New food stamp recipients


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV


The “new food stamp recipients” are not the “chronic don’t want to work” people, but the “middle class working” that have lost their jobs because of companies like Bain have taking their jobs and shipped to overseas to China and India, etc.

Whether Bain Capital or Bain and Company was Romney’s babies or not, he was associated with them (like Obama’s association with Rev. Wright?) and his success is because of them and their actions. Does Romney still have interest in Bain? If he does, he is a willing paid accomplice and he should remove is interest in Bain because Bain do send American jobs overseas.

Bible say “we must take care of our own” and Romney is taking care of his own. The “one percent.”

Obama is looking out for "his own" the middle class working. Seniors like his mother in law, middle class working like his wife and his brother in law.

What is Romney hiding in his tax returns and what is he hiding in off shore accounts?

Romney is the “prostitute” and Bain the “pimp.”
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The latest horror perpetrated against the working poor as well as the homeless vet, the elderly, the disabled, all of those that the GObP/pubs/bags/rw's hate, the latest crime against those people is that governors of the poorest (read southern, red) states are refusing to enact the Affordable Care Act.

Thanks to the stupid and mindless hatred for President Obama, these people will have no way of getting any degree of health care. Add to that, these same so-called "governors" will work to destroy Planned Parenthood, which gives pre-natal care, cancer screening, very basic health care to men, women and children across the country.

Someone here suggested we split the country and give have to Libs and the other half to those who want to destroy an entire class of people. There are times when that doesn't sound like such a bad idea.
The latest horror perpetrated against the working poor as well as the homeless vet, the elderly, the disabled, all of those that the GObP/pubs/bags/rw's hate, the latest crime against those people is that governors of the poorest (read southern, red) states are refusing to enact the Affordable Care Act.

Thanks to the stupid and mindless hatred for President Obama, these people will have no way of getting any degree of health care. Add to that, these same so-called "governors" will work to destroy Planned Parenthood, which gives pre-natal care, cancer screening, very basic health care to men, women and children across the country.

Someone here suggested we split the country and give have to Libs and the other half to those who want to destroy an entire class of people. There are times when that doesn't sound like such a bad idea.

Hey Dudley, watch this...


Cancer screenings my ass!!
Conservatism boils down to the simple belief that low income people have too much and the Rich have too little.

Conservative policy boils down to trying everything possible to remedy that situation.
Conservatism boils down to the simple belief that low income people have too much and the Rich have too little.

Conservative policy boils down to trying everything possible to remedy that situation.

Talk about 'simple'... :cuckoo:


The “new food stamp recipients” are not the “chronic don’t want to work” people, but the “middle class working” that have lost their jobs because of companies like Bain have taking their jobs and shipped to overseas to China and India, etc.

Whether Bain Capital or Bain and Company was Romney’s babies or not, he was associated with them (like Obama’s association with Rev. Wright?) and his success is because of them and their actions. Does Romney still have interest in Bain? If he does, he is a willing paid accomplice and he should remove is interest in Bain because Bain do send American jobs overseas.

Bible say “we must take care of our own” and Romney is taking care of his own. The “one percent.”

Obama is looking out for "his own" the middle class working. Seniors like his mother in law, middle class working like his wife and his brother in law.

What is Romney hiding in his tax returns and what is he hiding in off shore accounts?

Romney is the “prostitute” and Bain the “pimp.”

The deliberate increase of the Food Stamp program and extended Unemployment are because Dimocrats like Nancy Pelosi believe that this kind of spending is stimulus. Your partisan rant above makes no sense without exploring that point. And what all the other laughable memes you've brought into your post have to do with your topic, "food stamps", I can't begin to guess. As rants go, it's not even coherent.

Now, in certain conditions that sort of spending might be stimulative. In our current situation though, with a debt crisis looming and consumer confidence shot, I can't see an argument for it. The interest on our current debt is already approaching a half-trillion per year. By the end of the decade, and spending on our current path, it'll be a full trillion. That's pulling a Porkulus bill out of our asses, with interest, and paying it in cash ANNUALLY. And if you think there's going to be money for the niceties that Democrats like to spend on after that... think again.

You people don't really believe that the bad thing can happen in this country. But it can. This is not something we can print our way out of. Every time Geithner fires up the printing presses our dollar is devalued. And by "devalued", I mean on it's way to becoming worthless. Already we see other nations calling for changes in reserve currency. If we don't stabilize our dollar, we're in more trouble than most of us can even conceive of.
Conservatism boils down to the simple belief that low income people have too much and the Rich have too little.

Conservative policy boils down to trying everything possible to remedy that situation.

Dont forget dirty air and water... and killing old people too! :clap2:

I've always wondered about the Food Stamp Program. If it's such a great program and all, why does it have to be buried in Farm bills?

