It's clear; Trump bears some responsibility for SVB failure!

Because, he was so anti-regulation, he put bank depositors at risk. President Obama had the right idea with Dodd-Frank. Trump, however, was a disaster in most things he touched, especially severely weakening bank regulations.

The specific question in this is whether the regulatory rollbacks specifically included dropping reporting requirements. I pulled up and posted their Balance Sheet here, and you can't tell from it out shitty those bonds were performing. PLUS 90% of them had maturity dates of more than 10 years, which is insane.

So someone fucked up buying them like that, and their reporting was based on mark to maturity, not mark to market. What I saw this morning was that the rollbacks DID specifically open that door, and that wouldn't be good. But I looked at two sources only, and it's still early in the process.

But yeah, the insane refusal to regulate the shit CDO, CMO and CDS securities played probably the biggest role in the Meltdown. Those who scream against any regulation don't understand that proper, effective regulation is not the bane of capitalism. It's a CRITICAL COMPONENT of capitalism.
Then so does Biden as he is President and the Democrats had control of the House and with Harris as VP and the tie breaker for any tied Senate votes control of it. They had this from January 20th of 2021 till January 7th 2023 when the 118 Congress was sworn in Biden and the Democrats could have changed those regulations but chose not to.

Because, he was so anti-regulation, he put bank depositors at risk. President Obama had the right idea with Dodd-Frank. Trump, however, was a disaster in most things he touched, especially severely weakening bank regulations.

Not that inflation was through the roof, and interest rates were going up alarmingly. None of this shit would of happened in Joe Biteme would of just left America to be energy independent and inflation around 1.6%. Alas, you morons just had to vote out the guy who made mean tweets.

Because, he was so anti-regulation, he put bank depositors at risk. President Obama had the right idea with Dodd-Frank. Trump, however, was a disaster in most things he touched, especially severely weakening bank regulations.

Four dingbat woke women fucked up SVB, not trump.



Because, he was so anti-regulation, he put bank depositors at risk. President Obama had the right idea with Dodd-Frank. Trump, however, was a disaster in most things he touched, especially severely weakening bank regulations.

Which regulation which was relaxed lead to SVB failing? Just because banking regulations were relaxed doesn't mean that all bank failures after that would have been prevented had those rules not been relaxed.

BTW the other bank that failed (Signature Bank) was Barney Frank's bank the person that helped write the legislation you're talking about. Is it your contention that his bank wasnt following the rules set out in that legislation regardless of whether they were required to by law?

Because, he was so anti-regulation, he put bank depositors at risk. President Obama had the right idea with Dodd-Frank. Trump, however, was a disaster in most things he touched, especially severely weakening bank regulations.

Bidens transitory inflation was the biggest reason for the banks failures ... 4 yrs ago no one could have predicted the speed of the damage to the economy and the war on fossil fuels that the left would carry out .

Because, he was so anti-regulation, he put bank depositors at risk. President Obama had the right idea with Dodd-Frank. Trump, however, was a disaster in most things he touched, especially severely weakening bank regulations.


Frank, as in Barney and the Frank connected to Dodd, sits on the Board of Directors for the failed Signature Bank!!
True story.
And in so many words yesterday, Frank absolved Trump of blame.
True story.

You are an uninformed flailing around super-dupe.
These blame Trump threads by the NWO shillbots and NPCs make Biden look pathetic.

Nothing is biden's fault because he's not calling the shots.

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