New Edition of Newspeak Dictionary

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Appalling New Edition of Newspeak Dictionary
Using Orwell’s 1984 not as a warning but as an instruction manual, progressives have attempted to control public debate and thought itself by controlling language. Academia continues to develop a version of Newspeak for this purpose.

This has resulted in perfectly innocuous terms being banned as “racist,” so that we are compelled to demonstrate obeisance to liberal ideology by using preferred terms instead. George Orwell fans will recall that Newspeak linguist Syme took delight in limiting thought by limiting permissible vocabulary. As Syme gushed,

“Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.”

The thought police at Amherst College (tuition: $56,426) take it farther. They dictate what we must think words mean, imposing their malignant ideology through vocabulary definitions. The Office of Diversity & Inclusion has issued a 40-page Common Language Guide, available here. Through the definitions, we learn that even the concept of equality is now insufficiently politically correct:

EQUALITY Treating everyone exactly the same. An equality emphasis often ignores historical and structural factors that benefit some social groups/communities and harm other social groups/communities.

All the animals on the farm are equal. But “oppressed” animals are a lot more equal than you, so bow and show reverence.

Assimilation is also bad:

ASSIMILATION Distancing or dropping of one’s culture, language, values, politics and/or traditions in order to advance and seek to assume the culture and characteristics of the dominant group. This often happens as a response to forms of oppression including but not limited to: xenophobia, racism, cisheteronormativity and religious oppression, among other types of oppression.

Ever wonder why moonbats who bark about “inclusion” go out their way to exclude whites, men, Christians, the sexually nonaberrant, and regular Americans in general? The answer can be found in Amherst’s definition:

INCLUSION An intentional effort to transform the status quo by creating opportunity for those who have been historically marginalized.

If you aren’t lucky enough to be “marginalized,” then no inclusion for you.

Interestingly, the definition of power is a list starting with this:

1. The ability to name or define.

The radical left is very much aware that it is exercising its power over us by naming and defining.

The entire document would raise the hair on the back of Orwell’s neck. Cultural Marxism is a truly sick ideology. Those who have been imposing it will not rest until it deforms every thought in our heads.
Appalling New Edition of Newspeak Dictionary - Moonbattery
On a tip from 1-Bodhisattva. Hat tip: Power Line.

heres the whole batshit crazy document

the recently rescinded Common Language Guide put forth by Amherst College.
Amherst College Common Language Guide | Sexism | Ethnicity, Race & Gender

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