New definition of “hate crime”.

Libs feel hatred when things don't go their way and thus whomever caused that must have engaged in some form of "hate violation"
Libs feel hatred when things don't go their way and thus whomever caused that must have engaged in some form of "hate violation"
Lyle Rossiter, a forensic psychiatrist, has them pegged. Liberals are adults who have never matured mentally. When you look at their actions, the way they behave, it is no different than a little child throwing a temper tantrum.
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All the "Russian" stuff is a temper tantrum from participation trophy nitwits who never learned the rigors of real competition, the ups and downs of winning versus losing so when something does not go their way then it must be do to some mythical and impermissible act of hate
Come now, Children. A "hate crime" is a crime that is motivated by animus toward a group that is "protected" under U.S. law, because of gender, race, ethnicity, or religion. In many states, sexual orientation is also protected, as well as "gender identity," and other gender/sex-related conditions.

The insidious factor in the creation of Hate Crimes is that it opens up the possibility (and even likelihood) that if the Feds don't like the outcome of a state prosecution for the underlying crime - say, an aggravated assault - then the Feds can come in and prosecute the VERY SAME ACT under a Civil Rights statute, as a "hate crime."

And they tell us that this is not Constitutionally-prohibited double-jeopardy.

Heterosexual white males don't like "hate crime" laws because they are the only ones who are not "protected."
I do not need their protection but minorities do.
YOU are the minority, not them, idiot.....
I'm a minority? Really? What do you think that you know about me.?? What are the voices in your head telling you today??

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