New definition of “hate crime”.


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2015
Hate crime: [noun]: If a prevailing majority population hates what you are saying or doing and wants to control you by legally preventing you from saying or doing it and attaching corresponding legal penalties to infractions of the pertinent enacted laws, then each of those offending words and/or actions you may say or do constitute a hate crime.

You know, this has happened before, is happening now, and can happen again…
— Spero

Remember. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

If you are against the leftist agenda you will be labelled a hater, racist, xenophobe, and a Nazi.

Hate crime is simply an opinion the far left does not like. Which turns out to be, almost every reasonable statement one could make.
If you are against the leftist agenda you will be labelled a hater, racist, xenophobe, and a Nazi.

Hate crime is simply an opinion the far left does not like. Which turns out to be, almost every reasonable statement one could make.

Past tenths, crazy liberals have already labeled us those things and more. You forgot we want to push granny off a cliff, put blacks back in chains, force women to have 10 babies, and other bat shit crazy nonsense.
What is not a hate crime?

Anything done by anyone with left wing views....
Come now, Children. A "hate crime" is a crime that is motivated by animus toward a group that is "protected" under U.S. law, because of gender, race, ethnicity, or religion. In many states, sexual orientation is also protected, as well as "gender identity," and other gender/sex-related conditions.

The insidious factor in the creation of Hate Crimes is that it opens up the possibility (and even likelihood) that if the Feds don't like the outcome of a state prosecution for the underlying crime - say, an aggravated assault - then the Feds can come in and prosecute the VERY SAME ACT under a Civil Rights statute, as a "hate crime."

And they tell us that this is not Constitutionally-prohibited double-jeopardy.

Heterosexual white males don't like "hate crime" laws because they are the only ones who are not "protected."
"hate crime" = disagreeing with the Democrats

The Democrat Party is appropriately named and at its worst, a Democracy is basically "mob rule". Which is also why they continually claim that "Hillary won the popular vote."

But we are not a Democracy, thank God. We are a constitutional republic.
real legal definition is below and continued at the link for a federal hate crime, but each State has their own hate crime laws, more extensive than the federal gvt's.

18 U.S. Code § 249 - Hate crime acts

  1. U.S. CodeTitle 18Part IChapter 13 › § 249
18 U.S. Code § 249 - Hate crime acts
(a) In General.—
bodily injury to any person or, through the use of fire, a firearm, a dangerous weapon, or an explosive or incendiary device, attempts to cause bodily injury to any person, because of the actual or perceived race, color, religion, or national origin of any person—
shall be imprisoned not more than 10 years, fined in accordance with this title, or both; and
(B) shall be imprisoned for any term of years or for life, fined in accordance with this title, or both, if—
death results from the offense; or
the offense includes kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill.
(2) Offenses involving actual or perceived religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability.—
(A)In general.—Whoever, whether or not acting under color of law, in any circumstance described in subparagraph (B) or paragraph (3), willfully causes bodily injury to any person or, through the use of fire, a firearm, a dangerous weapon, or an explosive or incendiary device, attempts to cause bodily injury to any person, because of the actual or perceived religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability of any person—
shall be imprisoned not more than 10 years, fined in accordance with this title, or both; and
(ii) shall be imprisoned for any term of years or for life, fined in accordance with this title, or both, if—
death results from the offense; or
the offense includes kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill.
"hate crime" = disagreeing with the Democrats

The Democrat Party is appropriately named and at its worst, a Democracy is basically "mob rule". Which is also why they continually claim that "Hillary won the popular vote."

But we are not a Democracy, thank God. We are a constitutional republic.

We are a representative democracy.

And the electoral college is not the definition of representative democracy and we wouldn't be governed by 'mob rule' if the EC went away. Just to clear some things up.
"hate crime" = disagreeing with the Democrats

The Democrat Party is appropriately named and at its worst, a Democracy is basically "mob rule". Which is also why they continually claim that "Hillary won the popular vote."

But we are not a Democracy, thank God. We are a constitutional republic.

We are a representative democracy.

And the electoral college is not the definition of representative democracy and we wouldn't be governed by 'mob rule' if the EC went away. Just to clear some things up.

LOL no we are a republic and the electoral college has saved us from mob rule :itsok:
I have a general comment.

The problem is old, not new, and it comes from the same section of the country----New England, New York, areas originally settled by the Puritans, who declared themselves the Elect of God. They came for religious freedom, but in a forewarning to today...within a generation...they were hanging women on Boston Commons for being Quakers instead of Puritins. (google Mary Dyer)

After another generation, they were burning teenage girls as witches for being silly. Duh.

