New Kamala Harris bill asks Federal tax payers to subsidized Califronia high housing costs


VIP Member
Sep 15, 2018
New Kamala Harris Bill Asks Federal Taxpayers to Subsidize California's High Housing Costs
Rents in California have skyrocketed over the past decade, thanks to the innumerable restrictions, taxes, and fees that the state imposes on new housing development. Now Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) wants the rest of the country to pay to fix this problem.

This confused communist should step down before it's too late. This is just how communism works. Make everybody else pay for it while doing nothing. As the saying goes sooner or later you run out of other people's money. Then you end up like Venezuela and a few other Countries who did the same acts.

If the people of Ca. haven't woke up yet they will once this bill takes place if it does make it through.
New Kamala Harris Bill Asks Federal Taxpayers to Subsidize California's High Housing Costs
Rents in California have skyrocketed over the past decade, thanks to the innumerable restrictions, taxes, and fees that the state imposes on new housing development. Now Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) wants the rest of the country to pay to fix this problem.

This confused communist should step down before it's too late. This is just how communism works. Make everybody else pay for it while doing nothing. As the saying goes sooner or later you run out of other people's money. Then you end up like Venezuela and a few other Countries who did the same acts.

If the people of Ca. haven't woke up yet they will once this bill takes place if it does make it through.

You got it backwards, California helps subsidies the rest of the country. They pay more in federal taxes than they receive back. Who's the commie now?
New Kamala Harris Bill Asks Federal Taxpayers to Subsidize California's High Housing Costs
Rents in California have skyrocketed over the past decade, thanks to the innumerable restrictions, taxes, and fees that the state imposes on new housing development. Now Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) wants the rest of the country to pay to fix this problem.

This confused communist should step down before it's too late. This is just how communism works. Make everybody else pay for it while doing nothing. As the saying goes sooner or later you run out of other people's money. Then you end up like Venezuela and a few other Countries who did the same acts.

If the people of Ca. haven't woke up yet they will once this bill takes place if it does make it through.

You got it backwards, California helps subsidies the rest of the country. They pay more in federal taxes than they receive back. Who's the commie now?

If you think so your mind training is ass backward's.
New Kamala Harris Bill Asks Federal Taxpayers to Subsidize California's High Housing Costs
Rents in California have skyrocketed over the past decade, thanks to the innumerable restrictions, taxes, and fees that the state imposes on new housing development. Now Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) wants the rest of the country to pay to fix this problem.

This confused communist should step down before it's too late. This is just how communism works. Make everybody else pay for it while doing nothing. As the saying goes sooner or later you run out of other people's money. Then you end up like Venezuela and a few other Countries who did the same acts.

If the people of Ca. haven't woke up yet they will once this bill takes place if it does make it through.
I’ll oppose this tax cut when you oppose farming subsidies
New Kamala Harris Bill Asks Federal Taxpayers to Subsidize California's High Housing Costs
Rents in California have skyrocketed over the past decade, thanks to the innumerable restrictions, taxes, and fees that the state imposes on new housing development. Now Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) wants the rest of the country to pay to fix this problem.

This confused communist should step down before it's too late. This is just how communism works. Make everybody else pay for it while doing nothing. As the saying goes sooner or later you run out of other people's money. Then you end up like Venezuela and a few other Countries who did the same acts.

If the people of Ca. haven't woke up yet they will once this bill takes place if it does make it through.

You got it backwards, California helps subsidies the rest of the country. They pay more in federal taxes than they receive back. Who's the commie now?

If you think so your mind training is ass backward's.
Wow. So you had zero idea, and you’re just going to double down.
She is socailly organizing right under their noses, but stupidity of unifnromed gut rats aren't able to decipher what communisim really is and how it's used. Let's try reading the definition of communisim.

A system of social organization in which goods are held in common.

