New Christendom

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Nathan doesn’t care about Christianity. It is all about his racist fantasies.

And his are the same as what I have been hearing for decades. But they will never do a damned thing. He and a few friends get together in someone’s garage or “man cave” and talk about this crap.

Without Christ, the White Race is just another mundane tribe. Without the White Race, Christianity would never have become a world-religion.

Christianity was started by people who are not white, including the messiah you worship.

Greeks and Jews.... Later, Romans and Germans.... The point is the Paraclete took Christianity to Europe, not Africa or Asia, in major ways. It was all about EUROPEAN MAN.

Again, study your history. Matthew was martyred in Ethiopia, and Thomas went to India. Those who went out to share the word went to places they could reach easily and where the greatest numbers were.
Nathan doesn’t care about Christianity. It is all about his racist fantasies.

And his are the same as what I have been hearing for decades. But they will never do a damned thing. He and a few friends get together in someone’s garage or “man cave” and talk about this crap.

Without Christ, the White Race is just another mundane tribe. Without the White Race, Christianity would never have become a world-religion.

Christianity was started by people who are not white, including the messiah you worship.

Greeks and Jews.... Later, Romans and Germans.... The point is the Paraclete took Christianity to Europe, not Africa or Asia, in major ways. It was all about EUROPEAN MAN.

Again, study your history. Matthew was martyred in Ethiopia, and Thomas went to India. Those who went out to share the word went to places they could reach easily and where the greatest numbers were.

I doubt they did. But, for the sake of argument, neither venture amounted to anything. Only when Paul went to Greece, and then Rome, did the formation of The Second Chosen commence.
Nathan doesn’t care about Christianity. It is all about his racist fantasies.

And his are the same as what I have been hearing for decades. But they will never do a damned thing. He and a few friends get together in someone’s garage or “man cave” and talk about this crap.

Without Christ, the White Race is just another mundane tribe. Without the White Race, Christianity would never have become a world-religion.
Without the White Race, Christianity would never have become a world-religion.
The devil is a liar...As it is written

That would include Obama. He was the most egregious liar we ever had as POTUS.
I'm certainly not trying to recruit you, Avatar. I hope to reach someone, somewhere, someday, who will connect strongly with my message. At least I can leave this life knowing I tried. Instead of swallowing the standard fare of Political Correctness/Cultural Marxism, I fought back. I told the truth. You, on the other hand, have helped slit the throat of the White Christian Nation. How does it feel, Avatar? How does treason feel?

In order to commit treason I would have to have been committed to the white nation. As such a thing doesn’t exist, treason would be impossible.

I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I’ve been called by Him to preach the gospel to all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people.

God is no respecter of persons. He does not care what color skin you have. He cares about who you are and what you do to your brethren.

Because of Him all men black or white, bond or free will rise from the dead.

I know this to be true. But the beauty of the Lord is you don’t have to take my word for it. You can learn for yourself whether my testimony is true by humbling yourself before The Father and calling upon Him in the name of Christ. If you do that with sincerity and a desire to serve Him no matter the answer, He will show you it’s true by the power of the Holy Ghost.

He loves you Nathan. You don’t have to keep living in fear

What makes you think God loves this schmuck? He's lying in the name of the Lord, inciting hatred, fear, and violence.

If scripture is true, God hates his guts..

"But he who sets aside even the least of these commands, and teaches others to do the same, will be called the least in the kingdom of heaven."

To understand what Jesus meant by saying "the least", see genesis 3:14

Because He died for his sins.

Avatar, you're not being very CHRISTIAN. You're preaching hatred against me.

By telling people Christ loves you?


Look how unkind you can be. You should be ashamed of yourself. BTW, when are you moving down to the southern border, to help the "Caravan" storm across the border?
"But according to His promise we are looking for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells." -- 2 Peter 3:13

"To commit sin is to break Gods law; sin, in fact, is lawlessness. Christ appeared, as you know, to do away with sins, and there is no sin in him. No man therefore who dwells in him is a sinner. The sinner has not seen him and does not know him.

My children,do not be misled. It is the man who does right that is righteous as God is righteous; the man who sins is a child of the devil, for the devil has been a sinner from the first; and the Son of God appeared for the very purpose of undoing the devils work.

A child of God does not commit sin, because the divine seed remains in him; he cannot be a sinner, because he is God's child. That is the distinction between the children of God and the children of the devil: no one who does not do what is right is Gods child, nor is anyone who does not love his brother." 1 John 3;4-10

"A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will perish."
Proverbs 19:9
Nathan doesn’t care about Christianity. It is all about his racist fantasies.

And his are the same as what I have been hearing for decades. But they will never do a damned thing. He and a few friends get together in someone’s garage or “man cave” and talk about this crap.

