New Comey-McCabe Emails Suggest CNN And FBI Coordination Over Steele Dossier

Nvm Trump's numerous crimes............ PEOPLE WERE REPORTING ABOUT IT!!! The horrooooooor!!!


Crimes that you can't seem to provide evidence of. Hell, you can't even provide a credible link to a single crime that trump has supposedly committed. Funny that.
Yes and we've all been aware of this going on for years.

Now what will be done, I wonder....

Anderson Cooper was trained by the CIA.

Here we have video of his CIA training that a lot of folks were forced to watch in High School and Junior High, yeah, that was your tax dollars at work, propaganda in training. . . .

‘Deep State’ Veterans find New Homes in Mainstream Media
‘Deep State’ Veterans find New Homes in Mainstream Media

". . . Former CIA analyst and now paid CNN analyst Phil Mudd, who last year caused Cuomo’s show to have to issue a retraction and apology for a completely baseless claim he made on national television asserting that WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange is “a pedophile”, is once again making headlines for suggesting that the FBI is entering into a showdown with the current administration over Trump’s decision to declassify the controversial Nunes memo.

More and more of the outlets from which Americans get their information are being filled not just with garden variety establishment loyalists, but with longstanding members of the U.S. intelligence community. These men got to their positions of power within these deeply sociopathic institutions based on their willingness to facilitate any depravity in order to advance the secret agendas of the U.S. power establishment, and now they’re being paraded in front of mainstream Americans on cable news on a daily basis. The words of these “experts” are consistently taken and reported on by smaller news outlets in print and online media in a way that seeds their authoritative assertions throughout public consciousness.. . "

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