Communism in the United States is something of an anomaly. The basic principles of communism are, by design, at odds with the free enterprise foundation of U.S. capitalism. The freedom of individuals to privately own property, start a business, and own the means of production is a basic tenet of U.S. government, and communism opposes this arrangement. However, there have been, are, and probably always will be communists in the United States.

As early as the fourth century b.c., Plato addressed the problems surrounding private ownership of property in the Republic. Some early Christians supported communal principles, as did the German Anabaptists during the sixteenth-century religious Reformation in Europe.

The concept of common ownership of goods gained a measure of support in France during the nineteenth century. Shortly after the French Revolution of 1789, François-Noël ("Gracchus") Babeuf was arrested and executed for plotting the violent overthrow of the new French government by revolutionary communists. Etienne Cabet inspired many social explorers with his Voyage en Icarie (1840), which promoted peaceful, idealized communities. Cabet is often credited with the spate of communal settlements that appeared in mid-nineteenth-century North America. Louis-Auguste Blanqui offered a more strident version of communism by urging French workers during the 1830s to organize insurrections and establish a dictatorship for the purpose of reorganizing the government.

Cali needs to lower its housing costs. Not expect the tax payers to foot the bill so someone can get a house or apartment.
Cali needs to lower its housing costs. Not expect the tax payers to foot the bill so someone can get a house or apartment.

It's amazing how many do not understand communism. It's a proven lower IQ generation who's been taught to think the total opposite of the truth. People who have come from communist nations try telling the uninformed Americans what's going on in the US they still refuse to listen. Makes me wonder what is wrong with these people and their thinking, or their mentality to identify reality from fantasy.
Since California is a sanctuary state the bitch is asking the American tax payers to pay rent for illegals. She can go pound sand!
Putting on my liberal's cap and utilizing the convoluted logic that allowing one to keep their own money is a subsidy, we've always sort of subsidized California's high housing costs through the mortgage interest deduction.
New Kamala Harris Bill Asks Federal Taxpayers to Subsidize California's High Housing Costs
Rents in California have skyrocketed over the past decade, thanks to the innumerable restrictions, taxes, and fees that the state imposes on new housing development. Now Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) wants the rest of the country to pay to fix this problem.

This confused communist should step down before it's too late. This is just how communism works. Make everybody else pay for it while doing nothing. As the saying goes sooner or later you run out of other people's money. Then you end up like Venezuela and a few other Countries who did the same acts.

If the people of Ca. haven't woke up yet they will once this bill takes place if it does make it through.

You got it backwards, California helps subsidies the rest of the country. They pay more in federal taxes than they receive back. Who's the commie now?

Than why are they asking for money?
New Kamala Harris Bill Asks Federal Taxpayers to Subsidize California's High Housing Costs
Rents in California have skyrocketed over the past decade, thanks to the innumerable restrictions, taxes, and fees that the state imposes on new housing development. Now Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) wants the rest of the country to pay to fix this problem.

This confused communist should step down before it's too late. This is just how communism works. Make everybody else pay for it while doing nothing. As the saying goes sooner or later you run out of other people's money. Then you end up like Venezuela and a few other Countries who did the same acts.

If the people of Ca. haven't woke up yet they will once this bill takes place if it does make it through.

You got it backwards, California helps subsidies the rest of the country. They pay more in federal taxes than they receive back. Who's the commie now?

Guess you reading the link is way beyond your IQ and once again the blue collar guy in Alabama pays his fair share to the feds the blue collar guy in California does not.

New Kamala Harris Bill Asks Federal Taxpayers to Subsidize California's High Housing Costs
Rents in California have skyrocketed over the past decade, thanks to the innumerable restrictions, taxes, and fees that the state imposes on new housing development. Now Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) wants the rest of the country to pay to fix this problem.

This confused communist should step down before it's too late. This is just how communism works. Make everybody else pay for it while doing nothing. As the saying goes sooner or later you run out of other people's money. Then you end up like Venezuela and a few other Countries who did the same acts.

If the people of Ca. haven't woke up yet they will once this bill takes place if it does make it through.