Why can't it stand on it's own as a welfare program? Let the American taxpayer know that all the money allotted to the farm bills aren't going to farmers at all.

It's a bullshit situation where obviously this welfare money is being hidden in a program that has nothing to do with farmers.

The farm bill $$$$$ goes in bulk to welfare. I think it's 80% of the farm bill monies is designated to the welfare program.
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The goal is to grow government dependency. The government outsources its own jobs to foreign countries. It regulates businesses to the point where it must move to a foreign country. Then it enrolls the newly impoverished into government dependency.

Read Cloward-Piven it's all in there. The entire plan as it is unfolding today.


The “new food stamp recipients” are not the “chronic don’t want to work” people, but the “middle class working” that have lost their jobs because of companies like Bain have taking their jobs and shipped to overseas to China and India, etc.

Whether Bain Capital or Bain and Company was Romney’s babies or not, he was associated with them (like Obama’s association with Rev. Wright?) and his success is because of them and their actions. Does Romney still have interest in Bain? If he does, he is a willing paid accomplice and he should remove is interest in Bain because Bain do send American jobs overseas.

Bible say “we must take care of our own” and Romney is taking care of his own. The “one percent.”

Obama is looking out for "his own" the middle class working. Seniors like his mother in law, middle class working like his wife and his brother in law.

What is Romney hiding in his tax returns and what is he hiding in off shore accounts?

Romney is the “prostitute” and Bain the “pimp.”

How fucked in the head are you? Obama's mother in law in now middle class?

Michelle is fucking middle class?

Somedays I wonder if you're a poster like girlforbush who pretend to be one thing when they are not.

I comfort myself occasionally thinking, LilOlLady is really a brilliant conservative pretending to be a dumb ass freaking insane liberal to make conservatives go "holy shit we better vote this time and not give that maniac in the WH 4 more years".

But then on the other hand, it is a distinct possibility that you are just really a dumb ass freaking insane liberal.

Conservatism boils down to the simple belief that low income people have too much and the Rich have too little.

Conservative policy boils down to trying everything possible to remedy that situation.

Shove a Food Stamp into your "Glory Hole" and shut the fuck up, peckerhead.
I've always wondered about the Food Stamp Program. If it's such a great program and all, why does it have to be buried in Farm bills?

Why can't it stand on it's own as a welfare program? Let the American taxpayer know that all the money allotted to the farm bills aren't going to farmers at all.

It's a bullshit situation where obviously this welfare money is being hidden in a program that has nothing to do with farmers.

The farm bill $$$$$ goes in bulk to welfare. I think it's 80% of the farm bill monies is designated to the welfare program.

Hardly, study the facts. The AG Farm bill is made every 5 years. Automatic cuts across the board are impemented by compromiise of raising the debt limit.
The farm bill is being tagged the last minute by a republican that demands 16 billion be cut from the SNAP program.
The farm bill already has been reduced by

Agriculture Reform, Food and Jobs Act of 2012

Every five years, Congress passes a bundle of legislation, commonly called the "Farm Bill" that sets national agriculture, nutrition, conservation, and forestry policy. The last Farm Bill was passed in 2008, and expires in 2012.

The Agriculture Reform, Food and Jobs Act of 2012 (S. 3240) represents the most significant reforms in agricultural policy in decades. The bill ends direct payments, streamlines and consolidates programs, and reduces the deficit by $23 billion. It also strengthens top priorities that help farmers, ranchers, and small business owners continue to grow our economy.

Agriculture Reform, Food and Jobs Act of 2012 | Issues | United States Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry
Conservatism boils down to the simple belief that low income people have too much and the Rich have too little.

Conservative policy boils down to trying everything possible to remedy that situation.

Talk about 'simple'... :cuckoo:

Well then, name the conservative policies currently advocated that have a net benefit on the poor, economically, and a net negative impact on the Rich, economically.

List them.


The “new food stamp recipients” are not the “chronic don’t want to work” people, but the “middle class working” that have lost their jobs because of companies like Bain have taking their jobs and shipped to overseas to China and India, etc.

Whether Bain Capital or Bain and Company was Romney’s babies or not, he was associated with them (like Obama’s association with Rev. Wright?) and his success is because of them and their actions. Does Romney still have interest in Bain? If he does, he is a willing paid accomplice and he should remove is interest in Bain because Bain do send American jobs overseas.

Bible say “we must take care of our own” and Romney is taking care of his own. The “one percent.”

Obama is looking out for "his own" the middle class working. Seniors like his mother in law, middle class working like his wife and his brother in law.

What is Romney hiding in his tax returns and what is he hiding in off shore accounts?

Romney is the “prostitute” and Bain the “pimp.”

You are the ultimate useful idiot.

Parroting the same tired lines also means you are incapable of independent thought.

The typical democrat.

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