New Comey-McCabe Emails Suggest CNN And FBI Coordination Over Steele Dossier


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Go figure. CNN is more than just fake news


Several new strings have been tacked across the corkboard in the rapidly unraveling 2016 election scandal. Recently obtained FBI emails shed light on what appears to have been high-level coordination between the FBI and CNN surrounding the release of the infamous "Steele" dossier.

In an April leak of the Comey memos, we learned that the former FBI Director briefed then-President-Elect Donald Trump on the dossier on January 6, 2017 after he wrote in a memo that various news outlets - "CNN in particular" - were "looking for a news hook," and would soon be reporting on it.

“I said media like CNN had [the dossier] and were looking for a news hook,” Comey wrote of his interaction with Trump.

CNN, on the other hand, considered Comey's meeting with Trump to have legitimized the document - making it their journalistic responsibility to report on it.

Thus - any coordination between the FBI and CNN surrounding its report on the Steele dossier is highly relevant, since the Jan. 10, 2017 release of the dossier by Buzzfeed immediately after CNN's report - along with the subsequent firing of James Comey on May 9, prompted the launch of special counsel Robert Mueller's ongoing investigation.

CNN's bombshell report on Jan. 10 of last year includes a claim that Comey gave Trump a two-page summary of the dossier - which Comey denies. Regardless, the fact that CNN knew about the Comey-Trump briefing and a specific claim about a two-page memo begs the question; who leaked to CNN?

New FBI emails obtained by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) provide a look behind the scenes surrounding Comey's briefing of Trump, as well as what was discussed after the CNN report - suggesting that former Deputy director Andrew McCabe - who was fired for leaking to the press, had specific knowledge of CNN's plans to publish.

Hours before Comey briefed Trump, FBI chief of staff James Rybicki e-mailed staff that Comey “is coming into HQ briefly now for an update from the sensitive matter team.” Just as the same officials dubbed the Clinton e-mail investigation the “mid-year exam” and the anti-Trump counterintelligence investigation “Crossfire Hurricane,” they also used various phrases using “sensitive” to refer obliquely to the dossier.

Two days after the briefing, on January 8, 2017, former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe, who earlier this year was fired and then referred for criminal prosecution by the DOJ inspector general for repeatedly lying about media leaks, wrote an e-mail to top FBI officials with the subject, “Flood is coming.” -The Federalist

"Flood Is Coming": New Comey-McCabe Emails Suggest CNN And FBI Coordination Over Steele Dossier
Here it comes folks the deep state has a leak....I bet we begin to see flipping and people being tossed under the bus here real soon...dems are cowards....they will flip...
Nvm Trump's numerous crimes............ PEOPLE WERE REPORTING ABOUT IT!!! The horrooooooor!!!

Go figure. CNN is more than just fake news


Several new strings have been tacked across the corkboard in the rapidly unraveling 2016 election scandal. Recently obtained FBI emails shed light on what appears to have been high-level coordination between the FBI and CNN surrounding the release of the infamous "Steele" dossier.

In an April leak of the Comey memos, we learned that the former FBI Director briefed then-President-Elect Donald Trump on the dossier on January 6, 2017 after he wrote in a memo that various news outlets - "CNN in particular" - were "looking for a news hook," and would soon be reporting on it.

“I said media like CNN had [the dossier] and were looking for a news hook,” Comey wrote of his interaction with Trump.

CNN, on the other hand, considered Comey's meeting with Trump to have legitimized the document - making it their journalistic responsibility to report on it.

Thus - any coordination between the FBI and CNN surrounding its report on the Steele dossier is highly relevant, since the Jan. 10, 2017 release of the dossier by Buzzfeed immediately after CNN's report - along with the subsequent firing of James Comey on May 9, prompted the launch of special counsel Robert Mueller's ongoing investigation.

CNN's bombshell report on Jan. 10 of last year includes a claim that Comey gave Trump a two-page summary of the dossier - which Comey denies. Regardless, the fact that CNN knew about the Comey-Trump briefing and a specific claim about a two-page memo begs the question; who leaked to CNN?

