New Documents Show Obama Involved In The Flynn Scandal

Yep. Could have predicted this. Trump's bag man at the DOJ has the charges against Flynn dropped and every right winger is wetting themselves. So we've already thrown the rule of law out. What's next? Manufacturing evidence? Abuse of Power? Again, if Flynn is innocent, why make a deal? So what if they wanted to catch him in a lie? All he has to do is tell the truth and he's home free. I wonder why he lied then?..and if he was innocent, why does his boss throw him under the bus? Man, lot of stupid people in the Trump administrations. You'd think they were corrupt. :)
View attachment 333366

Jeez. This isn't even remotely entertaining. Is this the best that the right wing has to offer? No?....
Time for some conservative Viagra.
It's better than your delusional hallucinations.

Well then give me something other than right wing "comebacks", lame gifs and memes, snowflake.
Prove to me that a sitting President was involved in the takedown of a military man gone opportunist...oyi..can't stop laughing! :auiqs.jpg:
Can't you just admit, this man sold his morals and principles out for a guy who wouldn't know the meaning of loyalty if it ran up and stole his Quarter Pounder With Cheese?
Flynn is far from an innocent man. That is why he is facing jail time. The short version is this. In December 2016, as a private citizen, at the behest of private citizen Donald J. Trump, Flynn made a deal with an adversarial Russian government through Sergey Ivanovich Kislyak, the ambassador to the U.S. Then he lied about it, first to the vice-president, then to the FBI. He was fired by Trump on Feb. 13, 2017, making him the shortest serving National Security Advisor in American history.

Lying to the FBI gets one jail time as many of Trump's close associates have found out, Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, George Papadopulous, Richard Pinedo, Ales van der Zwaan, Roger Stone, Rick Gates, and Flynn.

Flynn broke several federal laws, which is why Trump fired him, although now Trump is swearing to Flynn's innocence, a development that doesn't shock anyone. The point is, November 3 can't come soon enough. Trump's lackey, William Bar, is freeing a felon because the President wants it to be so. It is time for Trump, Barr, and the other cronies in the White House to be removed from office.

Can you believe this? Barr decided that the case did not meet the legal standard. That Flynn’s lies were not “materially” relevant to the matter under investigation. “The government is not persuaded that the Jan. 24, 2017, interview was conducted with a legitimate investigative basis and therefore does not believe Mr. Flynn’s statements were material even if untrue.”

In other words, according to Barr, it was okay for Flynn to lie to the FBI and the Vice-president even though they were grounds for dismissal by the President.

That is surreal. It is obvious Trump no longer wants a second term.

Flynn should not make any long range plans. As soon as we have a new A.G. no doubt Flynn will be indicted again.

Flynn is guilty. He even said so.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Every President Elect begins talks with nations. Every single one.

True, but what part of "Flynn made a deal with an adversarial Russian government" don't you understand?

Talks are one thing. Making policy with a hostile foreign government is something else. I am sure that you can understand that we have one President at a time. It is a violation of federal law for a President-elect or his representatives to make policy with a foreign government.
This is interesting. I’m glad I got that Sam’s Club pallet of popcorn.

Newly released documents from the Department of Justice show President Obama informed former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates of a phone call between former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in December 2016. He did so in the Oval Office.

“Yates first learned of the December 2016 calls between [LTG Michael] Flynn and [Russian Ambassador to the United States, Sergey] Kislyak on January 5, 2017, while in the Oval Office. Yates, along with then FBI-Director James Comey, then-CIA Director John Brennan, and then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, were at the White House to brief members of the Obama Administration on the classified Intelligence Community Assessment on Russian Activities in Recent U.S Elections. President Obama was joined by his National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, and others from the National Security Council,” the document states.
townhall? Lol!
Unfortunately, the dossier was initiated by a rival Republican campaign and was not the basis for the FISA warrant. And from what I've seen, the dossier has largely been for the pee pee allegations. And you just know Vlad has that footage somewhere just waiting to leverage it.
Really? You seem to be all by yourself in the opinion that the Steele dossier has "largely" been verified.
No one has claimed that! No one but you. You have even less credence than before, which is hard to believe.
So? There was nothing illegal done.