Being the Elect of God, they deemed themselves morally and intellectually superior to our ancestors---unwashed ancestors--rubes, rustics,'s Deplorables. And they, being smart and us stupid, they assumed the obligation of telling us how to live and what to think.....which, as many have noticed...continues to this day.

The Deplorables of that day told them to Get Fucked, which conceived in these pompous hypocrites and turds...a love of CONTROL which they cherish by genetic inheritance to this day.

The first time they got control of the government---John Adams Presidency---they passed the Sedition Laws---and used them to put people in Jail who criticized the Adams Administration. They even put Ben Franklin's Grandson in jail. They put a man in Jail for nailing a post card to a post in his yard. All it said was "Down with Tyrants."

Thomas Jefferson was disgusted by this early Loon Power Grab to control Free Speech....its one reason he ran against Adams...and beat his ass. First thing Jefferson he did was pardon every person put in Jail for exercising his right of free speech...put in Jail by the the forerunners of the Loons of today's Democratic Party.

We are dealing with the descendants of these Scumbags today. We also told them to Get Fucked....most recently by the election of Don Trump....but they cannot deal with NO, and are trying to take down the president. (They no longer know the Lord, but they still love Control...and they mean to have it.)

We Depolrables didn't put up with it then and we're not going to put up with it again---though...if they can get to Trump and take him down (and they are using any means necessary)....some of us may have go to jail defending our constitutional rights, before we get it straightened out.
"hate crime" = disagreeing with the Democrats

The Democrat Party is appropriately named and at its worst, a Democracy is basically "mob rule". Which is also why they continually claim that "Hillary won the popular vote."

But we are not a Democracy, thank God. We are a constitutional republic.

We are a representative democracy.

And the electoral college is not the definition of representative democracy and we wouldn't be governed by 'mob rule' if the EC went away. Just to clear some things up.

LOL no we are a republic and the electoral college has saved us from mob rule :itsok:

Oh boy. A republic is a representative democracy.

Here, I beg you to help yourself:
What is Representative Democracy? - Definition, Examples, Pros & Cons - Video & Lesson Transcript |

The U.S.
The U.S., of course, is one of the oldest and most stable representative democracies in the world. The U.S. is a federal republic in which a large central government co-exists with smaller state governments. The federal government of the U.S. is set up with three branches: executive (the president), legislative (the House and Senate) and Judicial (the Supreme Court). State and local governments are set up in various ways.
We are a representative democracy.

60% of Americans support legalizing marijuana.

Why isn't it legal in a "democracy?"

You mean a representative democracy? I would assume it's because our representatives haven't legalized it on a federal level as opposed to a direct democracy where the people would ....wait for directly.
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"hate crime" = disagreeing with the Democrats

The Democrat Party is appropriately named and at its worst, a Democracy is basically "mob rule". Which is also why they continually claim that "Hillary won the popular vote."

But we are not a Democracy, thank God. We are a constitutional republic.

We are a representative democracy.

And the electoral college is not the definition of representative democracy and we wouldn't be governed by 'mob rule' if the EC went away. Just to clear some things up.

LOL no we are a republic and the electoral college has saved us from mob rule :itsok:

Oh boy. A republic is a representative democracy.

Here, I beg you to help yourself:
What is Representative Democracy? - Definition, Examples, Pros & Cons - Video & Lesson Transcript |

The U.S.
The U.S., of course, is one of the oldest and most stable representative democracies in the world. The U.S. is a federal republic in which a large central government co-exists with smaller state governments. The federal government of the U.S. is set up with three branches: executive (the president), legislative (the House and Senate) and Judicial (the Supreme Court). State and local governments are set up in various ways.

Go ahead amend the Constitution...oh wait you can't you don't have the votes. :itsok: You lost, its still funny :laugh:
"hate crime" = disagreeing with the Democrats

The Democrat Party is appropriately named and at its worst, a Democracy is basically "mob rule". Which is also why they continually claim that "Hillary won the popular vote."

But we are not a Democracy, thank God. We are a constitutional republic.

We are a representative democracy.

And the electoral college is not the definition of representative democracy and we wouldn't be governed by 'mob rule' if the EC went away. Just to clear some things up.

LOL no we are a republic and the electoral college has saved us from mob rule :itsok:

A republic can be a representative democracy. The terms are not mutually exclusive.

If the president were elected by popular vote, the US would not suddenly be governed by mob rule. The country would still be both a republic and a representative democracy.

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