Without Christ, the White Race is just another mundane tribe. Without the White Race, Christianity would never have become a world-religion.

Christianity was started by people who are not white, including the messiah you worship.

Greeks and Jews.... Later, Romans and Germans.... The point is the Paraclete took Christianity to Europe, not Africa or Asia, in major ways. It was all about EUROPEAN MAN.

Again, study your history. Matthew was martyred in Ethiopia, and Thomas went to India. Those who went out to share the word went to places they could reach easily and where the greatest numbers were.

I doubt they did. But, for the sake of argument, neither venture amounted to anything. Only when Paul went to Greece, and then Rome, did the formation of The Second Chosen commence.

You can doubt all you want. They had a lasting impact.
What makes you think God loves this schmuck? He's lying in the name of the Lord, inciting hatred, fear, and violence.

If scripture is true, God hates his guts..

"But he who sets aside even the least of these commands, and teaches others to do the same, will be called the least in the kingdom of heaven."

To understand what Jesus meant by saying "the least", see genesis 3:14

Because He does for his sins.

"He who does not dwell in me is thrown away like a withered branch. The withered branches are heaped together, (we this and we that) thrown on the fire, (we are going extinct, the end is near, etc) and consumed."

John 3:16
1 John 4:19

2 Kings 2:23-24

That literally has no bearing on this conversation

Why not? I interpret it to mean I have God's authorization to fight for the establishment of New Christendom. Who is to say my interpretation is wrong?
Without Christ, the White Race is just another mundane tribe. Without the White Race, Christianity would never have become a world-religion.

Christianity was started by people who are not white, including the messiah you worship.

Greeks and Jews.... Later, Romans and Germans.... The point is the Paraclete took Christianity to Europe, not Africa or Asia, in major ways. It was all about EUROPEAN MAN.

Again, study your history. Matthew was martyred in Ethiopia, and Thomas went to India. Those who went out to share the word went to places they could reach easily and where the greatest numbers were.

I doubt they did. But, for the sake of argument, neither venture amounted to anything. Only when Paul went to Greece, and then Rome, did the formation of The Second Chosen commence.

You can doubt all you want. They had a lasting impact.

The biggest problem with the idea of this great race war is that the majority of whites will not participate.

Nathan's claims that it is religious is nature is a farce. And the people know this. Christianity is a religion that preaches peace and love. To try to twist that into a call to arms to slaughter people based on race is not going to happen.

Let's be honest. Nathan's idea is based on race, not religion. And the population of the US is not going to go along with that. In the 1940s and 1950s, the KKK and other groups operated without fear of prosecution. Hell, law enforcement was often in on it. That is no longer the case. The days where the white population was afraid to speak out against the KKK is long gone. Look at the white supremacist rallies. The opposition almost always outnumbers them by a huge margin. And a large part of that opposition is white. The idea that economic downturns will shift that sentiment is laughable.

Nathan doesn’t care about Christianity. It is all about his racist fantasies.

And his are the same as what I have been hearing for decades. But they will never do a damned thing. He and a few friends get together in someone’s garage or “man cave” and talk about this crap.

Without Christ, the White Race is just another mundane tribe. Without the White Race, Christianity would never have become a world-religion.

And I am still willing to bet that in another 10 years, you and your ilk will still be threatening this future race war. And still not doing anything but talking.

No middle-class will ever forsake its material comforts. That's what makes the middle-class impotent. As I said, we won't take up arms until we've been totally dispossessed. Only then will we fight. Our superior education will make us unstoppable. As long as we're materially comfortable, however, we won't do anything. My mission is to raise the collective consciousness of the White Christian Nation, so that when that time comes -- and it's coming -- they'll remember what I advised.

P.S., Andrew Berwick, author, 2083: A Declaration of European Independence, estimated that 40 years would pass from the time of his uprising (1990s) until Europeans would actually drive Islam out of Europe. That tells me we have something along the lines of 20 to 30 years. I'll be long gone by then.

Frank Zappa ate his own shit on stage at a rock concert. Good pick, Hob.
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From the malaise of the West's current self-destruction will arise a great champion of the White Christian Nation. He will be a classic poet-warrior, and most importantly, a hardcore disciple of The White Christ. He will rise up, indeed like a phoenix, above the ash and cinder of our shattered world -- the world our European, Christian forefathers built so painstakingly, over the course of nearly two millennia. Receiving a special calling from God Himself, he will marshal the White Christian Nation for war, and lead us into mortal combat with The Heathen. Countless rivers of blood will flow, carrying off dead bodies by the millions.

