New (fiscal) year less than 4 weeks away


So it goes
May 14, 2010
Arizona's Maricopa County
I've yet to pay attention to the 2024 elections. Perhaps that'll change after the conclusion of this month's main bout over the country's 2024 fiscal year 2024 budget that starts October 1st. I'm rooting for the conservative hard-liners.

Democrats have been ramping up criticism of House Republicans as the conference pursues
more aggressive spending cuts for fiscal 2024 — well below spending rates agreed upon in a
budget cap deal between President Biden and Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) months back.​

Oh this again. We know how it will play out. It always plays out the same. They stretch it out to the last day, tell us at midnight the world will be destroyed by an asteroid, and at 8 pm, Mighty Mouse flys in to save the day.
I've yet to pay attention to the 2024 elections. Perhaps that'll change after the conclusion of this month's main bout over the country's 2024 fiscal year 2024 budget that starts October 1st. I'm rooting for the conservative hard-liners.

Democrats have been ramping up criticism of House Republicans as the conference pursues
more aggressive spending cuts for fiscal 2024 — well below spending rates agreed upon in a
budget cap deal between President Biden and Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) months back.​

Oh…my…gosh…didn’t we just go through this? Lol, yet another “kick the can down the road” moment.

Don’t worry folks, I’ll tell you what’s going to happen. They will argue about it up until the last moment, and then a deal will be made to kick the can down the road again for a few more months.

Just look at history. They’ve done this same thing many times.

So, don’t fret folks, just give them time, another short deal will be made….nothing to see here.

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