Yet to be determined. Obstruction of Justice for failure to turn over documents under a court order. Also falsely setting up a Cabinet Official in the FBI's words in order to "get him fired or get him to lie."

Coyote, this stuff is all coming out before the election. Bad for the Dims......
So? There was nothing illegal done.

Yet to be determined. Obstruction of Justice for failure to turn over documents under a court order. Also falsely setting up a Cabinet Official in the FBI's words in order to "get him fired or get him to lie."

Coyote, this stuff is all coming out before the election. Bad for the Dims......

I don't think so. The failure to turn over documents was that Flynn's first attorney hadn't turned over everything (and no indication it was deliberate, it was a small number of things).

There was no "false setting up" - Flynn had already lied, which was what caught their attention. He was offered a lawyer. He chose to lie. He pleaded guilty twice. He said up front he wasn't tricked.
Dear General Flynn,

Please try to remember that what they believe, as well as what they do and cause you to endure does not testify to your inferiority but to their inhumanity
Yep. Could have predicted this. Trump's bag man at the DOJ has the charges against Flynn dropped and every right winger is wetting themselves. So we've already thrown the rule of law out. What's next? Manufacturing evidence? Abuse of Power? Again, if Flynn is innocent, why make a deal? So what if they wanted to catch him in a lie? All he has to do is tell the truth and he's home free. I wonder why he lied then?..and if he was innocent, why does his boss throw him under the bus? Man, lot of stupid people in the Trump administrations. You'd think they were corrupt. :)
Ah, Jack? Manufacturing evidence and abuse of power is why the charges against Flynn are being dropped! What part of that don't you grasp?
This is interesting. I’m glad I got that Sam’s Club pallet of popcorn.

Newly released documents from the Department of Justice show President Obama informed former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates of a phone call between former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in December 2016. He did so in the Oval Office.

“Yates first learned of the December 2016 calls between [LTG Michael] Flynn and [Russian Ambassador to the United States, Sergey] Kislyak on January 5, 2017, while in the Oval Office. Yates, along with then FBI-Director James Comey, then-CIA Director John Brennan, and then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, were at the White House to brief members of the Obama Administration on the classified Intelligence Community Assessment on Russian Activities in Recent U.S Elections. President Obama was joined by his National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, and others from the National Security Council,” the document states.
And Trump is involved in this corruption to help out a Trump buddy.

Who was railroaded?
Man what an asshole.......

Trump fired the asshole in the first place so...
Doesn't that mean Trump is NOT involved in corruption to save a guy he FIRED?

Will you tyranny lovers get your story straight?

Yep. Could have predicted this. Trump's bag man at the DOJ has the charges against Flynn dropped and every right winger is wetting themselves. So we've already thrown the rule of law out. What's next? Manufacturing evidence? Abuse of Power? Again, if Flynn is innocent, why make a deal? So what if they wanted to catch him in a lie? All he has to do is tell the truth and he's home free. I wonder why he lied then?..and if he was innocent, why does his boss throw him under the bus? Man, lot of stupid people in the Trump administrations. You'd think they were corrupt. :)
the only evidence that was manufactured was the fake dossier dems got from the russians to illegally get a fisa warrant to spy on the president in an attempted coup ! treason !

Unfortunately, the dossier was initiated by a rival Republican campaign and was not the basis for the FISA warrant. And from what I've seen, the dossier has largely been for the pee pee allegations. And you just know Vlad has that footage somewhere just waiting to leverage it. :)
hillarys campaign paid for the dossier ... and if there were never Trumper Rhinos involved they should face prosecution also !
Yep. Could have predicted this. Trump's bag man at the DOJ has the charges against Flynn dropped and every right winger is wetting themselves. So we've already thrown the rule of law out. What's next? Manufacturing evidence? Abuse of Power? Again, if Flynn is innocent, why make a deal? So what if they wanted to catch him in a lie? All he has to do is tell the truth and he's home free. I wonder why he lied then?..and if he was innocent, why does his boss throw him under the bus? Man, lot of stupid people in the Trump administrations. You'd think they were corrupt. :)
the only evidence that was manufactured was the fake dossier dems got from the russians to illegally get a fisa warrant to spy on the president in an attempted coup ! treason !