Any White Christian who will not join this holy crusade, will die at the hands of The Heathen, he who will see before him a mere White person, the despised enemy of anyone of color, or a mere Christian, the despised enemy of Bolshevik-Jews. The Heathen will forget about the passionate civil-rights rhetoric these White Christian pacifists once spewed in the public square, betraying their own people and God, shamelessly aiding and abetting the enemy. Too busy fighting The Heathen's dark armies, the White Christian Nation will not be able to rescue these traitors, even though we would want to, in as much as they are still White Christians -- confused yes, but still our brothers and sisters.

In due time, through much blood, courage and sacrifice, the White Christ's armies will prove unstoppable. Let us pray, Brothers and Sisters, that our future leader is listening now, watching now, making ready now, to pick up his sword, assume command and soak the ground with the Devil's blood.




You admit you haven’t been called by God. So your prophecy isn’t from Him. Who do you think it’s from?

I know I've been called by God; but remember, Avatar, I'm not trying to win you over. You're a lost cause. Worse yet -- you're part of the problem. You're a dangerously naive Christian, who actively promotes the downfall of the White Christian Nation. You've invited thousands of Somali savages to trash what should be forever a solidly White state, and now you're preaching more multi-culturalism online.

I’m preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is gathering all nations and people into one as prophecied.

“By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” John 13:35

“Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.

“But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;” Matthew 5:43-44

If you think Christianity teaches hate, violence, or racism you are missing its message

Look at you. You're accusing me. What does the Bible say about those who ACCUSE???? What about that "plank" in your own eye???? HYPOCRITE.......

They do if they seek refuge from the evils of the world and will dwell in peace

If you're White, Avatar, you're a traitor. Your brand of Christianity is a death-warrant. NO THANK YOU.

His brand? As opposed to your brand of slaughtering tens of thousands? Sorry, but your brand is not Christianity. It is using false religion to control the masses.

HISTORY, WB... History.... What about the Crusades? What about the Reconquista? Talk to me, Steel.
Nathan doesn’t care about Christianity. It is all about his racist fantasies.

And his are the same as what I have been hearing for decades. But they will never do a damned thing. He and a few friends get together in someone’s garage or “man cave” and talk about this crap.

Without Christ, the White Race is just another mundane tribe. Without the White Race, Christianity would never have become a world-religion.

Christianity was started by people who are not white, including the messiah you worship.

Greeks and Jews.... Later, Romans and Germans.... The point is the Paraclete took Christianity to Europe, not Africa or Asia, in major ways. It was all about EUROPEAN MAN.

Humans made the decision where to go. God told us to love our fellow man. Which are you following?

God was in charge. Perhaps He thought it might be a good idea to introduce the TRUTH to the barbarians of central Africa and India. They rejected it, as the Jews did when they murdered Jesus. Anyway, EUROPEAN MAN embraced it, and became the New Chosen.
Without Christ, the White Race is just another mundane tribe. Without the White Race, Christianity would never have become a world-religion.

And I am still willing to bet that in another 10 years, you and your ilk will still be threatening this future race war. And still not doing anything but talking.

No middle-class will ever forsake its material comforts. That's what makes the middle-class impotent. As I said, we won't take up arms until we've been totally dispossessed. Only then will we fight. Our superior education will make us unstoppable. As long as we're materially comfortable, however, we won't do anything. My mission is to raise the collective consciousness of the White Christian Nation, so that when that time comes -- and it's coming -- they'll remember what I advised.

You won’t forsake your comforts either

What good would my self-sacrifice at this point do for The Cause? Very little.... I would go to prison, never to be heard from again. No, I can accomplish much more while free, in society at large. Besides, the entire campaign is still in the consciousness-raising phase. BTW, Avatar, they need you down at the U.S.-Mexico border right now. When the immigrant-caravan arrives, the Left will need as many volunteers it can get to help illegals infiltrate the U.S. Get moving, Avatar. Those poor, 4,000 illegals from Honduras need you.

How would sacrificing your material comforts send you to prison?

And why would you expect others to do what you won’t?

Pick up the pace, Avatar. Keep up. I'm not taking up arms right now, because the timing for such action is way off. Timing, timing, timing.... We're still in the beginning phases of the struggle. Now is the time for consciousness-raising. Combat will take shape only when the White middle-class is physically driven into the streets by the Browns and Blacks, under the leadership of Bolshevik-Jews. Only THEN will we fight as an army, however unorganized, at first.
Nathan doesn’t care about Christianity. It is all about his racist fantasies.

And his are the same as what I have been hearing for decades. But they will never do a damned thing. He and a few friends get together in someone’s garage or “man cave” and talk about this crap.

Without Christ, the White Race is just another mundane tribe. Without the White Race, Christianity would never have become a world-religion.

Christianity was started by people who are not white, including the messiah you worship.

Greeks and Jews.... Later, Romans and Germans.... The point is the Paraclete took Christianity to Europe, not Africa or Asia, in major ways. It was all about EUROPEAN MAN.