New FBI emails obtained by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) provide a look behind the scenes surrounding Comey's briefing of Trump, as well as what was discussed after the CNN report - suggesting that former Deputy director Andrew McCabe - who was fired for leaking to the press, had specific knowledge of CNN's plans to publish.

Hours before Comey briefed Trump, FBI chief of staff James Rybicki e-mailed staff that Comey “is coming into HQ briefly now for an update from the sensitive matter team.” Just as the same officials dubbed the Clinton e-mail investigation the “mid-year exam” and the anti-Trump counterintelligence investigation “Crossfire Hurricane,” they also used various phrases using “sensitive” to refer obliquely to the dossier.

Two days after the briefing, on January 8, 2017, former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe, who earlier this year was fired and then referred for criminal prosecution by the DOJ inspector general for repeatedly lying about media leaks, wrote an e-mail to top FBI officials with the subject, “Flood is coming.” -The Federalist

"Flood Is Coming": New Comey-McCabe Emails Suggest CNN And FBI Coordination Over Steele Dossier
Lol! Didn't we already debunk this one time already today? Boss, you are trailing way behind on the make believe scandals. This was already easily explained. Nothing in this link suggests the FBI supplied CNN with this information. You all are desperate aren't you? Stop reading the Federalist. They are liars and make shit up artists.
Here it comes folks the deep state has a leak....I bet we begin to see flipping and people being tossed under the bus here real soon...dems are cowards....they will flip...
Too late. That story has been debunked.
Nvm Trump's numerous crimes............ PEOPLE WERE REPORTING ABOUT IT!!! The horrooooooor!!!



There are folks on the left on this site that talK about "TRUMP CRIMES" quite regularly, but every time I ask them, never give me an answer or provide a link.

Nvm Trump's numerous crimes............ PEOPLE WERE REPORTING ABOUT IT!!! The horrooooooor!!!



There are folks on the left on this site that tale about "TRUMP CRIMES" quite regularly, but ever time I ask them, never give me an answer or provide a link.

You've been provided multiple links to the guilty pleas, indictments, etc. Bend over and take it, bitch.
Nvm Trump's numerous crimes............ PEOPLE WERE REPORTING ABOUT IT!!! The horrooooooor!!!



There are folks on the left on this site that tale about "TRUMP CRIMES" quite regularly, but ever time I ask them, never give me an answer or provide a link.

You've been provided multiple links to the guilty pleas, indictments, etc. Bend over and take it, bitch.
By Donald Trump?

No I haven't.
New Comey-McCabe Emails Suggest CNN And FBI Coordination Over Steele Dossier is Fake Alt Right Media false news. They are lies. The Alt Right intend to force their neo-fascist antidemocracy agenda on America, and to do that, they need the arch-criminal, Trump, to survive the FBI investigation.

Want to bet Trump and the alt right down?

With Friedman now flipping on Cohen, it will be only a matter of time that Cohen opens the door to the secrets on Trump.
Yes and we've all been aware of this going on for years.

Now what will be done, I wonder....
Go figure. CNN is more than just fake news


Several new strings have been tacked across the corkboard in the rapidly unraveling 2016 election scandal. Recently obtained FBI emails shed light on what appears to have been high-level coordination between the FBI and CNN surrounding the release of the infamous "Steele" dossier.

In an April leak of the Comey memos, we learned that the former FBI Director briefed then-President-Elect Donald Trump on the dossier on January 6, 2017 after he wrote in a memo that various news outlets - "CNN in particular" - were "looking for a news hook," and would soon be reporting on it.

“I said media like CNN had [the dossier] and were looking for a news hook,” Comey wrote of his interaction with Trump.

CNN, on the other hand, considered Comey's meeting with Trump to have legitimized the document - making it their journalistic responsibility to report on it.

