New Documentary By and For COVID Vaccine Victims "Anecdotals"


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Heartbreaking stories.

Number of post-vaccination deaths for all vaccines reported to CDC Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, number is now 35,000

Below: Epoch TV: 31,696 COVID Vaccine Death Claims Submitted to CDC’s Reporting System Since 2020: Triple All Other Vaccines Combined Over 30 Years
Fauci is main perp
He warned against fast tracking the vaccine but of course he worked for Trump, not the other way around, so was powerless when Trump threw our tax money at big pharma.

Trump likely ordered fauci not to say anything after the fact just in case it went wrong...and evidently it did.

Hell even the OP has admitted Trump is culpable.

When will we learn socialism doesn't work.
Trump has to be shitting his pants right now. If only he had listened to fauci but he had an election to win so American lives took a back seat. Disgusting.

Can you link where Fauci told Trump not to fast track?
He warned against fast tracking the vaccine but of course he worked for Trump, not the other way around, so was powerless when Trump threw our tax money at big pharma.

Trump likely ordered fauci not to say anything after the fact just in case it went wrong...and evidently it did.

Hell even the OP has admitted Trump is culpable.

When will we learn socialism doesn't work.
Fauci helped perp the covid......and the vaccine he knew was dangerous.....try again
When hundreds of millions of Americans are dead because of the fast-tracked Trump vaccine, that'll really show those damned liberals! We got 'em!
Can you link where Fauci told Trump not to fast track?
I am not privy to what fauci directly told Trump behind closed doors but here are his public remarks and also Trump doubling down on his frantic desire to rush the vaccine as his reelection was coming up.

It will be the same link I showed you before...3 or 4 months ago but I guess it is hard to remember when you post the same thing pretty much every day.

Does it all run together?

“The one thing that you would not want to see with a vaccine is getting an EUA (emergency use authorization) before you have a signal of efficacy,” Fauci told Reuters in a phone interview.

“One of the potential dangers if you prematurely let a vaccine out is that it would make it difficult, if not impossible, for the other vaccines to enroll people in their trial,” Fauci said.

“I would be very worried about using an EUA mechanism for something like a vaccine. It’s very different from plasma therapy,” said Dr. Peter Hotez, an infectious disease expert and vaccine researcher at Baylor College of Medicine."

"Trump had tweeted on Saturday that “deep state” elements at the FDA were delaying progress on drugs and vaccines until after the Nov. 3 election in order to hurt his reelection bid."

Fauci helped perp the covid......and the vaccine he knew was dangerous.....try again
Fauci is an advisor. Trump was president. Will you try to claim Trump was simply a hapless dupe?

Fauci did not know the vaccine was dangerous except in the case of Trump pushing an EUA for political Trump's tweet indicates.

Sadly it wasn't for Trump supporters. He has no fear of losing those; it was for independents and maybe a few moderate democrats. He sold his own dedicated voters out just for some extra votes from people that trumpers generally can't stand.

You should feel like a cuckold if you still support Trump.
Fauci is an advisor. Trump was president. Will you try to claim Trump was simply a hapless dupe?

Fauci did not know the vaccine was dangerous except in the case of Trump pushing an EUA for political Trump's tweet indicates.

Sadly it wasn't for Trump supporters. He has no fear of losing those; it was for independents and maybe a few moderate democrats. He sold his own dedicated voters out just for some extra votes from people that trumpers generally can't stand.

You should feel like a cuckold if you still support Trump.
President cant know everything ...thus advisors duh
I reported Gator guy or whatever the other posters name is as a death by vaccine. You guys know VARES is pretty much worthless? Right?
President cant know everything ...thus advisors duh
Well said. Of course this is based on advice from multiple advisors but sure.

That said, my point is the same. Fauci stated that fast tracking the vaccine was a bad idea...but Trump didn't listen.

He had an election to win yah know.

When do you think the house will open investigations into the creation of the Trump vaccine? Personally I want to know what my tax money was used for. Pfizer and Modena fat cats need to answer questions.

I think Jim Jordan is the man for the job.

Don't you?
I reported Gator guy or whatever the other posters name is as a death by vaccine. You guys know VARES is pretty much worthless? Right?

VAERS did it's job. It tipped regulators doctors and scientists off to the deadliest vaccines in history. If people are dumb enough to believe that there is no link between dropping dead in 48 hours and the experimental shot they just took, that is their problem.

Dr. Peter McCullough: “Beyond Any Shadow of a Doubt,” The Vaccines Are Causing Death”
Democrats deny vaccine injuries happened.

Democrats mandate vaccines and push them on to children while behind the scenes avoid taking themselves.

If you are a good Democrat you need to have had at least 6 jabs. Few have.
He warned against fast tracking the vaccine but of course he worked for Trump, not the other way around, so was powerless when Trump threw our tax money at big pharma.

Trump likely ordered fauci not to say anything after the fact just in case it went wrong...and evidently it did.

Hell even the OP has admitted Trump is culpable.

When will we learn socialism doesn't work.
I've debunked that already. Stop with that nonsense.

Fauci called it the best decision he ever made and is on tape explaining how fast tracking it was perfectly safe.

You want to blame Trump, blame Trump, but acting as if Fauci had no role in this is is complete and utter bullshit.
I've debunked that already. Stop with that nonsense.

Fauci called it the best decision he ever made and is on tape explaining how fast tracking it was perfectly safe.

You want to blame Trump, blame Trump, but acting as if Fauci had no role in this is is complete and utter bullshit.
Oh. Well my bad. I didn't realize you debunked it.

Did you tell tell fauci he didn't say those things he is quoted as saying?
Oh. Well my bad. I didn't realize you debunked it.

Did you tell tell fauci he didn't say those things he is quoted as saying?

Sure, facts don't matter as long as you can blame Trump.

And, I've shown you all of this before. You simply don't want to lose one of your favorite 'gotcha' toys and, therefore, ignore it.

Dishonest and pathetic in equal measure.

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