they express these feelings to the attendant, she indignantly denies the charge, saying she was merely trying to ensure the flight's safety and give the two some privacy.

Were the colleagues being overly sensitive, or was the flight attendant being racist?

For Teachers College, Columbia University psychologist Derald Wing Sue, PhD—the Asian-American colleague on the plane, incidentally—the onus falls on the flight attendant. In his view, she was guilty of a "racial microaggression"—one of the "everyday insults, indignities and demeaning messages sent to people of color by well-intentioned white people who are unaware of the hidden messages being sent to them," in Sue's definition.

In other words, she was acting with bias—she just didn't know it, he says.
It really is another indication of the inability and unwillingness of the public to live together any longer. The divisions just get deeper and wider. The American house is now so divided that it's held together with cobwebs.
Here's a site set up at my alma mater, SDSU.....San Diego State University.

SafeZones SDSU Home SDSU


In 2007 a series of homophobic events on the SDSU campus highlighted the need for a program that actively promoted a safe, LGBTQQIA-affirmative environment. A coalition was formed in response to these events that has grown into SafeZones@SDSU ally trainings, resource fairs, internships and a campus and community-based support network. SDSU now has a 5-Star LGBT-Friendly Campus Climate Index rating from Campus Pride.

Mission Statement

SafeZones@SDSU works to ensure a campus atmosphere that is welcoming, informative, educational, and safe for all lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, and ally (LGBTQQIA) students, faculty, staff, administrators and members of the campus community.

A Brief History of SafeZones@SDSU

In the fall of 2007 several homophobic incidents occurred on the SDSU campus: verbal and physical harassment and assault, interference with LGBTQ students and their allies picketing in favor of same-sex marriage, and homophobic/inappropriate comments made in classrooms. Many felt a generally unsafe atmosphere. After an empowering Stop the Hate campus rally, an all-call was sent out to the campus community asking people to attend a meeting to address these issues. People representing diverse offices, services, student organizations and individual faculty and administrators gathered who were committed to creating a permanent program to make SDSU safe, welcoming and proactive for all LGBTQI students, faculty, staff, administrators and their allies. This was not the first effort of this sort on campus: there was a rich history of LGBTQ student organizations, diversity programming, a faculty/staff lesbian and gay group, LGBTQ course work (which evolved into the LGBT Major/Minor and a Graduate Certificate) and events and services aimed at addressing the issues and needs of the LGBTQ community.​
Two more phrases have been added to the list of banned microagression words.

America is a melting pot
Why are you so quiet?
You got this from Gleen Beck's segment this morning on the radio, didn't you? That's where I heard it on my way back from the gym.
In laymen's terms, liberals are little thin skinned, pajama boy pussies that want everyone that doesn't think as they do to SHUT UP.
I've been hearing this word alot lately.


It's a term liberals seem to have latched onto that defines a feeling of insecurity or discomfort when hearing perceived racism.

It allows a politically-correctness advocate to avoid any harsh invasion of their ideological boundaries.'s a thin skin. In the Army they were called stress-cards. It was a card a recruit was allowed to carry with them in basic training that gave them a timeout from getting their butts chewed out. Now liberals want to avoid facing the truth by calling the invasion of common-sense into their minds a name. Microaggression.

The unintended bigotry that a person wearing their feelings on their sleeves experiences. Most people that sense microaggression are people that see racism, sexism, or homophobia in everything.

Microaggression theory - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Anything they can do to control the conversation.

Self-righteous hypersensitivity has worked fabulously for them so far, we'll see how much longer they can ride it.

Actually, "microaggression" is a pretty good term. They'll look for the tiniest little thing to be "offended'.
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I've been hearing this word alot lately.


It's a term liberals seem to have latched onto that defines a feeling of insecurity or discomfort when hearing perceived racism.

It allows a politically-correctness advocate to avoid any harsh invasion of their ideological boundaries.'s a thin skin. In the Army they were called stress-cards. It was a card a recruit was allowed to carry with them in basic training that gave them a timeout from getting their butts chewed out. Now liberals want to avoid facing the truth by calling the invasion of common-sense into their minds a name. Microaggression.

The unintended bigotry that a person wearing their feelings on their sleeves experiences. Most people that sense microaggression are people that see racism, sexism, or homophobia in everything.

Microaggression theory - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Anything they can do to control the conversation.

Self-righteous hypersensitivity has worked fabulously for them so far, we'll see how much longer they can ride it.

Actually, "microaggression" is a pretty good term. They'll look for the tiniest little thing to be "offended'.


It would appear by the responses of some of our board progtards here that they're offended this was ever brought to light.

They never do like it when their little games are exposed.

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