Thus - any coordination between the FBI and CNN surrounding its report on the Steele dossier is highly relevant, since the Jan. 10, 2017 release of the dossier by Buzzfeed immediately after CNN's report - along with the subsequent firing of James Comey on May 9, prompted the launch of special counsel Robert Mueller's ongoing investigation.

CNN's bombshell report on Jan. 10 of last year includes a claim that Comey gave Trump a two-page summary of the dossier - which Comey denies. Regardless, the fact that CNN knew about the Comey-Trump briefing and a specific claim about a two-page memo begs the question; who leaked to CNN?

New FBI emails obtained by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) provide a look behind the scenes surrounding Comey's briefing of Trump, as well as what was discussed after the CNN report - suggesting that former Deputy director Andrew McCabe - who was fired for leaking to the press, had specific knowledge of CNN's plans to publish.

Hours before Comey briefed Trump, FBI chief of staff James Rybicki e-mailed staff that Comey “is coming into HQ briefly now for an update from the sensitive matter team.” Just as the same officials dubbed the Clinton e-mail investigation the “mid-year exam” and the anti-Trump counterintelligence investigation “Crossfire Hurricane,” they also used various phrases using “sensitive” to refer obliquely to the dossier.

Two days after the briefing, on January 8, 2017, former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe, who earlier this year was fired and then referred for criminal prosecution by the DOJ inspector general for repeatedly lying about media leaks, wrote an e-mail to top FBI officials with the subject, “Flood is coming.” -The Federalist

"Flood Is Coming": New Comey-McCabe Emails Suggest CNN And FBI Coordination Over Steele Dossier

"Flood is coming"

Well that sure is a smoking gun........

Too late. That story has been debunked.

In the meantime, I'll share the laugh with you at the expense of the OP in saying that no coordination exists. The article never points to any coordination. But ha, while your laughing your ass off, please link the exact quotes of their being concrete coordination between CNN and FBI. And when you do, make sure it makes sense. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Now wouldn't that be a laugh if that were to happen?

Oh, and by the way, once again we find you aren't really debating anything that includes any substance.
In the meantime, I'll share the laugh with you at the expense of the OP in saying that no coordination exists. The article never points to any coordination. But ha, while your laughing your ass off, please link the exact quotes of their being concrete coordination between CNN and FBI. And when you do, make sure it makes sense. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Now wouldn't that be a laugh?
In the meantime, I'll share the laugh with you at the expense of the OP in saying that no coordination exists. The article never points to any coordination. But ha, while your laughing your ass off, please link the exact quotes of their being concrete coordination between CNN and FBI. And when you do, make sure it makes sense. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Now wouldn't that be a laugh?
You didn't provide the quotes. Thanks for admitting you were lying as well. My goodness do these Sheep know how to lie. But it is easy to catch this crowd telling them though.
Yes and we've all been aware of this going on for years.
Folks, here's another lie.
No, you are lying.

Everybody who posts here knows we've been saying for years that the leftist media is nothing more than the propaganda branch of US communists who call themselves democrats.

When we first started ringing that bell, every thread that affirmed that the media was corrupt, dishonest, and bigoted was sunk in conspiracy theories..this was before there was a rubber room.
Ten years ago the leftist scum on this site proclaimed "Insanity!" "Rube!" "Liar!" whenever anybody suggested there was severe media bias.
In the meantime, I'll share the laugh with you at the expense of the OP in saying that no coordination exists. The article never points to any coordination. But ha, while your laughing your ass off, please link the exact quotes of their being concrete coordination between CNN and FBI. And when you do, make sure it makes sense. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Now wouldn't that be a laugh?
You didn't provide the quotes. Thanks for admitting you were lying as well. My goodness do these Sheep know how to lie. But it is easy to catch this crowd telling them though.
You're a liar, and now you will be an ignored liar.

Oh wait, you're already an ignored liar hahaha. Ok back to ignoreland you go.
Hmm, those two out in the open calling others what are they themselves in spades.

Oh, well. Absolutely no objective, factual evidence exists to support the OP.

End of story.

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