Kamala Harris fondled me. I was in fear for my life!
New Kamala Harris Bill Asks Federal Taxpayers to Subsidize California's High Housing Costs
Rents in California have skyrocketed over the past decade, thanks to the innumerable restrictions, taxes, and fees that the state imposes on new housing development. Now Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) wants the rest of the country to pay to fix this problem.

This confused communist should step down before it's too late. This is just how communism works. Make everybody else pay for it while doing nothing. As the saying goes sooner or later you run out of other people's money. Then you end up like Venezuela and a few other Countries who did the same acts.

If the people of Ca. haven't woke up yet they will once this bill takes place if it does make it through.

You got it backwards, California helps subsidies the rest of the country. They pay more in federal taxes than they receive back. Who's the commie now?

If you think so your mind training is ass backward's.

Facts are Californians pay more in taxes to Uncle Sam than Uncle Sam gives back to the People of California.

Fughing sponges.
New Kamala Harris Bill Asks Federal Taxpayers to Subsidize California's High Housing Costs
Rents in California have skyrocketed over the past decade, thanks to the innumerable restrictions, taxes, and fees that the state imposes on new housing development. Now Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) wants the rest of the country to pay to fix this problem.

This confused communist should step down before it's too late. This is just how communism works. Make everybody else pay for it while doing nothing. As the saying goes sooner or later you run out of other people's money. Then you end up like Venezuela and a few other Countries who did the same acts.

If the people of Ca. haven't woke up yet they will once this bill takes place if it does make it through.
California is experiencing a major job growth in specific regions. This is why housing costs have gone through the roof. Kinda like wages would if there really was a shortage of workers. There are only safety restrictions that are not innumerable and only a tax on sales of products and fees for inspections. These make our new housing much safer and far better than housing in other states.
I am amazed that the ones claiming democrats are being brainwashed into communism are the ones who are following in the footsteps of conservative un Americans. The low IQ is you!
New Kamala Harris Bill Asks Federal Taxpayers to Subsidize California's High Housing Costs
Rents in California have skyrocketed over the past decade, thanks to the innumerable restrictions, taxes, and fees that the state imposes on new housing development. Now Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) wants the rest of the country to pay to fix this problem.

This confused communist should step down before it's too late. This is just how communism works. Make everybody else pay for it while doing nothing. As the saying goes sooner or later you run out of other people's money. Then you end up like Venezuela and a few other Countries who did the same acts.

If the people of Ca. haven't woke up yet they will once this bill takes place if it does make it through.

You got it backwards, California helps subsidies the rest of the country. They pay more in federal taxes than they receive back. Who's the commie now?

If you think so your mind training is ass backward's.

Facts are Californians pay more in taxes to Uncle Sam than Uncle Sam gives back to the People of California.

Fughing sponges.

No some billionares in California does, once again the individuals in California doesn't pay their fair share to the federal government.
New Kamala Harris Bill Asks Federal Taxpayers to Subsidize California's High Housing Costs
Rents in California have skyrocketed over the past decade, thanks to the innumerable restrictions, taxes, and fees that the state imposes on new housing development. Now Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) wants the rest of the country to pay to fix this problem.

This confused communist should step down before it's too late. This is just how communism works. Make everybody else pay for it while doing nothing. As the saying goes sooner or later you run out of other people's money. Then you end up like Venezuela and a few other Countries who did the same acts.

If the people of Ca. haven't woke up yet they will once this bill takes place if it does make it through.

You got it backwards, California helps subsidies the rest of the country. They pay more in federal taxes than they receive back. Who's the commie now?

Guess you reading the link is way beyond your IQ and once again the blue collar guy in Alabama pays his fair share to the feds the blue collar guy in California does not.


I understand. The Red State sponges are upset that California wants some of its hard earned tax dollars back within it's borders. Pseudo-cons hate California like they hate Hillary. Beyond reasonable. It's how they roll.

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