New Hampshire: Muslim refugee charged with sexually assaulting 4 girls including 7 yr old


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The Qur’an teaches that Infidel women can be lawfully taken for sexual use.

The Qur’an says: “O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves of their ................................................
New Hampshire: Muslim ‘Refugee’ Charged With Sexually Assaulting 4 girls, Including 7-Year-Old
Again, how sweet and special it is for the Obama Clinton lovers to want open borders so we can continue to bring ourselves down to the level of Canada, Italy, Germany. Why it isn't your kid so who cares right. Oh but it is coming morons and you asked for it to happen, you want it to happen and you are going to regret every stupid fk bs lie fed to you via your lover leader Obama and Clintons. They work behind these scenes asses even while Trump is President.

But it started while the pos loser was in Office Obama left those borders open on purpose so he could let his brotherly killers right on in.
The Qur’an teaches that Infidel women can be lawfully taken for sexual use.

The Qur’an says: “O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves of their ................................................
New Hampshire: Muslim ‘Refugee’ Charged With Sexually Assaulting 4 girls, Including 7-Year-Old
Again, how sweet and special it is for the Obama Clinton lovers to want open borders so we can continue to bring ourselves down to the level of Canada, Italy, Germany. Why it isn't your kid so who cares right. Oh but it is coming morons and you asked for it to happen, you want it to happen and you are going to regret every stupid fk bs lie fed to you via your lover leader Obama and Clintons. They work behind these scenes asses even while Trump is President.

But it started while the pos loser was in Office Obama left those borders open on purpose so he could let his brotherly killers right on in.
The implication there is that if women do not cover themselves adequately with their outer garments, they may be abused, and that such abuse would be justified.

No, I do not believe that verse says abuse would be justified.
From Robert Spencer, Jihad Watch, is a self proclaimed authority on Islam.
Being pro-Islam is synonymous with being pro-child molestation.

Are you aware litte Benjamin got married at the age of 10 and again at 18 before he went to Egypt, according to the Book Of Jasher. Little Benjamin was a man when he went to Egypt to see Joseph.
Your lame attempt at a Qur'an quote doesn't fit the situation.

Try again. ..... :cool:

quoting the Koran is silly-----Muslim SCHOLARS interpret the Koran. The interpretation of the Koran is
SHARIAH According to Shariah law------the testimony of a non muslim against a muslim is worthless in
a shariah court. This fact renders rape of a non muslim woman by a muslim man, LEGAL. It cannot
be prosecuted except in the rare (ie non-existent) circumstance that the rape is witnessed by a muslims who
has some interest in testifying against the muslim who did the rape. Even then-----the crime can be justified
by a trivial accusation against the woman ------like she TOUCHED the muslim or a Koran or was outside of her
assigned area after dusk------anything works
i won't argue 'koran' interpretation as i think that the only story that matters is that a newly arrived 'muslim' is accused of molesting young girls in New Hampshire . --- Nashua man accused of sexually assaulting girls --- interpretations of the koran is just confusion and back and forth arguing . See Sunnis post but the important thing is that a newly arrived 'muslim refugee invader' is accused of molestation of American girl or girls . --------------- And as comment , i won't generally use INFO WARS as a source . While i think that 'info wars' and 'jihad watch' and Pam Gellar are good sources that give good info on whats happening with muslims and other invaders in the USA , its my opinion that local news reports from mainline local newspapers are better sources and make better links . [just a comment]
i won't argue 'koran' interpretation as i think that the only story that matters is that a newly arrived 'muslim' is accused of molesting young girls in New Hampshire . --- Nashua man accused of sexually assaulting girls --- interpretations of the koran is just confusion and back and forth arguing . See Sunnis post but the important thing is that a newly arrived 'muslim refugee invader' is accused of molestation of American girl or girls . --------------- And as comment , i won't generally use INFO WARS as a source . While i think that 'info wars' and 'jihad watch' and Pam Gellar are good sources that give good info on whats happening with muslims and other invaders in the USA , its my opinion that local news reports from mainline local newspapers are better sources and make better links . [just a comment]

You miss lots if you ignore the realities of the CULTURAL BACKGROUND of the immigrant. Shariah law informs the muslim developing mind
as to WHAT IS RIGHT and WHAT IS WRONG. If allah says it is ok-----it is ok
The Qur’an teaches that Infidel women can be lawfully taken for sexual use.

The Qur’an says: “O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves of their ................................................
New Hampshire: Muslim ‘Refugee’ Charged With Sexually Assaulting 4 girls, Including 7-Year-Old
Again, how sweet and special it is for the Obama Clinton lovers to want open borders so we can continue to bring ourselves down to the level of Canada, Italy, Germany. Why it isn't your kid so who cares right. Oh but it is coming morons and you asked for it to happen, you want it to happen and you are going to regret every stupid fk bs lie fed to you via your lover leader Obama and Clintons. They work behind these scenes asses even while Trump is President.

But it started while the pos loser was in Office Obama left those borders open on purpose so he could let his brotherly killers right on in.
The implication there is that if women do not cover themselves adequately with their outer garments, they may be abused, and that such abuse would be justified.

No, I do not believe that verse says abuse would be justified.

the verse does not say it--------the culture and law says it.-------ie the INTERPRETATION OF THE KORAN by the scholars
thereof and the system that adjudicates those laws.
hey listen , i think that most of 'islam' is evil and i make that decision by knowing a bit of muslim history and by watching the actual actions that muslims are doing TODAY throughout the world . And that decision of evilness has nothing to do with any interpretation of any verse in the koran Rosie .
hey listen , i think that most of 'islam' is evil and i make that decision by knowing a bit of tmuslim history and by watching what muslims are doing TODAY and that decision of evilness has nothing to do with any interpretation of any verse in the koran Rosie .

I understand your point-----I am, simply, trying to explain how it comes about. I have been acquainted with, worked with and socialized
with lots of muslims for the past 50 years. I know their cultures by what they TELL me are their cultures and the opinions they
express.-------I have been learning lots more over the past 30 years from hubby who was born in a shariah shit hole--------and got
even more from his relatives (mostly now dead) who LIVED IT. I read the Koran about 50 years ago-------I got no more from
that reading than I learned about Hinduism by reading the Bhagavad Gita (and---of course---the Kama sudtra)-----in fact, I read
the NT at about age 12------and got NOTHING------not much there------not even colored easter eggs (and best of all ---giant chocolate

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