Again, study your history. Matthew was martyred in Ethiopia, and Thomas went to India. Those who went out to share the word went to places they could reach easily and where the greatest numbers were.

Right.... It was known as the "Pax Romana", e.g., the civilized, EUROPEAN world. If Mat and Tom chose to wander off to such hell-holes as Ethiopia and India, they weren't thinking straight. Ethiopians are in the Bible, in fact, as a form of punishment upon God's children -- Ethiopian invaders. India is a particularly miserable hell-hole. Indians, the great 'masters of math', bathe in and drink from the same Ganges River in which people defecate and urinate. I always suspected algebra was useless.
Avatar, your Somali guests will someday kick the door of your house in, rape your woman, kidnap her and your kids, and saw off your head. Minnesota snow will turn pink with your blood. Deport them, while there's still time. Send them to Jew York, where they'll be welcome and fattened up as future gladiators.
Nathan doesn’t care about Christianity. It is all about his racist fantasies.

And his are the same as what I have been hearing for decades. But they will never do a damned thing. He and a few friends get together in someone’s garage or “man cave” and talk about this crap.

Without Christ, the White Race is just another mundane tribe. Without the White Race, Christianity would never have become a world-religion.

Christianity was started by people who are not white, including the messiah you worship.

Greeks and Jews.... Later, Romans and Germans.... The point is the Paraclete took Christianity to Europe, not Africa or Asia, in major ways. It was all about EUROPEAN MAN.

Again, study your history. Matthew was martyred in Ethiopia, and Thomas went to India. Those who went out to share the word went to places they could reach easily and where the greatest numbers were.

I doubt they did. But, for the sake of argument, neither venture amounted to anything. Only when Paul went to Greece, and then Rome, did the formation of The Second Chosen commence.

The second chosen? No where in recorded history does the second chosen even occur
Without Christ, the White Race is just another mundane tribe. Without the White Race, Christianity would never have become a world-religion.

Christianity was started by people who are not white, including the messiah you worship.

Greeks and Jews.... Later, Romans and Germans.... The point is the Paraclete took Christianity to Europe, not Africa or Asia, in major ways. It was all about EUROPEAN MAN.

Again, study your history. Matthew was martyred in Ethiopia, and Thomas went to India. Those who went out to share the word went to places they could reach easily and where the greatest numbers were.

I doubt they did. But, for the sake of argument, neither venture amounted to anything. Only when Paul went to Greece, and then Rome, did the formation of The Second Chosen commence.

The second chosen? No where in recorded history does the second chosen even occur

It happens in the imagination of those, like Nathan, who need to justify his hatred & bloodlust.
In order to commit treason I would have to have been committed to the white nation. As such a thing doesn’t exist, treason would be impossible.

I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I’ve been called by Him to preach the gospel to all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people.

God is no respecter of persons. He does not care what color skin you have. He cares about who you are and what you do to your brethren.

Because of Him all men black or white, bond or free will rise from the dead.

I know this to be true. But the beauty of the Lord is you don’t have to take my word for it. You can learn for yourself whether my testimony is true by humbling yourself before The Father and calling upon Him in the name of Christ. If you do that with sincerity and a desire to serve Him no matter the answer, He will show you it’s true by the power of the Holy Ghost.

He loves you Nathan. You don’t have to keep living in fear

What makes you think God loves this schmuck? He's lying in the name of the Lord, inciting hatred, fear, and violence.

If scripture is true, God hates his guts..

"But he who sets aside even the least of these commands, and teaches others to do the same, will be called the least in the kingdom of heaven."

To understand what Jesus meant by saying "the least", see genesis 3:14

Because He died for his sins.

Avatar, you're not being very CHRISTIAN. You're preaching hatred against me.

By telling people Christ loves you?


Look how unkind you can be. You should be ashamed of yourself. BTW, when are you moving down to the southern border, to help the "Caravan" storm across the border?
If telling you the Father loves you is unkind, I must be a super saint
"But according to His promise we are looking for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells." -- 2 Peter 3:13

"To commit sin is to break Gods law; sin, in fact, is lawlessness. Christ appeared, as you know, to do away with sins, and there is no sin in him. No man therefore who dwells in him is a sinner. The sinner has not seen him and does not know him.

My children,do not be misled. It is the man who does right that is righteous as God is righteous; the man who sins is a child of the devil, for the devil has been a sinner from the first; and the Son of God appeared for the very purpose of undoing the devils work.

A child of God does not commit sin, because the divine seed remains in him; he cannot be a sinner, because he is God's child. That is the distinction between the children of God and the children of the devil: no one who does not do what is right is Gods child, nor is anyone who does not love his brother." 1 John 3;4-10

"A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will perish."
Proverbs 19:9

So how do you think you’ll be punished?
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