Unfortunately, the dossier was initiated by a rival Republican campaign and was not the basis for the FISA warrant. And from what I've seen, the dossier has largely been for the pee pee allegations. And you just know Vlad has that footage somewhere just waiting to leverage it. :)
hillarys campaign paid for the dossier ... and if there were never Trumper Rhinos involved they should face prosecution also !

Except...they didn't...sigh...
Dossier Not What 'Started All of This'
Yep. Could have predicted this. Trump's bag man at the DOJ has the charges against Flynn dropped and every right winger is wetting themselves. So we've already thrown the rule of law out. What's next? Manufacturing evidence? Abuse of Power? Again, if Flynn is innocent, why make a deal? So what if they wanted to catch him in a lie? All he has to do is tell the truth and he's home free. I wonder why he lied then?..and if he was innocent, why does his boss throw him under the bus? Man, lot of stupid people in the Trump administrations. You'd think they were corrupt. :)
Ah, Jack? Manufacturing evidence and abuse of power is why the charges against Flynn are being dropped! What part of that don't you grasp?
Yep. Could have predicted this. Trump's bag man at the DOJ has the charges against Flynn dropped and every right winger is wetting themselves. So we've already thrown the rule of law out. What's next? Manufacturing evidence? Abuse of Power? Again, if Flynn is innocent, why make a deal? So what if they wanted to catch him in a lie? All he has to do is tell the truth and he's home free. I wonder why he lied then?..and if he was innocent, why does his boss throw him under tnhe bus? Man, lot of stupid people in the Trump administrations. You'd think they were corrupt. :)
View attachment 333366

Jeez. This isn't even remotely entertaining. Is this the best that the right wing has to offer? No?....
Time for some conservative Viagra.
oh no chicom lover this just the beginning ! this is one of the things that got the attempted treasonous coup started ! much much more not hearsay not rumor but solid documented facts, texts, emails,and witnesses are going to be coming to light ! and when the cowards are cornered they will start ratting on each other !
Yep. Could have predicted this. Trump's bag man at the DOJ has the charges against Flynn dropped and every right winger is wetting themselves. So we've already thrown the rule of law out. What's next? Manufacturing evidence? Abuse of Power? Again, if Flynn is innocent, why make a deal? So what if they wanted to catch him in a lie? All he has to do is tell the truth and he's home free. I wonder why he lied then?..and if he was innocent, why does his boss throw him under the bus? Man, lot of stupid people in the Trump administrations. You'd think they were corrupt. :)
the only evidence that was manufactured was the fake dossier dems got from the russians to illegally get a fisa warrant to spy on the president in an attempted coup ! treason !

Unfortunately, the dossier was initiated by a rival Republican campaign and was not the basis for the FISA warrant. And from what I've seen, the dossier has largely been for the pee pee allegations. And you just know Vlad has that footage somewhere just waiting to leverage it. :)
hillarys campaign paid for the dossier ... and if there were never Trumper Rhinos involved they should face prosecution also !

Except...they didn't...sigh...
Dossier Not What 'Started All of This'
on that you are right what started all of this was an absolute disregard for the constitution and the rule of law combined with an evil lust for power by the left ! the left attempted a coup !treason !
So? There was nothing illegal done.

Yet to be determined. Obstruction of Justice for failure to turn over documents under a court order. Also falsely setting up a Cabinet Official in the FBI's words in order to "get him fired or get him to lie."

Coyote, this stuff is all coming out before the election. Bad for the Dims......
they wanted to turn him against Trump ...they wanted him to lie to hurt the POTUS !

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